And after learning about Otoku's choice.

Hayashida Shin also found Gojo after the others left.

After all.

Others don't know that Xia Youjie's technique can replace the dependent after killing the dependent, but Lin Tian Nobu knows.

When he was young, Xia Youjie hid this quite schemingly.


In the intelligence of the spell master, Xia Youjie's technique is the art of wild Pokémon capture, not the art of NTR.

As long as this information is exposed, the true purpose of Xia Youjie's night trip will naturally be exposed.

The real purpose of the Hundred Ghosts Night Walk is to isolate the special cursed person Otoku Yutai and seize the special grade cursed spirit prayer book Rixiang.

But I know this.

But Nobu Hayashi will not get too involved.

On the one hand, it is because Otoku Yuta can only clarify his goals in the life-and-death battle with Xia Youjie, redeem the cursed self and the cursed Rika, and complete the goal he set after joining the high school.

On the other hand.

"Who do you think Naruto and Sasuke would like to die in if one day they had to die?"

“... Die at the hands of the other party!! "

Hearing this, Lin Tianxin nodded.

"OK, don't go to Shinjuku this time, stay here!"

Under the protection of Gojou, it is impossible to send Otoku Yuta... Probably.

Unlike Hayashida Shin, who was still wondering 'Is Otoku really reliable to hand over to this person?' Gojo immediately sensed some hidden information after hearing this question.

"Jay's goal is to worry about it? No, the real target is actually Rika! "

Gojo finally knew what he had been feeling was wrong.

Before, no matter what Gojo thought about it, he always had a doubt in his heart.

What did Xia Youjie provoke this war that was bound to be lost?


"Can Jay actually obtain the curse spirit of the one who has a dependency..."

Recalling that in the past, Xia Youjie had never said positively that he could only capture the five realizations of wild curses, and instantly sorted out his thoughts.

"But... Only when I'm sure I'm there will Jay act! "

This moment.

Gojo made a decision in his mind.


December 24.

Shinjuku, Tokyo.

As the [tent] was slowly pulled up, the night walk of the hundred ghosts began.

A large number of spells poured into the streets, and some curses also appeared with them.

Seeing this scene, Night Moth Masamichi shouted to the spell masters behind him:

"Try to avoid damaging buildings and public facilities, and there may be ordinary people who have no time to escape, and immediately guide evacuation and evacuation as soon as they see people!"


As the spell masters scattered, the Night Moth Masamichi couldn't help but look at the five realizations that something was wrong.

"Are you listening? Realize! "

Gojo gazed at the huge mantra that was slowly approaching in the distance.

"There's a troublesome-looking guy!"

At the same time, in the distance, on the huge curse spirit that appeared to be flying in the air like a catfish, a black man dressed in white and wearing two huge golden earrings also looked at Gojo Gojo.

"So that's the case, is that the one wrapped in the bandage?!"

"Yes, the others are handled by us!"

On the side, Xia Youjie's henchman secretary, Manami Sugata, who was wearing a purple cheongsam, nodded after looking at Gojo Goku's figure, and then looked around, and finally sighed with relief after seeing Hayashida's letter.

Then I looked at Miguel and the bald butcher-like HDB tanning on the side.

"Although I have said it many times..."

"I understand! We're just responsible for containment, right? Let's have a relaxing time and wait for the summer oil work to end! "

Unlike Miguel, who seemed extremely relaxed, the HDB tanning at this time looked at the figure of Hayashida Shin and couldn't help licking the corners of his mouth.

"I don't care about your plans... I have my own business to do!! "

And at this time.

Xia Youjie, who received the news, hooked the corner of his mouth.

He looked at the spell master who seemed extremely quiet.

"Here we go!!"

The next moment.

A slowly pulled down [tent] instantly attracted the attention of Otoku Worried, who was doing nothing.

"It's really coming!!"


"Mr. Gojo, I have something I want to report!!"

Itachi Kitaka immediately trotted over to Gojou.


"What's wrong?!"

"It's okay!"

After not seeing the limelight figure in his memory, Gojo glanced at Itachigao curiously while making sure that his guess was correct.

"What's wrong?"

Itachigao looked serious.

"Although it is not appropriate to pick it now, I think it is better to report it as soon as possible, about the incident you asked me to investigate about Otoku earlier..."

"Actually, Otoku is a descendant of Sugawara Michijin, one of the three major spell spirits in Japan, in other words, although the relationship is a bit distant, Otoku is actually your relative!!"

Hearing this, Gojo appeared a little shocked.

What's the thing?

My relative?!!

While shocked, Gojo became clear.

Why is it clear that Pray Benrika is just a little girl who does not have the blood of the spellmaster family, but she can become such a powerful spell spirit.

It's the same as Otoku's past speculation.

It is not that Rika Omoto cursed Otoku Yuta, but Otoku Yuta cursed Saika Omoto.


Although another doubt was relieved, this was not the time to care about this kind of thing.

"It looks like we all need to waste some time this time!"

Lin Tian Xin's expression remained unchanged, and the wooden knife that suddenly appeared in his hand gradually revealed the true body of the slashing knife.

"Wasn't this kind of thing expected?!"

Panda fat da, dog curly spines, in addition to B bone worries too.

These three people can hold out until they or Gojo Gojo rushes over no matter what.

Dragon Boat reading discount! Charge 100 and get 500 VIP bonds!

immediately preemptive(Event Period: June 22 to June 24)

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