(As for Mingchao's plot, I just want to be away from Changli. I won't write about other plots for now. There's nothing much to write about. Mingchao's copywriting is now just a refreshing article. If you don't play the game, you won't understand it. If you play the game and read the plot 'I personally lead the army', then you can. The plot of Genshin Impact will kill a lot of people, and the scattered soldiers will be killed.)

With his feet on the snow-covered ground, Yakumo Bai carefully sensed

There is only a little bright fire of life in the village, and no other breath of life.

Although the little flame of life was stronger and brighter than that of an ordinary person, it was constantly dissipating, and life was constantly fading away.

Not fast, not fatal, but will shorten your life

After making sure that the other party couldn't beat him, Yakumo Bai then opened a gap and walked in with confidence.

In the dark and cold cellar——————

Little Chang Li curled up in a corner, the tears on her face had long been dried by her own resonance ability and turned into shallow tear marks.

The village was invaded by the afterimages, and she was hidden in the cellar by everyone, and then she heard screams and roars

(I forgot the specific plot, but I remember that the afterimage tide invaded Changli and he hid in the cellar, and then he started his wandering journey)

She obviously has the ability to empathize, but she can't do anything, wuwuwu....

Just as Changli buried his little face between his legs and sobbed softly

She didn't notice that a 'space crack' was slowly opening up beside her.

(Gap > Space > Space Shock > or = Space-related ability)

Yakumo Bai poked his head out from the gap. Although the cellar was very dark, it had no effect on him.

Looking at the little girl curled up beside him, not even daring to cry, he looked at her red and white peach-dyed hair.

And the ends of the hair are shaped like the tail feathers of a red bird

Looks a little familiar!

It seems like she is my wife!


It seems to be a long distance, not sure, let's take a look

(I don’t know her original name, it’s not mentioned in the plot, Changli’s name was given by her master, so this is the only name she can use)

After being sad for a long time, Chang Li cheered up. She sniffed and raised her head to face the reality.

She saw a pair of sparkling golden eyes in front of her.




Startled, Chang Li leaned back in panic, but there was a wall behind her, and a dull thud was heard.

Chang Li's face instantly wore a mask of pain. He squatted on the ground with his hands on his head, and let out a cute cry of pain.

"Forehead..., are you okay?"

There were tears in Changli's eyes. She raised her little face slightly when she heard the question coming from her ear.

The dark cellar was now bright.

She looked at Yakumo Bai standing in front of her, and for a moment she even forgot the pain on the back of her head.

"good....So beautiful"

I can only say that the appearance of Yakumo Bai, a smaller version of Yakumo Yukari, is completely charming in other worlds except in Gensokyo.

As for why it doesn't work in Gensokyo, I can only say that it's all thanks to Yakumo Yukari who did too many good things.

I can't like any monsters or gods except Yakumoku and Yuyuko at all.

The appearance of Yakumo Bai and Yakumo Yukari is exactly the same, the only difference is

He is a man, and because his life is not hard at all, he looks even more innocent.

Yakumo Bai looked at Changli's shining eyes, and with a smile on his face, he stretched out his right hand to Changli and said,"Are you okay?"

Chang Li stared blankly at the blonde 'little girl' standing in front of her with her back to the light. She blankly stretched out her hand and placed it on the palm of Yakumo Bai's right hand.

Yakumo Bai held Changli's right hand, then pulled Changli in front of him with a little force.

"My name is Yakumo Shiro, what's your name?"


Chang Li looked at the blonde 'little girl' in front of her. She didn't know why she felt her heart beating so fast.

Her earlobes turned slightly red, and she responded in a low voice:"Chang...Long Li..."

(No way, I really don’t know Changli’s name, this is the only way)

"Changli! What a nice name. Do you want to come with me?"

"Follow you..., where are you going?" Chang Li asked in a low voice, and looked at Yakumo Bai curiously.

"Of course we have to leave here. Changli, do you want to stay in the cellar forever?"

Chang Li shook her head slightly when she heard this. She looked at Yakumo Bai and said with trepidation,"I! I want to go out and see the village....In the village..."

Hearing this, Yakumo Bai was silent for a moment. He recalled the story of Changli's childhood.

Changli's parents are not mentioned. She grew up eating at many families' houses in the village.

The people in this village are all very kind to her, as can be seen from the afterimage tide invading the village and Changli being hidden in a fireproof cellar.

It is easy to imagine how much Changli feels about this village. If she knew that there was no other survivor in this village except her,

How much of a blow was this to her?

"are you sure?"

Chang Li bit his lip and nodded earnestly,"Yes! I! I want to go out! I want to see everyone! Even if! Even if!"

Chang Li's voice trembled. Although she was only six years old, she was not one of those ignorant children. She knew the horror of the afterimage tide.

But she still held on to a faint hope. perhaps..., maybe there are other people who survived like her?

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