The news of the reincarnation dungeon.

Although it was a little sudden, it was also reasonable.

The public intelligence had already said that in addition to the fixed reincarnation dungeon every month, there might be temporary"spot checks" at other times.

This reincarnation dungeon was reasonable.

At least everyone was given a week to prepare.

At this time.

In a coffee shop outside the college.

Soft music, soothing.

A bit of leisure in the afternoon, lazy

"After my detailed investigation, I determined that in the original D class, the boys were mainly targeting you, Su Tengjian. He has good sports nerves, and many people were willing to team up with him before, but those who teamed up with him are not allowed to team up with you again."

In the booth in the corner.

Karuizawa Hui sat next to Su Bai and reported the information she had found in a low voice.

Su Bai nodded slowly.

Karuizawa Hui was quite efficient. She had basically found out everything she needed to find out.

"On the girls' side, it seems that it was Kikyo Kushida who was interfering, but she didn't say anything bad about you. She just hinted to others many times that she and you are already teammates, so she told others not to come to you again."


She is worthy of being the scheming girl in the real teaching!

No wonder no one came to him until the last reincarnation copy was about to start.

Only Kikyo Kushida asked him at the last moment.


Kikyo Kushida thought that after isolating him first, and then inviting him, he would be grateful.

I have to say.

If it were someone with a fragile heart, this trick would probably work.

In the face of fear, people want to stick together, which is an animal instinct.

"Well done."

After Karuizawa Hui finished speaking, Su Bai began to praise her.

"Well, don't blame me for taking a week to investigate it clearly."

Although she said it modestly, the smile on Karuizawa Megumi's face was very real.

Being able to figure out these things also proved that she was valuable in the team.

Of course she was happy.

However, whether it was Kushida Kikyo or Suteng Ken, after this shift change, they were no longer in Class D.

Kushida Kikyo went to Class E.

And Suteng Ken, the brainless one, actually went to Class A.

Such a change would make people feel unreal at first glance, that a brainless person could actually go to Class A.

In addition to these changes in class personnel.

Class D where Su Bai was, also welcomed many new faces.

In addition to the five people in their team.

There were many familiar characters in the class, such as...

Yukinoshita Yukino


""Student Su Bai."

The wind chimes at the entrance of the coffee shop swayed, and after the crisp sound, a light fragrant breeze blew by.

Yukinoshita Yukino came to the booth where Su Bai was.

After saying hello, she sat down opposite Su Bai.

Su Bai looked at her quietly.

There is no doubt that

Yukinoshita Yukino is an impeccable beauty.

Pretty facial features, white jade skin, just the right cherry-colored thin lips, long hair over the shoulders.

And the dimples that appear when she smiles, all show her charm.

Unfortunately, when facing Su Bai, she had no intention of showing a smile.

All she had was full vigilance.

Although everyone was in the same class, it didn't mean anything.

At least Yukinoshita Yukino, who had experienced a reincarnation copy, thought so.

She would not trust anyone easily.

"What do I want?"

Yukinoshita Yukino asked

"Pay first."

Su Bai replied.

The reason he met Yukinoshita Yukino was not because they had reached some kind of cooperation.

It was just because Su Bai had bought a piece of high-priced intelligence. In order to make up for it, Su Bai sold the information at a discount.

It happened that Yukinoshita Yukino was also interested in the information.

So he asked Karuizawa Megumi to help introduce it.

The two of them traded directly offline, which could save some handling fees.

After transferring the points to Su Bai,

Yukinoshita got the information she wanted.

"The content of the rebirth dungeon is ever-changing and unpredictable, but it can be roughly classified.

Generally, the rebirth dungeon will start with three types of hidden forms: individual, team, and class.

Among them, the probability of individual battle is the highest, more than half.

Team battle and class battle are half and half.

In addition to the above situations, there are also some extremely special rebirth dungeons, but this situation often appears in free exploration dungeons……"

After receiving the information from Su Bai,

Yukinoshita sat directly opposite Su Bai and carefully checked it.

No one knew what kind of world the reincarnation dungeon would be in a week. He could only have a rough estimate in his mind through this kind of information based on experience.

Even so, it was better than knowing nothing.

"Your coffee, please."

The coffee shop owner, a white-haired old man, brought Yukishita's coffee.

""Thank you, but I didn't order anything."

Yukinoshita looked at the coffee on the table and said.

She didn't show anything deliberately.

But the cold feeling in her conversation was far more intense than that of Takina.

"I've paid."

Su Bai answered on behalf of the coffee shop owner.

He ordered the coffee, so it wouldn't cost much.

""I see. Thank you."

Yukinoshita nodded.

At least Su Bai's attitude seemed friendly. She would not take the initiative to make enemies with Su Bai.

"You will soon enter the next reincarnation copy.……"

After the coffee shop owner brought the coffee, he didn't leave.

Instead, he stood by and chatted.

However, Su Bai and Yukinoshita's reactions were almost the same.

Cold and disgusted.

Because people like the coffee shop owner are not student players.

In other words, they are potentially threatening.

"Don't get me wrong, I'm just sighing, I've been here for three years……"

Three years?

Hearing this time, Su Bai was a little interested and listened to him continue.

"People like me who don't participate in the reincarnation dungeon can only survive by running a small shop. By the way, you should know that non-student players must draw lots to have a chance to enter the reincarnation dungeon, right?"

Su Bai knew.

But it seemed that Yukinoshita heard it for the first time, and there was a subtle surprise on her face.

"Sorry, I said too much."

The coffee shop owner nodded and turned away.

It was as if he just said a few words out of inspiration.

Moreover, when he left, his slightly hunched back and his full head of white hair seemed to be a non-threatening person...

However, after Su Bai and Yukinoshita looked away, the coffee shop owner walked out of the back door and into the alley behind the door where the view was relatively limited.

A student from Class A handed him a piece of information.

"You want information about all the students in Class A, but where is what I want?"

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