【Ding! You have obtained key copy information, thus triggering a new side quest!】

【Key side mission: Enter the core control room of Dinosaur Island and obtain administrator privileges】

【[Task Reward: None]

A new prompt popped up on Su Bai's communicator.

The note in his hand was much more advanced than ordinary notes.

It was made of special materials, so it could be folded and bent.

And it seemed to be installed with a chip, which displayed a coordinate.

It was simply marked that Su Bai was about 15 kilometers away from the control room.

Of course, it could also be said that the note was so far away from the control room.

On the front of the note, there was a date record like an elevator maintenance, with an interval of 14 days.

It roughly means that every 14 days, the administrator of Dinosaur Island must enter the core control room to check whether various devices and instruments are still working and operating normally.

On the back of the note, there is a simple string of numbers.

Su Bai doesn't need to use his brain to guess this time.

Because it is written very directly on it, this number is the administrator's login password

"Captain, how is it?"

Takina, who was unable to open the intelligence box herself, still had a lot of reluctance on her pretty face.

However, she was also curious about whether the note Su Bai got was useful, so she asked

"Yes, a new side quest has been triggered. The message on the communicator says it is a key side quest."

Su Bai looked at the message on his communicator and explained.

"Very good……"

Yukino, who was watching eagerly, breathed a sigh of relief.

It would be so disappointing if all the hard work for so many days was exchanged for a piece of waste paper.

Fortunately, she was lucky. The method used to open the information box before, although a little stupid, worked.

Moreover, they only experimented less than 100,000 times before they opened the box. They were already very lucky.

In addition, for Yukinoshita Yukino, this information box is equally important.

Yang No had privately told her that if she wanted to truly integrate into Su Bai's team, the current level was not enough.

Whether it was loyalty and unity, or their own strength, they needed to continue to work hard.

And this information box is the real stepping stone.

Although it was a little stupid, it at least expressed their willingness to work hard and cheer up.

Poor little Yukino, now she doesn't want to be proud or not. Making some real contributions to the team is the real thing.

""Takina, take a look."

After thinking for a few seconds, Su Bai handed the note to Takina beside him.

Takina took the note and checked it without asking any more questions.

Then the communicator on her wrist immediately showed a new side quest prompt.

"this is……"

Takina raised her face and looked at Su Bai with a little surprise.

"You also triggered the side quest, right?"

Su Bai took the note back.

Looking at Takina's expression, he knew that his guess was correct. The information in his hand was not exclusive to a certain person.

In other words, as long as he got this information, he could start the key side quest.

"No wonder the rewards for the side quests are nothing. I guess I have to enter the control room and pass some kind of test to get the real core quest."

Su Bai stroked his chin and thought seriously.

Xue Na and Taki Na did not speak again, fearing to disturb Su Bai's thinking.

After a while,

Su Bai made a decision, stood up, and called Qian Shu over.

"I'm going to the location marked on this note. You guys stay here tonight and take care of my account. It's expensive to exchange it for thousands of points."

As the deputy captain, Qianshu is in charge when Su Bai is not around.

So when they split up, Su Bai only needs to tell Qianshu.

And Qianshu's combat ability is indeed the best except for him. Only Takina can compete with her.

"Hey, is this note the maintenance worker's log?……"

"Administrator? So this place full of dinosaurs that we're in is actually man-made?……"

"Has everyone triggered the side quest? Well, I have triggered the side quest too.……"

Su Bai passed the note around to everyone.

As expected, everyone triggered this side quest.

But whether it would be useful after triggering it or not would depend on the subsequent developments. If the subsequent quests could only be completed by one person, then everyone would have to watch Su Bai perform.

After explaining to Qian Shu about setting up camp tonight, Su Bai prepared to leave alone.

"Qianshu, call me if you have anything"

"Captain, if you run into trouble, we will send out our entire army to help you!"

The skill of the Destiny Contract allowed them to sense each other's approximate location even at a long distance.

And simple information like asking for help can still be transmitted as long as the distance is not too far.

Su Bai was going to a place about 15 kilometers away from the camp, which was not too far away.

He rushed all the way.

Su Bai stepped on the six-winged flying shield and took the aerial route. His speed was unmatched by other players. In just a short while, the note in his hand showed the message……

"It's right under my feet."

Su Bai fell from the air.

After looking around, he quickly pulled aside a relatively conspicuous patch of grass and found a very hidden underground entrance.

Like a cellar, Su Bai opened the outermost door and a row of high-tech stairs appeared below.

Following the stairs down, he soon came to a not very spacious platform.

In front of the platform was a mechanical door.

"Wow, this note is actually an access card."

Su Bai saw a keyhole on the door, which was exactly the same size as the flat note.

He put the note on it and tried to open the door. As a result, the virtual display on the door showed:

"Please come before the maintenance day. (4 days left)"


Su Bai smacked his lips, raised his head, and carefully looked at the door in front of him.

He was thinking whether he could break the door violently. He did it when he thought of it. Su Bai picked up the knife and tried to chop the door.


After a loud noise, the virtual display on the door showed new content.

"Being invaded, defense energy remaining 99.8%, self-destruct program ready."

Su Bai:...

Damn it!

Another self-destruct program, right!

Cursing, Su Bai put away the knife.

It seems that forcing in is not going to work. We have to wait a little longer. It won't take long, just four days.

Compared with the 60-day deadline for this main survival mission, it is already relatively short.

"No wonder the coffee shop manager got the information but didn't do the mission. It turned out that he was stuck outside."

Thinking, Su Bai glanced at the note in his hand, or the key to the control room.

As long as this thing is in his hand, other players will not be able to open the door. If they break the door violently, it will only trigger a self-destruct program...

Of course, not everyone can break the door violently.

Before Su Bai left, he saw that the door that he had just chopped was restored to its original state.

After the defense energy showed 100%, the subtitles disappeared.

So, even a tough guy like Su Bai may not be able to break the door violently. It is even more impossible for others.


Reassured, after leaving the control room entrance.

In the next few days, Su Bai did the same as before.

Killing dinosaurs and exploring the map during the day.

Setting up camp at night, and then letting Takina light a bonfire to fish, the days of survival were simple and unpretentious.

It is worth mentioning that.

During these few days, Su Bai accidentally found an underground passage similar to the entrance of the control room in a farther place.

However, unlike the design of the control room, it was like an old and dilapidated hatchery, full of broken dinosaur eggs.

"Dinosaur Nest!"

At night, sitting around the campfire, eating time.

Qian Shu gave the hatchery a name.

She said excitedly

"I have always wondered why these dinosaurs seem to be endless. No matter how many we kill, there will be new dinosaurs when we wake up the next day. If there is a dinosaur nest, it can explain it."It sounds reasonable.

But Su Bai immediately shook his head and denied it.

"No, those hatcheries are all broken, and it is impossible to produce mechanical dinosaurs."

The dinosaur refresh is still a mystery.

But this is not important, as long as the monsters are refreshed on the map, it will be fine.

Su Bai has barely killed two super-large dinosaurs in the past four days. He wishes that there would be several times more monsters on the map.

This density of monsters is not enough for him to fill his teeth.

【Ding! You spent 5,000 points to upgrade the tent! 】

All the points accumulated over the past few days were spent on the tent.

The tent that Su Bai had set up before could not be moved, so it had always been in its original position.

And their activities in the past few days were all near the tent.

This place has become their fixed camp.

There is no need to worry about killing monsters.

Because as they just discussed, the refresh of dinosaurs seems to be fixed, and the number will not decrease just because they kill a lot in a certain area.

""Luxury hotel."

After upgrading the tent, Su Bai went in to experience it first as usual.

The level of the tent can be upgraded again, and the next time it will be 10,000 points. Su Bai can't afford so many points now.

Fortunately, the tent that has been upgraded to this level has been completely transformed and turned into a luxury hotel model. The space is twice as large as before, and the previous functions are now also available.

And the CD has been greatly reduced.

For example, a compartment like the tea room can provide 300ml of tea or other beverages at a time, and the CD is reduced to 15 minutes.

New rooms such as kitchens have been added. Even if it is a team of eight people, as long as the CD is accurate, this tent alone can meet everyone's daily material needs.

The only thing to be careful about is that the tent is very fragile and can withstand wind and sun.

But if it is attacked from the outside, it will not last for two seconds.

"I hope that the tent hasn't been dismantled while we're away. If I come back and see that it's gone, I'll kill everyone on this island!"

Under the night sky, Su Bai looked at the tent in front of him, feeling somewhat worried.

But there was nothing he could do.

For this side quest, he had to take everyone to the control room.

The tent could only be left here.

It was impossible to leave only one or two people to guard the tent. If they were separated, they might not be able to defeat other players if they encountered them.

It would be even more painful to lose both the lady and the troops.


Leading everyone to the control room platform, Su Bai used the door card key just like last time, and this time he successfully opened the door.

"Yeah! It's open!!"

Karuizawa Hui clapped her hands, her face full of joy.

""Don't shout nonsense, be alert."

Su Bai waved his hand to let everyone pay attention.

He walked in front with a knife in hand.

Soon, he confirmed that there was nothing dangerous inside. It was just a high-tech hall.

The machines inside were all running normally, and there seemed to be no problems.

Su Bai asked everyone to look for useful clues separately, and he took the door card and went to the most conspicuous control console.

According to the string of numbers on the note, he entered the administrator password

"Welcome, Administrator."

The console displayed a message.

Then, the console suddenly sank like an elevator.

"Eh? Where's the captain?"

When the others came to their senses, Su Bai had disappeared.


, Su Bai didn't disappear for too long. Soon he stepped on the elevator of the control console again and returned to the upper floor.

Without making a sound, Su Bai changed the password of the control console and issued an instruction.

Instantly, a new message popped up on everyone's communicator.

【Ding! The main quest has been changed!】

【Main quest: The island barrier has been removed, please escape from Dinosaur Island as soon as possible (if you cannot escape, you can still complete this reincarnation copy if you survive 60 days in the original main quest)】

【The side bounty mission has been cancelled】

"Captain, what's going on?……"

Takina looked up and asked Su Bai

"Just as you can see, the main quest has changed. By the way, it is probably a time race game now. Whoever leaves Dinosaur Island first will get a higher dungeon rating!"

Su Bai obviously has more information.

But he didn't tell anyone else for the time being. He just smiled and continued to explain.

"I just checked, there should be only one way to escape from here, that is to leave by boat."

In fact, flying is also possible. If Su Bai wants to leave, he can also fly.

But Su Bai knows that it is impossible to leave Dinosaur Island now.

Whether flying or taking a boat, he will be hunted down by the super dinosaurs swimming near Dinosaur Island.

That's right.

Su Bai just went down on the control console and got more critical information.

His side quest has been extended. The side quests of others are over. Fortunately, although there is no direct reward, there should be hidden rewards. It will be reflected in the dungeon rating at that time.

And the so-called super dinosaur... is the monster with strength comparable to Godzilla that he saw before entering the reincarnation dungeon.

Even if he encounters a monster of this level, he can only wash his head and sleep.

"Let's go back to the camp. There are still many things to do."

Not long after

, everyone went back and returned to the camp. Su Bai's tent was safe and sound, and he could breathe a sigh of relief.

"Sister Yang Nai, come here for a moment.

Su Bai called Yang Nai into the tent alone.

"Are you finally going to take action against your sister?……"

Yang Nai covered his chest and joked

""We'll talk about it when we get back."

Su Bai answered seriously, which made Yang Nai stunned.

What did he mean by"we'll talk about it when we get back"? He couldn't be serious.

"If you're so scared, don't make such jokes."

"Sorry, but I don't mind.……"

After a few small talk,

Su Bai started to talk business.


Next , I want to use your name to help me do something. I want to collect some information.……‘Dinosaur Lair' should have been kept by each player.

But now all the keys are gone, probably taken by other players. I want to collect these keys by bribery."

Yang Nai started as a joke, but gradually became serious.


"Yes, it's similar to the key I use to open the control room."

"I understand, but why do you need to collect these keys in my name?"

"You are the only non-student player in the team, so you are the best person to do this. Moreover, you will need to build your intelligence circle outside the academy in the future. This is a good opportunity for you to establish your authority."

Su Bai smiled.

He had thought about this problem before when he killed the coffee shop manager.

The forces outside the academy are also complicated. Since there is no way to completely avoid these troubles, he should find a way to get involved.

And Yang Nai is the best person to do this.

"As the eldest daughter of the Yukinoshita family, this shouldn't be difficult for you, right?"

Yonori blinked and thought for a moment.

Then she smiled confidently.

"It sounds interesting, I'll take the job."

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