"I'll give you five minutes to rest."

Su Bai turned over and got up.

He didn't have the habit of smoking.

Otherwise, this would be a great time to have a cigarette. While

Ichinose was resting, he was not idle.

He first turned on the communicator on his wrist and checked the messages sent to him by Takina and Chitsuko.

Most of them were intelligence that they bought in the intelligence market.

Some intelligence that Takina thought was useful was forwarded to Su Bai as soon as possible.

Although Su Bai could also spend money to buy intelligence, it was enough for one person in a team to buy it.

This principle needs no elaboration.

"This person is very strong……"

At this moment, Su Bai also saw the basic attribute data of the second-year student.

Three attributes were lower than his, but one data was higher than his.

In summary, he was a little stronger than this person.

But the strength was limited.

Although this dead person was also a relatively strong existence among the second-year students, this did not mean anything.

If you insist, it can only mean that even someone as strong as Su Bai still has a lot of room for improvement.

You know, there are third-year students above the second-year students, and the third-year students must be stronger.

It is worth mentioning that the Academy Island is layered.

The second-year students and third-year students are all in the upper level.

If the people in the upper level want to come to the lower level, they need to wait for a specific time point, and they cannot come to the lower level at ordinary times.

But there are exceptions to everything.

People in the lower level can go to the upper level relatively easily.

This means that the first-year students can actually go to the upper level, find people with stronger strength, and seek help and shelter.

Of course, in this place where the strong prey on the weak.

If you want to get something, you have to pay the corresponding price. It is simply a foolish dream to want others to help you for no reason.

In general, each grade does not interfere with each other.

When in the reincarnation dungeon, it is usually divided into grades.

Only first-year students can participate in the first-year reincarnation dungeon.

Unless it is a free exploration dungeon, first-year students do not have to face second-year and third-year students who are much stronger than themselves. The ones that first-year students really need to be careful of are those non-student players.

Among the lower-level non-student players, many have participated in reincarnation dungeons many times.

In other words, the average strength of these people is far beyond that of first-year students at this stage.

If you encounter these people in the reincarnation dungeon, the best choice is to turn around and run away.

In a head-on confrontation, it is often a child against an adult.

You can only be beaten unilaterally.

"It's really dangerous."

Su Bai muttered in his heart.

He just learned about these things after reading the information sent by Takina.

The public information he got in the classroom before did not include these common sense.’

"Go to the first-year forum and have a look."

After reading the information sent by Takina,

Su Bai also began to pay more attention to the acquisition of information.

He clicked on the first-year forum to see if there was any kind-hearted person who posted free information on the forum. He scanned it and found nothing.

Basically, the entire forum was discussing the same thing - class selection.

For Su Bai, class selection was a bit special.

He opened his mailbox and found a message he received during the day.

"The rating you obtained in the last reincarnation copy was SS level, and you have the priority to choose classes!"

"SS-level batch: 1 person!"

"You have 24 hours to consider, and after 24 hours, the class selection will officially start, and you will have 12 hours to make the final choice! (SS-level players have more time to choose, and the time for other levels to choose decreases in sequence)"

This message was the reason why Su Bai went to find Chabashira Sae before.

He was the only SS-level player.

If the person who chose later could see the person who chose first, even if he only saw which class he chose, it would not be a good thing for him.

Because it would expose his current strength.

Fortunately, it had been confirmed by Chabashira Sae before.

It would not be exposed.

This time the class selection was blind.

I am afraid that after getting below B-level, I will encounter a situation where a class is full and I have to choose another class.

"It seems that the class selection has already started, and now the first batch of people should be making their choices!"

"What grade is the first batch? It won't be S grade, right?"

"Just wait, according to the prompts of the information, when the first batch of people start to choose their classes, their dungeon rating will be displayed."

After reading a few more posts,

Su Bai closed the page of the communicator.

His dungeon rating certainly cannot be hidden, and there is no need to hide it.

Anyway, no one knows that he got this rating.

Don't ask him why he doesn't pretend to be cool and directly announce how awesome he is. Just look at the information sent by Takina and you will know that a tall tree attracts the wind is not necessarily a good thing.

Not to mention the second and third graders above, even those non-game players are full of uncertainty at this stage.

And even if he can deal with these potential enemies, it does not mean that the people around him can deal with it.

What if someone can't beat him, but secretly remembers the people who are close to him.

Then in the reincarnation dungeon, specifically targeting the people around him, wouldn't that be a disadvantage?

"The time has come."

Su Bai counted the time and looked at Ichinose.

"Ugh... it hurts so much."

Ichinose blushed and stammered.

"Is your physique still 6?"


"Are there any basic attribute points left?"

"After upgrading, there are 3 basic attribute points that can be used"

"Focus all on your physique."

Ichinose did as she was told, then took a deep breath and prepared to face the new storm.


Su Bai suddenly took out a skill book and handed it to her.

"This is a group auxiliary skill. It should also be able to heal yourself. If you learn this skill"

"Ah? Got it!"

After a brief moment of surprise, Ichinose learned the group healing and shield skills that Su Bai had obtained from the dungeon reward.

"Trying to heal yourself?"


Ichinose used a skill.

A soft light suddenly lit up in the room.

"How about it?"

"It doesn't seem to consume much, but the skill has a half-minute cooldown."

"Okay, pay attention to healing yourself later."


The next day, it was noon again.

Chizuka and Takina went to the open-air seats on the second floor of the restaurant and took a seat.

"There is something fishy!"

"Um...you mean the captain and Ichinose?"

"Yes, yes! The two disappeared all night, and they were not seen this morning. The most important thing is that there is a sign on the door saying"Do Not Disturb!"

Qianzhu, wearing a deerstalker hat, was like Sherlock Holmes.

He frowned and analyzed seriously.

Takina blinked his purple eyes, looked at Qianzhu, and suddenly asked

"Do you like the Captain?

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