"When dandelions and cucumbers are intercropped, they can inhibit the incidence of downy mildew, angular leaf spot and powdery mildew, and improve the soil environment of the cucumber vine root system, which helps promote the growth of cucumber plants.

This is a very unpopular piece of knowledge.

Before Shantu told this knowledge, even Lu Li, who claimed to"like farming", had no idea about this little tip.

——Who would plant cucumbers and dandelions together when they have nothing better to do?

But there are such coincidences in this world. The mountain rabbit who likes to plant cucumbers met Yingcao who likes to plant dandelions. The two little monsters discovered the interspecies relationship between cucumbers and dandelions by chance - I have to admit, this is indeed a surprise

"So what else do you grow besides cucumbers?"

This rabbit monster who likes farming aroused Lu Li's curiosity. After careful questioning, Lu Li was surprised to find such a fact: these little monsters look so weak that they are not worth mentioning, but in fact they all have their own unique skills. And when they are combined together, they form a roughly complete team. The mountain rabbit and the nine-life cat are the logistics personnel of this team.

The two of them, one is responsible for farming, and the other is responsible for hunting. It can be regarded as a barely solved the problem of food and clothing for this village.

The kappa is the craftsman of this team.

The kappa who is good at inventions always It is possible to come up with some interesting new things. Although these new things are somewhat dangerous, they are also quite practical, which greatly enhances the life-saving ability of these little monsters.

Iron Rat is the security guard of this team.

Although he does not look very strong... it must be admitted that he is indeed the force of this village, shouldering the responsibility of protecting everyone in times of danger.

Miss Ghost is the soul of this team, and her status is probably similar to that of the"village chief". She has considerable prestige among these little monsters.

No, rather than the village chief, it is better to say that she is the"teacher"."——She has been teaching these little guys to read and write.

Although she doesn't know what's the point of teaching these little monsters who may never get out of this remote place to read.

As for Yingcao... Actually, before this, Yingcao has always been the mascot and the happy pill of this team.

Everyone likes the little Yingcao who exudes the fragrance of plants and trees, likes the tricks she thinks of from time to time, and likes to see her shooting herself in the foot.

However, in recent times, the position of little Yingcao in this"small group" seems to have changed.

Perhaps because of the strengthening of her demonic power, she began to become mature and stable. No longer likes pranks, and no longer causes trouble for others.

Now, the only thing Yingcao likes to do is to find an empty hilltop and stay there alone for a whole day.

Should we say, has she grown up?

"She has indeed grown up."

"But...Isn't it just that she has grown up?"


This was a secret conversation that took place at midnight.

The location was outside the house, and the people talking were Lu Li and Miss Ghost.

At this time, the banquet had already ended, and the well-fed little monsters were lying in the cabin and sleeping soundly. But in order to ensure that no smart little monsters would eavesdrop on this conversation by pretending to be asleep, Lu Li still placed bindings around the cabin that could block vision and hearing - in this way, even if these little monsters looked out through the windows, they would not be able to see anything they shouldn't see or hear any secrets they shouldn't hear.

"You don't seem to trust them."

Miss Ghost looked at the boy with a curious look.

She didn't mean to blame him. She also felt that it was necessary to block the perception of those little monsters before this conversation.

But Lu Li did it too thoroughly and decisively. Such a skilled approach made Miss Ghost wonder if he lacked a sense of security about anything in this world, so he was so well prepared?

He even guarded against those little monsters that posed no threat!

However, facing Miss Ghost's curious look, Lu Li's face showed a matter-of-fact look:

"Forewarned is forearmed, without prejudging the waste"

"It's always better to be safe."

It's not that he doesn't trust those little guys.

He just wants to avoid unnecessary trouble and minimize the possibility of unexpected events.

"Time is running out, so I won't say polite words"

"Yingcao, we suspect there is something wrong with her"

"Do you still remember the old... monk you met in Shinano? She said Yingcao was entangled in karma and was about to face disaster."

In the dead of night when they were alone, Lu Li went straight to the point and told Miss Ghost why he came here.

What surprised Lu Li was that Miss Ghost did not show any"surprise" in the face of his words."、"Emotions related to"surprise"

"So that's it."

She just nodded slowly, with an expression of"as expected".

Did she already know about the problem with the little Yingcao?

No, before Lu Li came here, although she also noticed that there was something wrong with the Yingcao, it was just a suspicion, not a certainty.

But when she unexpectedly saw Lu Li's figure again in this remote and desolate mountain, and saw that Lu Li acted like he was doing nothing and traveling around. She was almost certain that there must be something seriously wrong with the little Yingcao.

——If nothing big happened, how could such a remote place attract a giant Buddha like Lu Li?

"But what does this disaster look like?"

Miss Ghost asked worriedly.

"Disaster"——These two words are too far away for little monsters like them who live in harmony with the world. They are something that they will never encounter in their lifetime.

Therefore, when Miss Ghost suddenly found that the"disaster" was not far away from them, and was even very close, she was inevitably a little panicked.

She hurriedly asked Lu Li what the disaster was like and whether there was any way to avoid it. But when she saw Lu Li's silence and gloomy face, she instantly understood that Xiao Yingcao might really be doomed this time.

——The so-called calamity is the disaster caused by the combination of cause and effect. It can be tangible, such as thunder calamity, strong wind calamity; it can also be intangible, such as the calamity of the heart and the calamity of love.

Facing these calamities, you can never avoid them by hiding, you can only rely on overcoming them and resolving them.

Therefore, facing calamities is also called overcoming calamities.

"Maybe things aren't as bad as we thought."

"She is a lucky person, and she will be fine with God's help."

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