After returning to her family, Fujiwara no Moko planned to be a lady from a wealthy family like she had been eight hundred years ago.

But within a few seconds, she revealed her true colors.

——Her humanity is returning, but the beastly nature she had accumulated over the past few hundred years is already too deep to change. Fujiwara no Momoko, who has sunk into the state of a beast, does not feel that there is anything special about her. But when she suddenly looks back and plans to start a new life, she finds with some sadness that she can no longer return to the state of the"well-educated" aristocratic daughter in the past.

Now she doesn't know how to stand or sit properly. The elegant words she once learned have long been thrown into some corner where the sun never shines. On the contrary, she has mastered those ugly and dirty words quite well, and can be said to be"dirty-mouthed"."

"I always feel a little uncomfortable.

Fujiwara Mohong tried to correct her sitting posture, but it was awkward no matter how she tried. In the end, she just sat down on the floor, choosing the most relaxing posture.

"Do you need me to do anything?"

"Like fighting or something?"

Having accepted the identity of"daughter", Fujiwara Mohong gradually put herself into her role.

She wanted to help Lu Li do something, but when she tried to recall the skills she had mastered, she was very sad to find that she had long forgotten all her abilities except"killing".

But it didn't matter.

Her life was so long that as long as she was willing, she could always learn what she wanted to learn.

"Go find your Kappa aunt first."

"Ask her if she can research a set of clothes that are immune to fire for you."


Fujiwara no Momoko left.

But she may not have followed Lu Li's instructions and went directly to the Kappa Workshop where Miss Kappa was.

She would most likely get lost in this station, which had already taken shape, and forget the task that Lu Li gave her at the beginning while talking to other people.

She had just arrived in a new environment, and she still needed to adapt to everything and explore everything - it was no big deal to walk around and have a look.

Yamabuki Otome came in after Fujiwara no Momoko left.

It can be seen that she must have been waiting outside the door for quite a while, trying her best not to disturb the strange father and daughter's private meeting.

"Everyone has a good impression of that child (cddf)"

"The Nine-Lived Cat seems to like her especially."

As soon as she came up, Yamabuki Otome reported other people's opinions on the newcomer Fujiwara Mokou.

In general, everyone's satisfaction with Fujiwara Mokou actually came from Lu Li's support for her - they didn't know Fujiwara Mokou as a person, but because Lu Li took her in as his daughter, everyone just accepted her as a member of the team.

By the way, some little monsters had a much better impression of Fujiwara Mokou because of the title of"Auntie". Especially Xiao Yingcao, who looked like a five or six-year-old girl, she never thought that there would be a day when she would have an elder.

"The dragon bone spirit didn't seem to like her, but didn't say anything."

This is how normal monsters see it. After all, the souls of the Penglai people, which are polluted by a lot of filth, are like shit mixed with poison to monsters. They don't even have time to hide, let alone to contact them as companions.

"He has so many people he doesn't like, so this one won't hurt either."

Lu Li gave a very sharp evaluation of the Dragon Bone Spirit.

But then again, the Dragon Bone Spirit's words also reminded Lu Li that Fujiwara Mohong, a Penglai person, was so hated by the monsters that they even developed her as a special"anti-monster weapon"

"I don’t know which one is more disgusting to monsters, her power of filth or Kikyo’s power of purification?"


The matter of Fujiwara no Moko was revealed.

But Yamabuki Otome's work report was not over yet.

Or rather, the report on Fujiwara no Moko was just an overused opening statement - the content of the following report was the real highlight.

"First is the feather weaving"

"According to your request and everyone's design, the feathers with different emblems have been made."

Yamabuki Otome said expressionlessly, and placed a pile of clothes on the square table in front of her.

——This is the work uniform of this monster force.

According to Lu Li's design, the haori basically adopts the standard of black background and white stripes. A deformed cursive"Lu" on the back has become the common symbol of all haori.

But at the same time, depending on the user. These haori have some subtle differences.

For example, Yingcao's haori, she drew two white sun marks on the shoulders to express her yearning for the sun; for example, Yamausagi, she originally wanted to embroider cucumber vines on her clothes, but gave up under Lu Li's strong opposition, and finally used a pair of iconic rabbit ears as her exclusive pattern.

Yamabuki Otome's haori looks the cleanest, with only a golden Yamabuki flower embroidered on the right shoulder.

""Thank you for your hard work."

Lu Li put on his haori and thanked Yamabuki Otome from the bottom of his heart.

Because this is by no means a trivial matter.

The appearance of the uniform marks that the organization named"Lu" is truly on the right track. In just half a year, this monster force has developed from nothing to the current level, which is absolutely inseparable from the hard work of the ghost lady in front of him.

——Strong military force can certainly make the weak surrender temporarily, but what really makes people stay is to rely on stable management order; positive development planning; and more importantly, preventive measures to nip hidden dangers in the bud.

In this regard, Yamabuki Otome's contribution is unmatched.

"If you really want to thank me, please don't say things like"There's a big banquet tonight, everyone can have a share" in public next time."

Miss Ghost said expressionlessly - it can be seen that she is still angry about what happened yesterday.

How could she not be angry? She had calculated every budget in advance! But because of Lu Li's thoughtless words, she had to do the accounts again, cutting here and there - God knows how many days she hasn't slept well!

"Okay, okay, it's all in the past, let's not talk about it anymore"

"By the way, is there anything else?"

Lu Li's tone was very vague, and Yamabuki Otome could fully understand the real intention of"I know I was wrong, but I will dare to do it next time" hidden in it.

"Never mind. It doesn't matter. Love it however you want."

"If we can't make it this far, we can just find a place where no one is around and go back to our original secluded life in the countryside."

"But speaking of other things... maybe there is one"


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