"Purify it".

Even though the monster in front of him had been forcibly controlled by Lu Li, it was still a difficult task.

The reason was of course because it was too big.

With Kikyo's spiritual power, even if she squeezed herself dry again like when she first went to Zishan, she could never open a fist-sized gap in this wall made of monster flesh and blood.

This is probably the advantage of being big enough - the loser is really a loser, and has no courage to fight or belief in victory. But even 30,000 pigs running around the mountains and plains can hinder tens of thousands of troops for at least three days.

And now, in front of this"city monster" that is at least tens of thousands or even hundreds of thousands of times her size, Kikyo is really helpless.

"No, it's impossible"

"It is impossible to purify a monster of this magnitude with my own strength alone."

This is not self-deprecation, nor is it to boost the enemy's morale and destroy one's own prestige. It is a reasonable judgment based on the actual situation.

In order to know what can be done, one must first know what cannot be done.

Now, Kikyo clearly knows that her power is limited. Even if she tries her best, she will never be able to shake the monster in front of her.

But when she secretly glanced at Lu Li, she found that the other party had no intention of taking action. He just stood there motionless, showing an extremely bored look.

"My strength is not enough"

"My brother has no intention of helping."

"That is to say, Senior Brother thinks. Is there a way to defeat this monster in front of me with my weak strength?"The little witch was not stupid.

She immediately understood the hope that Lu Li placed on her - this was her first time to slay a demon, and if she could solve this behemoth in front of her by herself, it would undoubtedly greatly increase her self-confidence.

This would be good for her future.

As for how she should solve this dilemma that was not much different from hitting a rock with an egg?

"Let's try it."

Looking at the demonized Edo Castle in front of her, Kikyo suddenly thought of a weakness in it.

A fatal weakness.


This is the first"theory" that the young witch learned after she became the old witch's apprentice. It is also common sense that every demon hunter should know.

""Monsters have weaknesses."

This sounds like nonsense.

After all, monsters are never invincible. Even powerful monsters can fail and die.

But the true meaning of this sentence is never to defeat monsters head-on.

To be more precise, this sentence should be translated like this:

"Every monster is born from fear, and its mission is to spread fear."

"‘Fear is their source of power"

"But at the same time, that is also their biggest weakness."

For example, the legendary Shuten-doji, who was known for his love of wine and beautiful women. In the end, he died from wine and beautiful women.

To deal with monsters, you only need to understand the fear they carry. And find a way to destroy this"fear", then the monster will naturally disappear.

"Now, here comes the problem"

"What is the fear that caused the birth of this monster?"

The little witch raised her head and looked at the demonized city in front of her that was struggling to survive under the red lightning. Even though her whole body was trembling, it still did not fall apart.

The answer to this question had actually been revealed by Lu Li.

"The reluctance of a loser"


It was a struggle that was destined to not see the future.

It was a resistance in desperation by those who were destined to be defeated by fate.

A ruler named Uesugi Asaoki, after realizing that he was about to be replaced by a new force, turned into a demon.

He spent a lot of money and asked the Yin-Yang master in Kyoto to build this demonized city. He also trapped the people who walked into this city with beautiful dreams, trying to use this method to keep the people of Musashi forever and keep his supreme authority forever.

——But, alas.

False things cannot become true, and dead things can never trap the living who are destined to move towards the future.

"What it fears is the loss of power, the departure of its people, and the cessation of its country."

"So, I don't need to defeat this monster in front of me"

"I just need to wake up the humans in Edo Castle."

Thinking of this, the little witch no longer hesitated. She directly picked up the bow and arrow she had been carrying and pulled the bowstring to its full length.

There was no doubt that she knew that even if she tried her best, this arrow would not be able to penetrate the wall made of monster flesh and blood.

But it didn't matter.

It didn't matter whether the arrow could get in or not.

What really mattered was the longing placed on the arrow.


"Wake up"

"It’s time to wake up"


It was a dream.

A beautiful dream.

There was no dark night in the dream, and no scary monsters.

People living in the dream could drink and have fun even at night, and indulge in revelry.

The dream was so beautiful that no one would want to wake up from it if possible.

But it was still a dream.

It was a dream, which meant that it would be broken sooner or later.


"It's time to wake up, Feng."

The first one to wake up was a little girl named Feng.

She heard her sister's call in her beautiful dream, and she woke up subconsciously.

——Then, she screamed.

Compared with the beautiful reality, this world was so cruel. Looking at the hideous and terrifying monsters, the little girl was almost scared out of her wits.

At this moment, she suddenly realized that she was not living in a beautiful city, but in a man-eating devil's cave.

"Help, help!……"

The instinct of survival made her scream continuously.

Her screams woke up more people, and then more screams came.

"Get away from here"

"Get away from here"

"Get away from here"


More and more people are awakening, more and more people are witnessing terrible things, and more and more people are trying to escape from this city built with monsters' flesh and blood.

——Then, the city collapsed.

When people lose their hearts, power will naturally collapse.

And in the ruins, people who should be celebrating their survival clearly saw a red and white figure.

"That is……"


PS: Thanks to [0106..|】Monthly ticket support.

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