Lu Li came to the guild and heard the familiar sound of fighting as soon as he entered the guild.

It was Natsu and Gray fighting again. He was used to it. Natsu and Gray fought almost once a week on average.

Lu Li sat on the chair as if nothing had happened:"What is the reason for them?"

""They fought because of a mission commission." said a cute blue kitten.

The blue kitten was Harpy. Two months ago, an egg fell towards Lu Li, and Lu Li caught it.

He sensed that there was a kitten gestating inside, and immediately guessed that this was Harpy.

At first he wanted to keep it, after all, he also liked small pets, but then he thought about it and gave Harpy to Natsu.

Compared to himself, Natsu needed Harpy's company more. Now Natsu was no different from his younger brother, so there was no need for him to snatch something that originally belonged to him.

Natsu was naturally overjoyed after getting the egg, and Harpy hatched soon after.

"Habby, here you go."

Lu Li opened his palm, and a lively fish appeared in his palm.


When Habby saw it, his eyes lit up and he happily hugged the fish.

"Lu Li, you are the best!"

Lu Li's house is built next to a small waterfall. There are abundant fish resources there. When he is free, he can practice and fish there.

Then he can store them in his private space and take them out when he wants to eat.

At this moment, Ding Dong Ding Dong!

The big bell above the Fairy Tail Guild suddenly sounded.

Natsu and Gray both stopped.

"The way this bell rings is……!!"

"Oh! Could it be that!!"

"It's Gildarts!!"

"Oh oh oh oh oh oh!!!"

"Gildarts is back!!!"

Almost everyone in the guild cheered when they heard the bell ringing.

Gildarts is the most recognized wizard in the Fairy Tail guild and is the idol worshipped by everyone in the Fairy Tail guild.

Knowing that the idol is back, everyone is naturally very excited.


Happy looked at Lu Li in confusion.

Erza explained:"Gildarts is the strongest wizard of Fairy Tail Guild, and the only S-class wizard of Fairy Tail Guild now."

Erza's face was also slightly excited. She remembered how shocked she was when she saw Gildarts' magic.

Lu Li also thought to himself: I'm finally back!

"It's Gildarts!!"

"Gildarts is back!!"

The crowds on the streets of Magnolia Town were all in an uproar.

【Magnolia has changed to Gildarts mode, citizens! Please proceed to the designated location immediately! Repeat again!……】

Almost immediately after the announcement was made, the center of the city began to move.

After a while, a passage from south to north leading to Fairy Tail appeared in the center of the city.

Happy saw it and said in horror:"The city... is cracked!"——!!!"

Lisanna explained,"Because Gildarts uses magic that shatters objects when it touches them, if he accidentally walks over in a daze, he will crash into the houses, so the whole city is transformed with magic."


Habby was dumbfounded.

Lu Li's mouth twitched. Although he had seen it in anime, the feeling of seeing it with his own eyes was incomparable to that in anime.

Soon, a middle-aged man in a black cloak came over.

He waved from a distance and shouted cheerfully,"Hey! Everyone, I'm back!"

""Welcome back! Gildarts!"

Many people came forward to greet him warmly.

"Oh! It feels good to be home!"

Natsu shouted excitedly:"Gildarts!! Fight with me!"

Gildarts looked at Natsu and saw a bruised man. He finally recognized him and said,"It's Natsu! Did you fight with Gray again?"

"Stop talking nonsense! Fight me to the death!"

Natsu rushed towards Gildarts, but Gildarts stood still and put his hand on Natsu's head, making Natsu unable to move no matter how hard he tried.

"Hey, hey! I just came back, don't welcome me like this! Let's fight next time."

As he said that, Gildarts flicked his finger on Natsu's forehead.


Natsu flew backwards, hit the table and chairs, and his eyes were spinning.

Happy complained in shock:"It's over!!"

In Happy's cognition, Natsu's strength is very strong, but he didn't expect that he would be defeated by Gildarts so easily.

Lu Li activated the"Dragon God Perception Method". He clearly felt that there was a terrifying magic power contained in Gildarts' body. Just when his perception touched Gildarts' body, it suddenly shattered.

Lu Li was shocked. He didn't expect Gildarts's magic power to be so powerful that he could shatter his perception unconsciously.

Gildarts also noticed something and looked at Lu Li:

"Are you new to the guild?"

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