Shinano Province, Myouren Temple.

A heavy snowfall that lasted for three days and three nights announced the arrival of the cold winter.

The mountain where Myouren Temple is located has turned into a silver-white color, merging with the gray sky, making it difficult to tell whether you are on the ground or in the sky.

"Namo San"

"It's almost time for the New Year again."

In the temple after the snow, the pious monks, after offering three sticks of incense to the venerable in the main hall as usual, picked up the broom that was covered in dust in the utility room and began to sweep the snow along the imperial road.

"We need to clean this place up!"

"Otherwise, the believers who come to burn incense may accidentally fall down!"

Saint Bailian is very careful.

As the New Year is coming, shrines and temples all over the country will be open to local people. The people also have the"Hatsumode" activity - it means that the first god to be worshipped at the beginning of the new year can receive the blessing of this god for a whole year.

In previous years, there was an endless stream of believers coming to the Myoren Temple to seek the blessing of Bishamonten. There were even nobles from Kyoto who set out a month in advance just to be able to burn the first stick of incense on the first day of the first lunar month.

But this year's situation seems to be a little different.


After seeing Saint Bailian sweeping the snow, the reliable senior sister took out a broom from the warehouse and joined the ranks of clearing the snow.

However, her vaguely uneasy expression and her hesitant look showed that she was not as calm as she seemed.

"Don't you think it's a bit strange, Master?"

Yin Xingwan looked at the snow on the road that stretched all the way to the foot of the mountain - she couldn't remember how long it had been since she last saw such a scene.

"By the way, it must have been two or three hundred years since we came out to sweep the snow ourselves, right?"

Looking at the sweeping tools in his hands, Yin Xingwan felt a little nostalgic.

——This is the advantage of a large temple with a lot of incense.

You don't have to do anything yourself.

In previous years, Saint Bailian didn't have to do it himself. Those fanatical believers rushed to pick up cleaning tools and clear the snow on the imperial road.

Sometimes, they didn't even have the chance to clean the snow.

Even heavy snow could not stop the enthusiasm of the believers. The snowflakes falling from the sky could only land on their hair and shoulders, and could not land on the ground at all.

"Hey, it's not as exaggerated as you say."

"Although there is indeed less snow when there are many people...but it is not that exaggerated!"


This year, surprisingly few people went to Myorenji Temple to burn incense.

——A situation like this where there is not even one is enough to be called an"abnormality"

"Master, I found the reason."

"They were a group of hateful guys. They blocked every road leading up the mountain and stopped all the believers who wanted to go up the mountain to worship."

"Let's go kill them!"

Feeling that he was being set up, the tiger monster clenched his fists, looking extremely angry.

——Monks cannot talk about killing without permission.

However, Saint Bailian had no intention of teaching Yin Xingwan a lesson in such a place.

Because she knew that the strong killing intent emanating from Yin Xingwan did not belong to Yin Xingwan herself, but to the god who shared his power with her.


The guardian deity from India, who traveled east to Japan and completed his deification in Japan, became one of the famous Seven Lucky Gods.

"Buddha fights for a stick of incense."

In fact, whether it is Buddha or god,"willpower", or"faith" is a very important thing.

Their existence is maintained by this thing. (To read the exciting novel, go to Faloo Novel Network!)

And the behavior of those"hateful guys" mentioned by Yin Xingwan is undoubtedly digging Bishamonten's foundation.

This is not much different from directly declaring war - no, this kind of sneaky behavior is even worse than declaring war directly.

No wonder Yin Xingwan is so angry.

If Bishamonten herself was here, I'm afraid she wouldn't even bother to say a word, and would just swing her double-digit artifacts and start fighting.

But Sheng Bailian was not angry at all.[]

On the contrary, she was very happy —happy that the disguise she had worn for hundreds of years could finally be exposed, happy that she could finally be her true self in the last moments of her life.

"Xing, I have a task for you."

"Master, you say it, and I promise to complete it!"

"You go down the mountain now and find the leader of that group of people——"

"I know, it's about beating her up, right?"

"……No, I want you to tell her that this Minglian Temple, which once brought happiness to mankind, has now been occupied by a demon monk who has committed many evil deeds."

"You must ask them in the name of Vaisravana to help you get rid of the evil monk!"


The end of the year is approaching.

Everyone and every force is making final preparations.

They vow to leave all the bad things in the past so that they can greet the new year with a brand new attitude.

Lu Li also prepared New Year's goods at the beginning.

At the very least, he had to prepare the New Year's money (year-end bonus) for those monsters.

However, looking at the various bills reported by Yamabuki Otome, and then looking at the mess of goods and materials in the warehouse,

""Forget it."

It's not that he is stingy, but it is too troublesome to deal with these things.

The current"brewery" is no longer the monster organization that only consisted of him and a few little monsters. Now they are very strong. Yamausagi alone has more than 50 farmers who specialize in farming. There is also the scout team of Iron Rat monk - if you count the special agents he developed, the number of people must be at least a thousand.

The number is so huge, and the matters are so cumbersome. If you force it... I'll just say goodbye to this year and sleep with an abacus. However

, Lu Li is wise.

He knows that he can't force it, but he knows more. Somewhere in Shinano Country, there is a lonely monk - her life is about to come to an end, she has billions of wealth, but she is alone. Even the"New Year's Eve dinner" that she has worked hard to prepare for a year, no one shares it with her

"It would be a shame to waste so many good things."

Lu Li calculated and felt that the time was about right.

"Let's go."

He waved his hand, called the little monsters who were ready to sleep, turned around and stepped into the snow.

"The New Year is coming, we have to pray for ourselves too!"

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