
Makarov looked at Gildarts in disbelief.

Gildarts practiced magic himself, and he knew best how difficult it was to control his magic.

"President, it is a good thing that young people are motivated. Don't discourage their enthusiasm. And how can you know that you can't control yourself if you haven't learned it?"

"Some things are better if you stop them."

Gildarts reached out and patted Lu Li on the shoulder:"Lu Li, don't you want to learn my magic? I can teach you"

"Really?! Thank you, uncle!"

Lu Li was very surprised.

Makarov shook his head helplessly when he heard this.

Gildarts stood up and said,"Let's go to the back of the guild. I also want to see with my own eyes whether you can learn it just by looking at it. If I don't see it with my own eyes, I really can't believe it."

Soon, everyone followed curiously to the back of the guild. They were also very curious whether Lu Li could learn Gildarts' magic.

If he really learned it, it would be amazing.

Gildarts said,"Come on, you release your magic power with all your strength first, and I will see how your magic power is first. If your magic power is not strong enough, it is almost impossible to learn this magic."

Lu Li nodded when he heard Gildarts' words.

Then he opened his dual magic sources and released his magic power with all his strength.


A terrifying magic power emanated from Lu Li's body, and the red-black magic power rushed straight into the sky.

The ground around Lu Li's feet was all broken into pieces, and under the influence of the magic power, it was suspended weightlessly. The lake water not far away was also constantly agitated because of Lu Li's magic power.


The violent air wave spread to the surroundings, and everyone in Fairy Tail couldn’t help but scream.

"This... is this really that Lu Li?"

"How can this be?!"

"How can Lu Li have such terrifying magic power!"

Everyone in the Fairy Tail Guild was frightened. Many people were terrified and trembling under the pressure of this magic power.

Even Gildarts and Makarov were shocked by Lu Li's magic power.

Although Lu Li's magic power was not as strong as Gildarts, his mass density was not much worse than Gildarts. What really shocked the two was that Lu Li was only thirteen years old. Even if the New Year was coming soon, he was only fourteen years old.

How could Lu Li's young body withstand such terrifying magic power?


Gildarts said hurriedly.


The magic power on Lu Li disappeared instantly.

The control of this magic power shocked Gildarts and Makarov.

Such a powerful magic power was hidden so perfectly, and the breath of magic released was very weak, giving people the feeling that he was just an ordinary magician.

Magic power itself comes with a certain radiation, and the stronger the magic power, the stronger the radiation.

Every magician has a certain perception of other magicians, just like they are born with observation Haki, but they are only aimed at magicians.

Therefore, the more powerful the magic power, the easier it is to be discovered.

Gildarts felt a sense of danger when he first saw Lu Li, and he thought he was wrong, but now it seems that he was not wrong.

Lu Li asked,"Is that enough?"

"Enough, enough, absolutely enough."

When he learned this magic, he didn't have such strong magic power.

"How do you want to learn? Do you want me to teach you step by step, or do you want me to learn by watching me cast spells?"

"I'll watch you cast the spell, uncle."

Although he could learn it by studying, it would be faster to watch it directly. He also wanted to know if his extraordinary understanding could quickly learn super-advanced magic.

Gildarts raised his lips and gave Lu Li a thumbs up:"Confident!"

"Well, you can cast magic on me, so that you can understand it more deeply."

"" Okay!"

Lu Li did not hesitate, spread his legs and raised his right hand high above his head.


A column of fire shot up from Lu Li's palm, and then quickly expanded to form a huge fireball with a diameter of more than ten meters. Terrifying heat waves emanated from the fireball.

""It's so big!!!"

Everyone was shocked to see Lu Li release such a huge fireball. They had never seen Lu Li use this magic before.

Natsu's mouth was watering when he saw Lu Li's big fireball.

He had the honor of tasting Lu Li's flames, and the taste was absolutely amazing. He had never tasted such delicious flames before.

Not only that, after he ate Lu Li's flames, his magic power increased greatly, so when he saw Lu Li could release such a huge fireball this time, he was naturally drooling.

"Hey, hey, hey! I asked you to cast magic, but there's no need to do it so big!"

Kil'darts couldn't help but complain when he saw Lu Li release such a huge fireball, but his expression was still very relaxed.

"『Dragon God - Great Yan Emperor』!!!"

Lu Li fired a huge fireball at Gildarts, and almost all the ground around it was burned.

Gildarts raised his left hand calmly.

"Smash it!!"Swish!————

A flying grid-like object passed over the fireball.

The fireball was instantly disassembled into cubes and then disappeared.

"Oh oh oh oh oh oh!!!"

"too strong!"

"Gildarts indeed!"

"Such a huge fireball was shattered!"……

Everyone in the guild cheered when they saw this scene. Gildarts had not used magic very often, and few people in the guild had seen him.

��Every time I see Gildarts use magic, it is so shocking.

""Wow... so awesome!"

Lu Li's eyes lit up when he saw this. This was the magic he longed to see.

At the same time, he felt the knowledge about super magic - shattering emerging from his mind.

Subtitles in his brain also began to appear.

【You have observed the super-advanced destruction magic - Crush, your understanding is extraordinary, you have comprehended the super-advanced destruction magic - Crush! 】

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