Miyamizu Mitsuba: ‘Wait, I wouldn’t say such a thing!’ ’

Shirabayashi: ‘Then, I, Miyamizu Mitsuba, will become a handsome guy in Tokyo in the next life?’ ’

Miyamizu Mitsuba: ‘Hey! That’s not right! Bai Jun, why do you even know this! ’

Bai Lin: ‘As the sole steward of the group, this management is omniscient and omnipotent, and everything he says and does is the truth. ’

Kiana: ‘Bastard Ou Huang, you deceive the new group members so much, does your conscience really not hurt?. ’

Miyamizu Mitsuba: ‘Really? Is Bai Jun actually so powerful?! ’

Yotsuya Miko: ‘Hey, Haku-kun actually hides so deeply? ’

Shino Asata: ‘I testify that Shirabayashi is the number one behind-the-scenes man in this group. ’

Yona Amano: ‘Brother Bai put a question mark and said that he had something to say. ’

Bai Lin: ‘It’s good to know, don’t you bow down to the leader of this group?! ’

Miyamizu Mitsuba: ‘Cough, then again, I just need to save that point in the group?’ ’

Shino Asada: ‘The only ordinary person in this group said that after joining the group, except for the Tiantianshui group, everything else is no different from usual. ’

Miyamizu Mitsuba: ‘Suddenly remembered, I still don’t know how to get points…’

Miko Yotsutani: ‘If you find a check-in in the group function, the first time a newcomer checks in, there is a small probability that they will gain some special abilities. ’

Shitani Miko: “This group has nothing to do except for Haku-kun, who has prescribed a fire fighting technique, and I advise Mitsuba not to hold out any hope.” ’

Shino Ata: ‘In this group of explosions per capita, I am under a lot of pressure as an ordinary human being. ’

Yona Amano; Don’t think I don’t know, Shino has used all her points to strengthen her body, and now she can at least bend steel bars. ’

Miko Yotsutani: ‘No, this group is really just me an ordinary person?’ ’

Shino Asada: ‘So Miko doesn’t hurry up and hug Shirabayashi’s thighs?’ ’

Bai Lin: ‘I have never seen an ordinary person who has lived so long and bent steel bars with his bare hands. ’

Gong Shui Sanye couldn’t help but be stunned when he looked at the news, could it be that the bending steel bars in this group are just ordinary people?

Thinking about it, she saw the avatar of a group friend named Asada Shino behind the black name.

After the chat group is updated, each group member implements the real-name system to access the Internet.

Everyone’s avatars became pictures of themselves.

Miyami Mitsuba clicked on Asada’s avatar, revealing a pure and cute black-haired girl.

It is unimaginable that such a girl can actually bend steel bars with her bare hands.

The chat group is really terrifying.

Miya Shui Sanye thought silently, and then clicked on the group check-in he had just found.

The other side.

Ghost Destruction World, inside the Butterfly House.

Butterfly Shinobu looked at the blade suspended in his hand and fell into deep doubt.

All this, this so-called chat group, is it not some blood ghost art, but really?

The group of self-proclaimed gods is also true?

Although it is unbelievable, this ability is no less than that of the blood demon technique, and it is impossible to fake.

Butterfly Kanae was shocked, quickly sat up straight, and dived to look at the chat group.


Butterfly Kanae: ‘Are you all gods-sama?’ ’

Bai Lin: ‘I’m just an ordinary group member. ’

Miko Yotsutani: ‘I’m just an ordinary girl. ’

Shino Asata: ‘Miss Butterfly, this is finally believing in chat groups?’ ’

Kiana: ‘Looks like Miss Butterfly should have signed in, so what did the newcomer get?’ ’

Butterfly Kanae looked at the news of several group members, and her gaze fell in front of Shirabayashi’s name.

Compared to other people and themselves, there is an extra pale green word ‘group management’.

The gentleman who claimed to be a god was only a member of the group, and the gentleman named Bai Lin was a group manager.

Although I can’t figure out what exactly group management is.

But as the name suggests, it must be the manager of the group.

Butterfly Kanae: ‘I’m really sorry, I misunderstood you just now. ’

Butterfly Kanae: ‘@琪亚娜我获得了一个叫念力的能力 should be able to control objects with consciousness. ’

Kiana: ‘??? ’

Shino Asata: ‘??? ’

Yona Amano: ‘??? ’

Bai Lin: ‘Huo, Kiana saw it, a new group member is luckier than you. ’

Kiana: ‘How can it be repaired! How is this group all Ou Huang! There is no place for our non-chiefs! ’

Shino Asada: ‘What the stupid Kiana obtained, I remember, should be a small knife. Dog head .jpg’

Miko Yotsutani: ‘……… Wait, so to speak, wasn’t my first check-in also a knife? ’

Bai Lin: ‘@四谷见子看样子见子你已经知道了自己的非酋. ’

Miko Yotsuya: ‘Abominable! I’m not the same as Kiana, I’m not a chief! ’

Kiana: ‘……. Seeing that you have changed, you have learned badly with Bai Lin. ’

Miko Yotsutani: ‘Ahem, I’m kidding, don’t care. ’

Butterfly Kanae: ‘Well, please ask, is this chat group really the same as said in that announcement, something that connects all worlds?’ ’

Shirabayashi: ‘This group comes from different worlds except me and Miko. ’

Miko Yotsuya: ‘May I ask, what is the situation in Miss Kanae’s world?’ ’

Butterfly Kanae: ‘In our world hundreds of years ago, creatures called ghosts appeared, they feed on humans, many of them have IQs that are no less than humans, and the lowest ghosts also have several times the ability of ordinary people, while others have blood ghost arts. ’

Butterfly Kanae: ‘The only nemesis of these ghosts is the sun and the Nikkaku, so they only move in the dark, and if there is no Nikkawa knife at night, those ghosts will not die even if their heads are cut off, and some ghosts can transform humans into ghosts,'”

Shino Ata: ‘It seems that the newcomer is supposed to be someone who deals with ghosts?’ Could it be a ghost hunter in a light novel? ’

Butterfly Kanae: ‘Yes, my sister Kanae and I joined an organization called the Ghost Killer Squad, and we are one of several pillars, and others often call us ghost hunters, but I have been trying to live peacefully with ghosts, but I have not succeeded yet’

Miko Yotsutani: ‘Shhh! There’s something about these ghosts! Isn’t this much stronger than the evil spirits of my world? ’

Kiana: ‘There must be no hope of peaceful coexistence with such ghosts, right?’ ’

Shino Asada: ‘After all, it is a ghost that feeds on humans, and peaceful coexistence is certainly unrealistic. ’

Butterfly Kanae: ‘I understand these things. ’

Bai Lin: ‘Miko, you look too high at the ghosts of that world, and you look too little at the water of our world. ’

Miko Yotsutani: ‘! Bai Jun, what do you mean by this? How much we have in the world is something I don’t know! ’

Bai Lin: ‘Let’s not talk about it for now, I’ll surprise you later.’ ’

Miko Yotsutani: ‘I don’t want this surprise!’ ’

Kiana: ‘It seems that the newcomer’s world technology development is not high, if it is modern technology, these ghosts are nothing, right?’ ’

Bai Lin: ‘Actually, don’t talk about me, Kiana, you can kill indiscriminately when you go.’ ’

Butterfly Kanae: ‘Hey? Guys, the ghosts on my side are still very strong for me! ’

Bai Lin: ‘You may not have understood that after entering this group, if nothing else, it becomes stronger very quickly. ’

Butterfly Kanae: ‘Is that so?! ’

Bai Lin: ‘But….. When you meet a ghost named Tong Mo, remember to run faster, there will be someone in the chat group to help, and if you don’t run fast, it’s really an accident. ’

Butterfly Kanae: ‘Tong Mo? Which ghost is that? ’

Bai Lin: ‘Winding two. ’

Butterfly Kanae: ‘!!! Wait, Mr. Belin, will I meet the second winding in the future? ’

Bai Lin: ‘Almost, the chat group should have group tasks when the group members are in danger, so you don’t have to worry too much. ’

Kiana: ‘Bastard Ou Huang, you still say that you didn’t hide a hand? ’

Kiana: ‘The bastard Ou Huang this guy can’t act now! Envy .jpg’

Miko Yotsutani: ‘Shocked .jpg’

Shino Asata: ‘Does Haku-kun also know the future of all the members?’ ’

Yona Amano: ‘Brother Bai, do you really know?! So what is my future? ’

Bai Lin: ‘I don’t know, it’s early in the morning, it’s down, and I have to go to school tomorrow.’ ’

Stayed in the group for a while longer.

Butterfly Kanae’s heart set off waves and it was difficult to calm the rapid heartbeat.

At present, it seems that the group members are quite friendly.

And except for a few ordinary people, the others don’t seem to put ghosts in their eyes.

After thinking for a moment, Butterfly Kanae exhaled a long breath and dismissed her intention to report to the lord.

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