Early the next morning, in the second class of Sowu High School.

The end of class bell rings on time.

After a few words, the teacher on the podium packed up his things and left the classroom

The students in the classroom seemed to open the floodgates.

Chatting with classmates around me about something inconsequential.

The whole classroom became extremely noisy.

And in this noisy environment.

Two people did not say a word, sitting in their seats and reading quietly, looking a little out of place.

“Under the snow, do you really read books in this environment?”

Bai Lin’s gaze moved slightly away from the book.

Looking at Yukishita who was still indifferent next to him, he asked.

“Only the weak will complain about the environment, and Bai Jun, who has that magical power, naturally has to learn this.”

Yukishita turned a page of Bunkoben, and his voice was slightly lower.

“This does not mean that I can read quietly in a classroom comparable to a busy city, and I do not have the ability to block my five senses.”

Bai Lin closed the book and defended himself.

Under the snow, he finally raised his head, glanced at Bai Lin in surprise, and then continued to look at the Bunkuben in his hand.

“What Bai Jun said does make sense, and it is a little unexpected to me.”

Just then, the classroom door was pulled open from the outside.

A young girl wearing a general martial arts uniform stood in the doorway.

After looking around, his eyes locked on Bai Lin.

“That, Shirabayashi-san, Shizune Hiratsuka-sensei asked you to go to the office.”

The girl’s words not only attracted Shirabayashi and Yukoshita, but most of the students in the classroom turned their heads curiously.

Then their gaze fell on Bai Lin by the window in the back row of the classroom.

There was pity between the eyes.

Bai Lin stuffed Bunkuben into the hole in the table, stood up and nodded.

With a sound that only one person under the snow can hear.

The voice is sad and gentle, and there is a great tendency that he is about to heroically become righteous.

“If this line never returns, you must inherit my position as the management of chat groups and become the supreme dictator of chat groups.”

Yukishita ignored Shirabayashi, thinking that he was sick again.

With that, Bai Lin held his head high and followed the girl out of the classroom.

Inside the faculty office.

Their Mandarin and life teacher, Shizuki Hiratsuka.

She was sitting in a chair without any image, and the ashtray on her left hand side was full of cigarette butts.

“So, boy, you’re back, but I don’t seem to have received your homework this morning…”

Hiratsuka sat up straight, his white coat swaying with it.

“Shizune Hiratsuka, you have to believe me, there is a reason why I don’t teach Mandarin homework.”

“It’s not just Mandarin homework, right? You didn’t teach a single subject. ”

Shizune Hiratsuka casually opened a bottle of Coke and took a sip.

“…….. And for good reason! Bai Lin continued to refute justifiably.

Hiratsuka looked at Shirobayashi with interest.

“Then what are the reasons for you?”

“Yesterday, I went to an amusement park with a beautiful girl from Tokyo, and I met a demon king who called himself ‘Golden Retriever Peek’, and then I witted the demon king, and finally killed the demon king after a day and a night of fighting.”

“Then I was invited to an office by someone who called himself a major league of Arcadia, and finally signed a confidentiality contract before letting me go.”

Shirabayashi stopped the gushing words and casually dodged Hiratsuka’s blow.

“Good boy, you have the style of my year.”

Hiratsuka retracted his punch and glanced at Shirabayashi with a surprised face.

“The demeanor of the second disease? To be honest, I have your demeanor now. ”

“Boy, don’t you have a word of truth in your mouth?”

Hiratsuka shook her head a little helplessly.

“There is truth, at least the first sentence is true.”

Bai Lin’s face was straight, and he said righteously.

The office was quiet for a second.

The teacher at the next table couldn’t help but prick up his eavesdropping ears.

“Good boy! You went on a date with a beautiful girl in Tokyo? ”

Hiratsuka raised an eyebrow.

“Forget it, it’s not because of this matter that you came this time, it’s okay if you don’t date, just be careful not to be deceived.”

Hiratsuka paused quietly and pointed at the girl behind Shirobayashi who had been working as a little transparent girl.

“I called you here this time with the intention of bringing this girl into your ministry.”

Bai Lin turned his head and looked at the girl behind him

On the way here just now, he didn’t pay much attention to this girl.

This will take a closer look, and sure enough, it will find something unusual.

Melon seed face, thin eyebrows, beautiful and cute cheeks, long black hair that is neatly combed.

It looks familiar, but I can’t remember it for a while.

“Shizuki-sensei Hiratsuka, shouldn’t you look for Yukinoshita for the matter of entering the ministry?”

“In the afternoon, just take it directly to the activity classroom, and you won’t refuse under the snow.”

Hiratsuka waved his hand, quite confident.

“The Golden Retriever Demon King or something, I’m curious!”

At this moment, the voice of the girl’s vitality suddenly sounded in my ears.

Hearing this familiar line, Bai Lin suddenly remembered this girl.

“This is…”

Shirobayashi looked at Shizune Hiratsuka, embarrassed if he called the wrong name.

“Forgot to introduce it, this is Chitanda Airu from the second year C class, and he will be your member in the future.”

“So it is, luck will be lucky.”

Bai Lin stretched out his hand and hung it in midair.

“Hey, hey! Lucky will? ”

Chiantida Airu was stunned for a moment.

Then tentatively stretched out his hand and held it slightly on Bai Lin’s hand.

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