
After Lu Li put the"Dragon God Breathing Method" on the shelves, the chat group was completely quiet.

After controlling the chat group for five minutes

【Toosaka Rin:"Oh my...oh my...Oh my god!!! 2 million points!!!"(?`?Д?′)!!"】

【Kanae:"This... this is too high! It's 100,000 times higher than the breathing method I gave you! ヽ(*Д)o゜!"】

【Erica:"You still say you are not a big shot, but look at the breathing method you created, it is worth 2 million points."】

【Whitebeard:"I'm sorry, I spoke a little too loudly just now."】

Lu Li just wanted to see how much the breathing method he created was worth. He didn't expect that the breathing method he created was actually worth 2 million points.

【Erica:"Mr. Lu Li, tell us the truth, you... are not the Lord of God?"

Erica said this not without basis, she evaluated based on the magic she knew, magic worth about 100,000 points should be able to cause damage to gods. Magic worth 1 million points should be able to easily kill gods.

Breathing method worth 2 million points.

She practiced breathing method, she knew that this is a power that can continuously strengthen one's physical fitness, and its value is extraordinary.

Then this breathing method worth 2 million points, she felt that it was almost a power that could allow the practitioner to reach the realm of gods.

Then how could the person who created such power be an ordinary person.

And in her worldview, the only one who can have such power is - God.

Others in the chat group did not say anything, they also wanted to know Lu Li's identity, after all, what Lu Li showed was really amazing. From their understanding of the chat group during this period of time, the chat group's evaluation was definitely not a blind evaluation, but this power is really worth such a price.

Lu Li couldn't help but twitch his mouth when he saw Erica's question, God?

Now in this group, he might only be able to beat the young Toosaka Rin, he can't beat any of the others. Is there such a weak god?

【Lu Li:"I'm not a god? I'm just a person with better understanding."】

【Toosaka Rin:"This is comprehension, okay? Your comprehension is simply amazing, okay?"

You guessed it, the subtitles in his mind always say that he has amazing comprehension and that he created some magic.

【Toosaka Rin:"Lu Shen, can you please take a look at my magic and help me improve it?(*^▽^*)"】

Toosaka Rin's words immediately reminded Kanae and Erica

【Kanae:"Yes! Lu Shen, I am having a hard time now, especially since our world is being ravaged by evil spirits. Over the past thousand years, countless innocent people and swordsmen have died at the hands of evil spirits. Can you help me?""】

【Erica:"In terms of the degree of danger, my world is more dangerous. In Kanae's world, people just die one by one. Those disobedient gods often cause natural disasters and don't care about the lives of humans. At the very least, some buildings will be destroyed, and at the worst, a country will be wiped off the map."】

Lu Li also knew what the two people said.

But what the hell is Lu Shen?

【Lu Li:"I'm really not a god. I can understand what you said, but although we are both users of magic, the worlds are different and the magic formulas are also different. I need to know more about your magic before I can deduce it."】

【Lu Li:"As for the breathing method you want, Ms. Chanae, I created a breathing method by combining the five basic breathing methods before creating the 'Dragon God Breathing Method'. You can learn from it if you need it."】

【You have added the"Unnamed Breathing Method"』!】

【Sales points: 20,000 points】

【Kanae bought the"Unknown Breathing Method", and you received 20,000 group points! 】Kanae bought it without hesitation. The breathing method that was ten times more valuable than the one she had learned must be very powerful. Even if she couldn't learn it, it would still be a good reference.

【Toosaka Rin:"Lu Shen is awesome!\(^o^)/"】

【Kanae:"Lu Shen is awesome!\(^o^)/"】

【Erica:"Lu Shen Niu Pi!\(^o^)/"】

【Whitebeard:"Lu Shen Niu Bi!\(^o^)/"】

Lu Li was speechless. If he wasn't an old man with a white beard, it would be fine if those little girls were making trouble.

But you are the strongest man in the world, why do you like to join in the fun with little girls?

【You purchased"Observation Haki", which consumed 10,000 group points. 】

Since he had points again, Lu Li also purchased"Observation Haki"』

【Lu Li:"Okay, everyone, I'm leaving now. I still need to practice magic. Let me emphasize again that I'm really not a god."】

【Toosaka Rin:"Okay! Goodbye, Lu Shen!"】

【Erica:"Goodbye, Lu Shen!"】

【Kanae:"Goodbye, Lu Shen!"】

【Whitebeard:"Goodbye, Lu Shen!"】


Lu Li closed the chat group panel. It seemed that he could not get rid of the title of Lu Shen.

So what? As long as he truly possessed the strength of a god, this title would be worthy of the name.

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