In the world of monsters, there is such a kind of monsters: they are contrary to common sense. Even the weakest monsters are not afraid of the sun and can live freely under the scorching sun.

But at the same time, they are very weak, so weak that even unarmed humans can easily defeat them.

And, difficulty in moving is another notable feature of them. Some monsters, even though they have experienced thousands of years and accumulated demonic power comparable to that of big monsters, are limited by their innate deficiencies and cannot leave their place of growth. Their performance is even worse than that of ordinary little monsters.

""Plant monsters."

This is the general term for this type of monster.

In this country where mountains, rivers, grasses and trees can all become spirits, every flower and tree has the potential to grow into a monster.

Now, imagine this.

If you can find some vegetable monsters - such as eggplants, cabbages, or cucumber spirits, tomato spirits and the like, and then"plant" them in this farmland,

"In that case, I don't even have to move my hands, I can just wait for them to bear fruit on their own?"

"I can even let them pick their own food and carry the food they produce to the mountain in baskets."


Thinking of this, Lu Li's eyes suddenly burst into a fiery light.

——At this moment, he was convinced that he was born to be the master of all ghosts.

No, perhaps it should be said in a more precise way:

"The king of plants!"

"Yes, I want to be the king of plants!"


With a new goal, Lu Li ignited his fighting spirit.

This was the first time since he traveled through time that he was so eager to complete something.

——He suddenly felt that this era of demons running everywhere didn't seem so bad.

But at the same time, Kikyo, who had always been full of fighting spirit, now had no energy at all.

The little witch who returned to the Zishan Temple didn't want to do anything. She yawned and went back to her room, sleeping all day.

"So lazy."

The next morning.

The sun had penetrated the thick mist and was shining into the room.

But the little witch lying on the tatami was still unwilling to get up.

After a whole day of rest, her physical strength had recovered and she was fully capable of another long journey.

But her spirit was still sluggish, as if she was still sinking in the previous disaster and had not yet fully awakened.

"Senior Brother."

At night, after staying in bed all day, Kikyo finally got up from the bed. She came to the wing room, holding a bowl of steaming rice porridge, but her face did not show any appetite.

It was obvious that she was worried. And this worry was clearly written on her face.

"It's so hard to be a shrine maiden."

She seemed to be complaining, and also seemed to be blaming herself.

She originally thought that being a shrine maiden was actually a very simple job - just need to fight against demons and prevent them.

But after the previous battle, and after saving those humans. She suddenly realized that the meaning of the existence of the"shrine maiden" job is not as simple as"fighting against demons".

"Exterminating demons is only part of the shrine maiden's job"

"More importantly, the shrine maidens also carry people's hopes."

The shrine maidens, also known as the children of the gods, are the spokespersons of the gods in the world.

In the eyes of ordinary people, the shrine maidens who can communicate with the gods are themselves part of the gods.

Therefore, they put their hopes, or those unrealistic"fantasies" that can only be realized through dreams, on the shrine maidens.

——These visions made Kikyo feel a little breathless.

Lu Li said that he could understand this kind of pressure.

Everyone with a strong sense of responsibility will feel this kind of pressure - they will say that the rise and fall of the world is the responsibility of every man; they will say that the affairs of the world are in my hands, and who dares not obey my orders.

Now, it is obvious that Kikyo is such a person.

In fact, she can indeed become such a person in the future.

But the development of reality is always beyond people's expectations.

The old witch who should have been responsible for guiding the little witch's practice went to Kyoto more than two months ago and has not returned yet.

In addition to her, there is no other demon-killing force in the entire Musashi Kingdom that can shoulder the responsibility of protecting the country and the people.

The current situation is that the lives and property of tens of thousands of people in Musashi Kingdom all depend on the shoulders of the little witch.

Her tender shoulders can't even carry two stones of rice. Now she has to carry the entire Musashi Kingdom.

No, think about the worse. Perhaps this scope should be expanded to the entire Kanto region.

"At the age of twelve, he was the national weightlifting champion.

This was originally a joke, but when it is reflected in reality, you will find that it is not funny.

——At least, it is difficult for Kikyo herself to laugh.

"But then?"

""Are you not going to be a shrine maiden anymore?"

Lu Li asked a new question.

This question made Kikyo silent for a long time, and finally she was silent for a quarter of an hour.

Until the porridge in the bowl became cold and the moon quietly climbed up the sky. She answered in a very difficult but firm tone:


"I still want to be a witch"



An unusual profession.

In the eyes of ordinary people, Miko is their protector, someone who can provide them with shelter in times of crisis.

In the eyes of gods, Miko is their messenger in the world, the communicator of their will.

In the eyes of demons, Miko is their enemy, the obstacle to their wreaking havoc on the world.

——But these are not real shrine maidens.

The truth is that only shrine maidens can define shrine maidens, and only shrine maidens can understand shrine maidens.

So now, in Kikyo's eyes, what is the image of shrine maidens?

"I'm not a hero, nor am I a messenger of God."

"But I have someone I want to protect."

"For those people, I am willing to pick up my bow and arrow and do my best."

The hesitant look disappeared, and a resolute expression returned to the little witch's face.

——Different from the naive belief that she"will definitely be able to kill the monsters",

Kikyo now can still summon up the courage in her heart and pick up the bow and arrow after witnessing the power and terror of monsters with her own eyes and feeling the great responsibility that a shrine maiden should bear.

She knows that she will die on the way to defeat monsters sooner or later, but even so, in order to protect those she wants to protect, she still picked up the weapon without hesitation and chose this road that is destined to lead to death without hesitation.

"They really look alike."

Looking at Kikyo's current appearance, after a long silence, Lu Li suddenly sighed:

"You are becoming more and more like that old woman."

These are the words that came out of Lu Li's mouth.

There is another sentence that rang in Lu Li's mind, but he did not say it out loud:

"It is becoming more and more like the Platycodon I remember."

PS: Thank you for the monthly ticket support from [Roasted Bamboo Rat Under the Tree].

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