Kiana; ‘In other words, little Shinai, are you doing nothing day by day? ’

Shino Asata: ‘……. Originally in class, but was @ by Kiana you, the class is definitely not listened to, can only chat in the group. ’

Kiana: ‘Hey? So it’s still my problem?! ’

Shino Asata: ‘Kiana, you’re really stupid. ’

Night Fight: ‘Agreed. ’

Black Rabbit: ‘It’s a bit rude, but Black Rabbit reconsiders. ’

Senbuki Nishiki: ‘+1’

Yona Amano: ‘+1’

Kiana: ‘Abominable! ’

Located on the Hyperion, Kiana looked at the panel in front of her and was a little shocked.

When, when did the Yang Nana and Senshu who had just entered the group learn badly?!

Kiana looked around.

Unexpectedly, he found that only one person had broken into the Cao camp, alone.

All the soldiers who originally accompanied him turned into scarecrows.

This group has no place for me!

Kiana suddenly realized.


Kiana: ‘Abominable, abominable, why did even Yona and Chishu learn bad?! ’

Yona Amano: ‘Hey? Sister Kiana, I just accidentally clicked the wrong one. ’

Nishiki Chishu: ‘Ahem, just entered the group, and when I saw the one with a little consciousness, I clicked up. ’

Kiana felt a hint of relief.

Bai Lin: ‘You gang of miscreant thieves, how can you say that about me Kiana?’ ’

Bai Lin: ‘Although, I have to add that Kiana is the second non-chief of the group! ’

Kiana: ‘??? ’

Nishiki Chibuki: ‘??? ’

Yona Amano: ‘??? ’

Shino Asata: ‘??? ’

Black Rabbit: ‘??? ’

Night Fight: ‘??? ’

Yona Amano: ‘Good, a good one to retreat as an advance, before the soldier salutes! ’

Bai Lin: ‘Although it is a self-made word, but, well said, come people, heavy reward! ’

Yona Amano: ‘Reward? What to reward? ’

It seems that Yona Amano has not yet become that Haruka.

Even the tone and demeanor were a little humble.

Bai Lin: ‘How about rewarding yourself with your autograph?’ ’

Yona Amano: ‘… Then forget it. ’

[Ding, group member ‘Bailin’ sent you an item].

Children of the Weather World.

Amano Yona was stunned for a second.

Then tentatively reach out and click to claim.

After receiving it, a demon will pop out of it, right?

Yona Amano expressed doubt.

At the same time, a burst of golden light flashed in front of his eyes.

Next, one with a black ballpoint pen.

Scratch paper with dragon flying phoenix dance font.

Appeared in the hands of Yona Amano.

She struggled to discern the two words.


Silence appeared on Yona Amano’s face.


Kiana: ‘@天野阳菜这个该死欧皇, didn’t send you anything weird, did you?’ ’

Yona Amano: ‘No, no, [picture .jpg]’

Kiana: ‘Hahaha, you really signed it!’ ’

Shinano Asata: ‘Mr. Shirabayashi is a good word. ’

Yoto: ‘Hey, do you need the calligraphy of the gods?’ Hang at home, have the purpose of repelling evil spirits, only 20 points! ’

Black Rabbit: ‘Mr. Nightfight, what is this?’ Do you sell now? ’

Bai Lin: ‘@夜斗麻烦先把版权费交一下, otherwise I would have to take my lawyer and fight you across the world. ’

Night Fight: ‘6’

Kiana: ‘Abominable Emperor Ou, when you can cross the world, Miss Ben must punish you well!’ ’

Bai Lin: ‘Who instigates whose grandson.’ ’

Bai Lin felt himself.

Physical fitness that gets stronger all the time.

The tone in the group became decisive and arrogant.

Kiana: ‘Wait, bastard Ou Huang, let me ask first, what world are you there?’ ’

Shirabayashi: ‘The everyday world is similar to Miss Yotsutani’s world

Kiana: ‘Seriously? ’

Bai Lin: ‘I have been walking in the rivers and lakes for 17 years, and I really haven’t lied to anyone. ’

Kiana: ‘Got it, seventeen-year-old mouth hi high school student. ’

Bai Lin: ‘Understood, Aunt Kiana. ’

Kiana: ‘??? ’

Shino Asata: ‘Obviously, the stupid Kiana is close to running away. ’

Kiana: ‘I now seriously suspect that your kid hid a big hand, just wait for Miss Ben to go over and eat it!’ ’

Bai Lin: ‘This is not scientific! How could Kiana, this idiot, think of this! ’

Kiana: ‘Abominable Ou Huang, don’t you have anything else to say but call me stupid?! ’

Bai Lin: ‘Non-chief. ’

Kiana: ‘!!! Knife dripping with blood .jpg’

Black Rabbit: ‘Hahaha, Kiana has been harmed to this point! ’

Yona Amano: ‘Ha, ha, ha, cough, sorry, I accidentally laughed. ’

After Bai Lin persecuted Kiana, he also put away his playful nature.

Bai Lin: ‘In other words, how do you increase the level of the group? It’s a pity that a bunch of group functions can’t be used. ’

Shino Asada: ‘According to the group mission and the promotion of the group members, we had a hint when we first entered the group, but now I don’t know why it’s gone. ’

Bai Lin: ‘Group mission? ’

Black Rabbit: ‘Although the group mission can be used, the mission has never appeared, so the only way to upgrade the group now is to wait for the group members to join the group. ’

Bai Lin rubbed his chin and carefully flipped through the group function

Finally, on the last page, I found the group task that I had been ignoring.

The interface of this feature is simple, or rather, there is only one panel.

Above are a few big bold words ‘group tasks’

But the task column is empty.

Take a look at it in a simple way.

Nothing strange was found.

Bai Lin did not pursue it again.

Instead, it returns to the interface of the group chat.

Bai Lin: ‘It’s so troublesome, I want to accompany a black silk, black long straight beautiful girl to hold a book signing party! ’

Bai Lin: ‘[Photo .jpg]’

Bai Lin turned on the camera.

Facing Kasumigaoka and fans waiting in line for autographs.

I took a picture and uploaded it to the group.

Kiana: ‘?? It’s not fair! Feelings, you or a personal life winner?! ’

Shino Asata: ‘Very beautiful girl. Is this another book signing, or a Light Novel writer? ’

Night Fight: ‘Abominable! So envious! ’

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