Bai Lin had already returned to several people, and in his hand was carrying the miserable-looking Qi Woza.

In order to prevent this guy from hurting people here, he also specially broke the limbs of Qi Woza.

Even if it is wound, it does not have such a fast recovery ability.

The butterfly couldn’t help but tug at Bai Lin: “Bai Jun, how are you going to solve this guy?” We don’t have a sunwheel knife. ”

Butterfly Shinobu said, looking at Qi Wozha, he was motionless at this time, not wanting to move, he couldn’t break free from the restraints at all.

Bai Lin smiled: “I didn’t use the Sun and Sun Wheel Knife when I killed Tong Mo. ”

Saying that, in the surprised eyes of everyone, wings have reappeared on Bai Lin’s body.

Bai Lin looked at the ability purification he possessed and was a little curious.

Then, Bai Lin’s gaze fell on the Qi Woza who was temporarily suppressed and unable to move, yes, isn’t there just a ready-made experiment here?

Bai Lin paused slightly, and a light flashed in his hand, just as the light was about to approach.

Suddenly, Bai Lin felt a sense of threat, his pupils contracted, and the light in his hand dissipated.

Bai Lin took a step back, holding Butterfly Shinobu in one hand and Zhu Shi with the other, and after everyone didn’t react, and kicked Yu Shilang, he also instantly came to the position where Yu Shilang fell.

“Ahem, you guy, kicked me and didn’t say anything, you actually dared to flirt Lord Zhushi!” Yushiro coughed and crawled out, and seeing this scene made his blood pressure rise instantly.

Shirabayashi ignored Yushiro, who was jumping on his feet, and naturally let go of Suzuyo and Butterfly Shinobu with both hands.

Several crescent-like sword qi suddenly appeared in the original position, and the entire room was cut to pieces.

The butterfly couldn’t help but widen her eyes and be a little afraid.

If Bai Jun hadn’t saved himself just now, he would definitely not have survived this time alone.

The thick smoke cleared, and Qi Woza had already grown arms, and beside him was a man dressed in purple with a long knife in his hand.

This time, the three of them also saw the words in the man’s eyes.

One of the windings.

“Bai Jun, how about we withdraw first?” Butterfly Shinobu looked at Bai Lin, she didn’t think that after such a battle, Bai Lin was enough to fight against two winders.

Zhu Shi behind him also retreated at this time.

At this moment, in the collapsed house, a strangely shaped cyan flower appeared in front of everyone’s eyes.

Inside the Infinite City.

The ghost dance who was watching this scene was unmiserable, he originally wanted to consume Bai Lin with a few windings, and it was best to cause him a little damage.

But it’s a pity that Qi Woza not only didn’t hurt Bai Lin, but even almost died there, if he hadn’t sent Black Death Eyes over to respond, I’m afraid he would really be there like Tong Mo.

At this moment, Ghost Wuqian Wuxian suddenly looked at the cyan flower, and then he couldn’t take his eyes off again.

“You two, go and grab that flower for me, at all costs!” Ghost Dance Qianwu’s tone suddenly became excited.

Isn’t this exactly what he’s been looking for to make him an ultimate creature.

Unexpectedly, he was actually found by this guy from Zhu Shi!

In just one day, although a white forest came out, the rest of what happened was too exciting for him.

Bailin? Oh, it’s just a mortal fetus in the flesh, Ghost Wu Qianwu shook the goblet miserably, so sure.

The other side

The two who received the order of Ghost Dance Qianwu also locked their eyes on the flower.

Neither Shinobu Butterfly nor Yushiro knew what it was, but they felt a little unconscious.

Zhu Shi’s eyes widened, and she looked at Bai Lin with a pleading gaze.

“That flower… Could it be? ”

Bai Lin nodded and gave an answer.

“That’s right, it’s the cyan flower that Ghost Dance Qian Wuxian has been looking for.”

“The flower that Ghost Dance has been looking for? Bai Jun, what the hell is going on? ”

Just as Butterfly Shinobu asked his doubts, with Qi Woza’s loud shout, there was a sudden explosion on the field, followed by thick smoke rising again.

When the smoke cleared, the two people, or the two ghosts, had disappeared.

Butterfly Shinobu looked at the two ghosts who had retreated, and couldn’t help but breathe a sigh of relief, looked at Bai Lin and asked, “Bai Jun, should we report to the headquarters now?” ”

No way, she doesn’t have a Nikkawa knife in her hand now, and the oppressive force given to her by those two winding ghosts is too great.

“No, I put that flower in order to let them rush to the Ghost Dance Migration.”

“I’ll chase it first, if I’m lucky, tonight’s grudge between this person and the ghost will end, bear with you just wait for me here for a while, I’ll be back in a moment.”

Bai Lin shook his head, he had already left a mark on the other party when he was fighting with Qi Woza.

Shirabayashi could sense that Qi Woza was galloping towards the outside of Asakusa Castle.

This can be regarded as one of the abilities attached to his angelization.

His purpose was to break in while the Infinite City was open, otherwise Bai Lin really didn’t know what else way to enter the Infinite City.

If the ghost dance is not miserable, he really plans to hide in it for hundreds of years.

His task is actually not a failure.

After speaking, Bai Lin did not wait for a few people to react, and the whole person turned into a stream of light and disappeared in place.

Butterfly was silent for two seconds, and sighed faintly: “Then, I’ll wait here for Bai Jun first, no opinion, right?” ”

Butterfly Shinobu looked at the two ghosts who were in the same affliction and asked.

“Of course, we just want to wait for Bai Jun.”


Ghost Dance was unusually excited.

After thousands of years, is he finally going to abandon his weakness in fear of the sun and become an ultimate creature?!

Ghost Dance looked at the piano girl standing on the side.

“Kotonu, get ready to open Infinity City.” Ghost Dance Qian Wu ordered miserably, his tone full of coldness.

“Yes, my lord!” The piano girl lowered her head nervously, her hair covering only one eye, as if she did not dare to look at Ghost Maiqian.

Inside a huge city made of wood.

“Is this the Infinite City where the Ghost Dance is not miserable?” Bai Lin jumped on the roof of a room.

If you guess correctly, your location has been exposed, and Ghost Dance will soon send someone over.

Ghost Dance would never have thought that he had found the cyan flower for nearly a thousand years, but he bought it for 10 points in the chat group mall.

Compared with ordinary cyan flowers, they can still grow day and night.

As expected, Bai Lin didn’t wait long, and several figures quickly approached.

One after another figures surrounded him, there were 12 of them.

Bai Lin glanced at it, from the lower string six to the upper string one, except for the missing position of the upper string two.

Is this sending all the twelve ghost moons?

Bai Lin looked at the numbers in the eyes of those figures, and couldn’t help but sigh a little.

“Hey me! This guy is the human named by Lord Wu Miserable to kill? It was actually delivered to the door! One of the demons glanced at Bai Lin with a contemptuous expression, and then his face was full of excitement.

“I can’t wait to kill him and get the reward of Lord Wu Miserable!”

Except for a few upper windings, the unaware few lower winds are all excited.

Even a few evil spirits who were originally a little vigilant became no exception when they saw the defenseless Bai Lin.

After all, in their perception, unarmed humans are lambs to be slaughtered

If you don’t get the credit, the missing position of the second winding is your own!

Thinking of this, the ghosts looked at each other, and then rushed towards Bai Lin regardless of the madness.

All kinds of ghost blood techniques were scrambled to be used, and various colors of light were emitted for a while.

Bai Lin stretched out his hand, without unnecessary moves, and threw out a punch.


There are only a few or missing arms and legs left on the ground, demons who have fallen to the ground, and winding not far away.

Those few lower string ghosts completely lost their arrogance just now, with a look of horror on their faces.

Bai Lin just glanced at them lightly, and casually threw the little light in his hand on a few demons.

“Ah——! What is it? Sun?! ”

“It hurts! Aaaah! Help me! No misery-sama!! ”

Suddenly, the ground was a mess, and several people shuddered when they watched this scene of silent winding.

This guy can actually destroy the lower string without the help of external forces! The expressions of several winding ghosts became solemn in unison.

And Bai Lin did not take care of these windings, he closed his eyes in front of everyone, and sensed the position of the ghost dance.

He had also marked the cyan flower before.

After a while, Bai Lin opened his eyes and stared directly at a rather huge city in the center of the city, where Ghost Wuqian was located.

Bai Lin didn’t even glance at the tiger’s winding, and flew straight towards the location of the ghost dance.

“Wait! That guy is going to the adult’s side! Stop him! One Winder shouted.

The black death eyes quickly jumped on the beam, and then a leap blocked in front of Bai Lin, and the inky long knife with eyes in his hand slashed towards Bai Lin.

With a low snort from the black death eyes, several crescent-like sword qi slashed towards Bai Lin.

Bai Lin instantly came to the black death eye in a flash, and threw a punch again.


The next moment, the house below was smashed, and the figure with black dead eyes was deeply embedded in the ruins.

And at this moment, Bai Lin suddenly stopped, a man with a white hat and a suit stood at the beam, and next to him was a woman holding a piano in her hand and her face could not be seen clearly.

The two looked at each other, without saying a word, two figures flashed, and a huge explosion echoed in the city.

Bai Lin turned on the angelization almost instantly, and with the blessing of this state, the ghost dance’s unmiserable resistance was all a mantis as a car.

In the first confrontation, Ghost Dance flew out without misery, which was very different from the previous Qi Woza move.

Bai Lin sighed, and then waved his wings behind him, and once again killed towards Ghost Dance.

At this time, Ghost Dance, who was lying on the ground and had just recovered part of his body, shouted angrily towards everyone.

“You trash! Hurry up and help me! ”

Hearing this, everyone jumped up from the ground and killed Bai Lin as if they had just woken up from a dream.

“Breath of the Moon, One Type!”

“Vampire Magic, Destruction Kill!”

Bai Lin just slowly stretched out his hand and moved towards the ghost dance on the ground.

The light in his hand gradually became dazzling, Ghost Wuqian Wu’s pupils shrank, his heart suddenly slammed twice, and a sense of fear and crisis appeared in his heart.

This is a harbinger of facing death.

The ghost dance has not been miserable for thousands of years, and it has only been felt in the face of the fate of the next country.

Run! You must run yourself! You will never survive!

Ghost Dance was not miserable or elegant, and there was only one thought in his mind, and the previous thoughts all fell into the fear of death.

When the ghost dance tried his best to escape, the blood ghost art that was on the string was about to fall on Bai Lin.

It’s at this moment.

Bai Lin completed the charge in his hand, and with a wave of his big hand, the ball of light cut an arc in the air, and quickly moved towards the ghost dance in the eyes of everyone.

At the same time, Bai Lin spread his wings behind his back and wrapped himself in it.

The Blood Demon Technique, which condensed all the power of the six upper strings, did not even leave a trace in front of the wings.

The ball of light fell on Ghost Wuqian’s body, and there was no earth-shattering sound, only Ghost Wuqian’s miserable scream.


The suspected smell of burnt meat appeared, and several winders came from unbearable tingling at the same time, and suddenly found that there were traces of dissipation on their bodies.

“You have completed the group mission, the reward and mission details please check in the group mission”

“10 hours countdown to the original world”

PS: Originally, 4,000 words were written, but only 3,000 were left for deletion, deletion and modification, and there will be five more later! Wave data by the way, thank you!!

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