
Lu Li was speechless when he heard this. He came up to take his son in right away. This was really in the style of Whitebeard.

Lu Li recognized these people by their names at the first sight.

Toosaka Rin, one of the heroines of the Fate series. Judging from the appearance of the avatar, she is a cute little girl with twin ponytails, still in her childhood.

Kanae, whose full name should be Butterfly Kanae, is the flower pillar of the Demon Slayer Corps in the Demon Slayer world. She is also the biological sister of Insect Pillar Butterfly Shinobu. She was later killed by Douma of Upper Rank Two.

Erica, whose full name should be Erica Blountrey, is one of the heroines of the God Slayer world.

As for Whitebeard, there is no need to think about it. He must be the strongest man in the world in the One Piece world.

【White Beard:"Hmm? Boy, why don't you talk? Are you born a quiet person? Or do you think you are not worthy of being my son? Gulala!"

Lu Li was a little speechless. It is said that the Internet is different from reality. Is this White Beard a funny guy on the Internet?

You like to have a son, but I don't like to find a father for myself.

【Kanae:"Grandpa Whitebeard, how can you accept a son right away? Look, you've scared the newcomer so much that he doesn't dare to speak."】

【Erica:"I think the newbies haven't figured out the situation yet. I thought it was some special magic trick."】

【Toosaka Rin:"Newcomer brother, please say something!"】

【Lu Li:"Hello everyone!"】

【Erica:"The newcomer is speaking. Where are you from? Does your world have any extraordinary powers? Don't worry about your information being leaked. We all come from different worlds. Just tell the truth.""】

【Lu Li:"I come from the magic world. The supernatural power in our world is magic."】

【Toosaka Rin:"Yeah! Great! It's the magic world again! Big brother, do you know any magic? You can use the mall function to list your magic. As long as group members spend points to buy, you can get a lot of points. You can also use points to buy the goods we put on the shelves."】

While Rin Toosaka was explaining, Lu Li had almost figured out the chat group.

This chat group has many functions, and there are two that involve points.

One is to sign in. As long as you sign in every day, you will get group points. The stronger you are, the higher the points you get.

The other is the mall, where you can consign your own items and magic, and then the chat group will set the price according to the value of the goods. You can also buy other people's goods in the mall.

Lu Li opened the mall interface, and there were quite a few things on consignment at this time, including the five basic breathing methods, as well as the derived flower breathing and insect breathing...

These can be seen at a glance as being consigned by Butterfly Kanae.

There are also armed color domineering and observation color domineering, which must be consigned by old man Whitebeard.

Gem magic should be Rin Toosaka.

These are all famous moves in the original world. Lu Li was very greedy and drooled.

He took a look at the 100 points he got from signing in, and he couldn't afford anything.

After thinking about it, he decided to put his magic on the shelves first. Almost when he thought of these

【You have added the magic"Dragon God: The Merciless Sun"』!】

【Sales points: 800,000 points】

【Lu Li:"I just put my magic on the shelves. Anyone who needs it can go and buy it now."】

【Toosaka Rin:"What...what is this?!"】

【Kanae:"What’s wrong with Rin?"】

【Toosaka Rin:"Go check out the mall!"

Everyone opened the mall to check.

【Erica:"Oh my god! 800,000 points! What kind of magic is this? What kind of magic world are you from, Lu Li? A magic with 800,000 points, this magic can already kill gods, right?"

Erica was very shocked. She also tried to put her own magic on the shelf, but it was only a few thousand points, not even one over ten thousand.

This newcomer came up with a magic with 800,000 points. If she learned this magic, she could almost kill gods easily.

【Whitebeard:"Boy, you really don't want to consider being my son?"】

【Kanae:"Wow... This is too many points. Brother Lu Li is so amazing! Is this magic from Brother Lu Li's world?"

Each of the breathing methods she listed is only worth a little over 2,000. The magic that Lu Li listed is 400 times more valuable than the breathing methods she listed.

【Lu Li:"Well, I guess so. To be precise, it is the magic I created."】


The chat group suddenly fell silent.

【Toosaka Rin:"Boss! A boss has come to our group! Boss, please accept my knee!"】

【Kanae:"Big Boss, please accept my knee!"】

【Erica:"Big Boss, please accept my knee!"】

【Whitebeard:"Big brother, please accept my knees!"

Seeing this neat formation, Lu Li was speechless. It was fine if they were making a prank, but why did Whitebeard, the strongest man in the world, come to join in the fun?

Although he created such an awesome magic, he knew his own level best. He was just a rookie wizard.

His magic was very destructive, but he didn't know anything else, not to mention a big brother like Whitebeard who was offered a bounty of more than 5 billion by the World Government. Even if it was a random fry with a gun, he would have to kneel.

Which is faster, magic or gun?

From seven steps away, the gun is fast, and within seven steps, the gun is fast and accurate.

【Lu Li:"I'm not a big shot, I'm just a wizard who just started learning magic today."】


The chat group was silent again

【Toosaka Rin:"Master, please accept my knee!"】

【Kanae:"Big Boss, please accept my knee!"】

【Erica:"Big Boss, please accept my knee!"】

【Whitebeard:"Boss, please accept my knee!"】

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