In the gaze of Shirabayashi and Yukishita, Yukishita Yono squeezed to Bai Lin’s side with a grin.

The originally spacious seats became a little crowded, and Bai Lin moved to the side.

At this moment, a white arm wrapped around Bai Lin’s shoulder.

An indescribable fragrance came to his nose, feeling the softness of his elbow, Bai Lin couldn’t stop pulling the corners of his mouth.

“Sister! Please don’t do this kind of thing to Bai Jun that is already illegal. Sitting under the snow on the other side, Yukino frowned.

“Ah! Koyukino is angry! Xiao Xue can’t be so protective of food! Yono patted Shirabayashi at the almost murderous gaze under the snow, and withdrew his arm while laughing at the snow.

“I think my concept of the lower limit of my sister needs to be improved.” Yukishita looked at Bai Lin with the same icy gaze, as if to accuse him of inaction.

Bai Lin tugged at the corners of his mouth and decided to change the topic: “By the way, Yang Nai, do you want to drink something?” ”

“Hmm—or I’ll have a drink with Xiaobai… Haha, just kidding, I’m going to ask for a cup that tastes the same as Koyukino. Yang Nai pinched his chin with one hand, seemingly thinking seriously.

Yono’s drink was quickly served.

Yono Yukinoshita plugged in the straw and took a small sip.

Yukishita looked at the two sitting opposite, feeling that his calm mood today might be a little impatient.

“Sister, let’s get down to business, shouldn’t you just come to Tokyo to play with us?” Yukinoshita frowned and took the lead in provoking the topic.

Hearing this, Bai Lin 09’s gaze also looked at Yang Nai beside him.

When Yukishita Yono heard this, he put down the drink in his hand: “Of course not, although my sister also wants to play with Xiao Yuki and Xiao Bai, but this time I came here with the work that my mother gave me.” ”

“Work? What works? Yukishita was stunned and asked subconsciously.

“Work is … Xiao Xue Nai don’t care so much, my sister won’t tell Xiao Xue Nai Oh ~ ” Yukishita Yono is still smiling.

Sitting under the snow opposite is a little itchy.

“Well—how about coming to Tokyo once and going with my sister?” Yono Yukinoshita stood up from his seat and asked the two.

Hearing this, Xuexia nodded: “Although Bai Jun and I have only come for a while, it’s okay to go shopping with my sister.” ”

Then, the two women’s eyes looked at Bai Lin in unison.

“I’m okay with that.” Bai Lin took a sip of the rest of the drink, shrugged his shoulders, and immediately expressed his position.

“It’s been a long time since I last went out with Koyukino and Kohaku.”

Under the snow, Yang Nai looks quite nostalgic.

Yukishita looked at Yang Nai’s appearance and couldn’t help but say.

“Sister, it’s been less than ten days since we last went out together, right?”

“Ha, sister doesn’t remember oh, I forgot, so let’s go now!”

Because he is not close to Kasumigaoka’s house, or a little far, and it is still club time, Shirabayashi is not worried that he will be discovered by his second girlfriend along with Yukino and Yono.

Although Kasumigaoka did not join Yasu Yirenya’s club like the plot, he did create his own club called the Novel Literature Club.

At that time, it will not be a century war, and with a Yukino, it will definitely be an interstellar war.

This is beyond Bai Lin’s control.

The figure of the three was on a street at this time, and originally Yono proposed to go to Akihabara to see it, but was vetoed by the two votes of the embarrassed Yukishita and Shirabayashi.

This caused Yono under Yukishita to pretend to be sluggish for a long time.

So, the two came…….. Sensoji.

Bai Lin looked around and sighed, “So, why are we coming to Sensoji Temple!” We visited Sensoji Temple yesterday. ”

“Well, but my sister hasn’t come to visit, Xiaobai should be considerate of my sister!” Yono Yukinoshita walked in the front, holding a pink cone in her hand.

And under the snow and Bai Lin behind him, there is also a sweet cone.

This was bought by Yono Yukinoshita at a shop just now, and it was said to be cherry blossom flavored, but Shirabayashi took two bites and said that he was not interested in this taste.

Under the snow, he showed great curiosity, and only a small part of the ice cream ball on the cone in his hand remained.

Bai Lin’s wordless gaze looked towards the snow, and the snow seemed to notice Bai Lin’s gaze, tilted his head slightly, and then his face turned red.

“Bai Jun, staring at me like this, too, after all, walking with me, a beautiful girl, it is normal to like me.”

“Huh.” Bai Lin glanced at the snow lightly, and just one word made the snow break the work.

“Ah, what are you two talking about in the back? Don’t bring a sister? My sister is so sad. When Yukinoshita Yono saw the two people who were chatting in the back, he immediately slowed down and squeezed between the two.

Yuki’s eyelids jumped, and he looked at Yang Nai, who was squeezed to his side, and a soft object touched his arm.

Hmm – so big!? Wrong! How can this kind of thing be like this now, now it is even more appropriate to condemn my sister for rashly disturbing other people’s conversations!

Under the snow, his gaze glanced vaguely towards Yono’s chest, and he quickly withdrew his gaze as if he were unintentional.

But Yono under the snow keenly captured the line of sight under the snow, followed the line of sight under the snow and glanced down, and his face suddenly showed a playful expression.

“Ah, Koyuki, you’re envious of your sister…” Yukishita Yono seemed to see something funny.

Bai Lin’s gaze followed here, and then his eyes became sympathetic.

Yukoshita opened his mouth, as if he wanted to refute something, but he met Shirabayashi’s sympathetic gaze.

The state under the snow was instantly emptied, and she instantly turned her head and became silent.

Gangsters, snake uncles in the same nest, fox friends and dog friends, people gather in kind………….

“Oh, Xiao Xue Nai doesn’t have to be so inferior, she will develop the same as her sister in the future!” Yukinoshita Yono did not choose to let Yukino go, but stretched out his elbow and poked Yukishita’s waist with a smile.

“Yukishita, I think you should listen to your sister on this point, Yang Nai has a say in this matter more than you do.” Bai Lin was not too big, with a smile on his face, and echoed.

“That’s right, that’s right, I think Xiaobai is right!” Yono Yukinoshita echoed with a grin.

Yukishita turned his head sharply, couldn’t bear it, and looked viciously at the two people who were ridiculing themselves.

“Sister, and Bai Jun, I don’t care about these things at all, in fact, after all, these are all external, right? Not to mention my inner qualities, even if it is external, my excellent appearance must exceed most people, this is just a lump of fat! It’s nothing at all! ”

“Sister and Bai Jun are, if you pay so much attention to a person’s appearance, it is too superficial!”

For the first time, Bai Lin discovered that the speed at which Yukishita spoke was actually so fast.

He looked at the snow under the long exhalation of two breaths, it seems that under the snow this thing has really been poked at the pain point. (Read violent novels, just go to Feilu Fiction Network!) )

Bai Lin tugged at the corners of his mouth: “Under the snow, I don’t think you have to care about these things…”

Before he finished speaking, Yang Nai’s arm was already on his shoulder: “Hey, hey, Xiaobai is dishonest, he helped his sister just now!” This will not please girls! ”

“Sister, has anyone told you that your current action is called a threat?”

“I’m sure Bai Jun won’t mind, right?” Yang 497 heard the words under the snow, and his eyes instantly looked at Bai Lin.

“I don’t know, don’t ask me, you two go ahead.” Bai Lin decisively chose to refuse to answer.

At this moment, a familiar figure suddenly stopped in front of the three people.

It was familiar, even a few hours ago, which was someone Bai Lin did not want to see now.

The first is Shiwa Kasumigaoka.

Obviously, Yukino Yukinoshita also saw the person, and she suddenly stopped the words in her mouth and looked at the girl who was in front of a stall in front of her.

“Hey? Do Xiaohaku and Koyukino know that person? Yukinoshita Yono followed his gaze, looked curiously at Megumi Kato who had not noticed them, and asked the two.

“Let’s just say that Bai Jun’s friend in Tokyo met this morning when I bought painting equipment for my sister, I remember it was Kato-san, right?”

Snow looked towards Bai Lin.

Bai Lin nodded, agreeing with Yukishita’s words.

“Oh~ such a cute girl, Bai Jun is not well-behaved!” Yono Yukinoshita looked at Shirabayashi, and then at Megumi Kato, with a clear expression on his face.

As for what she had in mind, Bai Lin had no way of knowing.

A moment later, Yang Nai clapped his hands and said to the two: “Well, since it is Xiaobai’s friend, let’s go over and say hello.” ”

Saying that, Yono Yukinoshita had a smile on his face and took the lead in walking towards Megumi Kato.

Bai Lin sighed quietly, hoping that Kato Megumi could remember yesterday’s life-saving grace, otherwise this time the Asura Field would really not be able to stop.

Helplessly glancing at the snow beside him, Bai Lin took a step and walked towards Yang Nai with the snow.

And Megumi Kato still didn’t notice here, and was seriously shopping for the goods in front of a stall

PS: More than 15000 starting tomorrow.

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