【Toosaka Rin:"I...I...I said Lu Shen is not a human! Look! Look! Lu Shen is an angel!!"

Toosaka Rin was born into a famous magic family. In the Western church, the image of angels is almost universally known. Angels are called messengers of God and also belong to gods.

【Kanao:"Lu Li can actually grow wings?!"】

【Whitebeard: This is really surprising."】

Erica looked at Lu Li in shock and said,"Lu... Lu Li, are you an angel?"

Lu Li flicked his finger on Erica's forehead and said,"What angel? How can I look like an angel? I am using magic, wing magic." Wing magic is a magic that harpies are born with, and Lu Li would not miss such flying magic.

After learning it, it was improved and became the current six-winged one, which looks similar to the six-winged Seraphim.

""Interesting! Very interesting! Human! I didn't expect you to know so many interesting magics! I'm really looking forward to it. It looks like you can bring me more fun."

Veleslana said as he flew over the sea.

"You wait here, I will go and deal with him."

Lu Li said as he flapped his wings and flew rapidly towards Veleslagna.


Erica also wanted to help. Maybe her power was insignificant in the face of the gods, but she couldn't watch Lu Li take risks alone.

But in the blink of an eye, Lu Li had disappeared, and she could only watch the battle through the chat group screen.

Lu Li's flying speed was very fast. With six wings and his magic power, Lu Li's flying speed was not much slower than that of a fighter plane.

In a blink of an eye, Lu Li caught up with Velesragna.

"You are indeed a human that I like, but the power of the gods is more than that."

A pair of red phoenix wings appeared behind Veleslana, and he quickly chased after Lu Li.

【Erica:"@Lu Li, you have to be careful! Veleslana has ten incarnations, which means he has ten kinds of powerful powers. If you can't defeat him, you will leave this world immediately."】

【Lu Li:"I know, don't worry"】

Two figures flew rapidly over the Mediterranean Sea, and after a while they stopped over an uninhabited island. Lu Li used his senses to scan the island, and found that there were no humans living on it, only some animals and plants, and there was a volcano in the center of the island.

"Is this the battlefield you chose? It's a suitable place for you to rest in peace."

Velslana said with a smile as he looked at Lu Li who had stopped.

【Toosaka Rin:"Come on, Lu Shen! Kill this arrogant god!"】

【Chanahui:"Brother Lu Li, come on!"】

【White Beard:"Really? I want to go too. Why did you fly so far?"

If he was with Erica, he would be able to help if she invited him over if there was any danger. But Lu Li flew so far, he couldn't go because he couldn't fly!

"Come on! Let me have more fun!"

Veleslana raised his hand and released a bolt of lightning.

【Erica:"Be careful! This is the lightning of the Goat."】


Dazzling blue-white lightning fell from the sky and struck Lu Li.

Lu Li stood there and raised his palm, easily blocking the lightning.

"Oh? You actually blocked my lightning without dodging. It seems that I was right about you."

At this time, a golden arc of electricity also condensed on Lu Li's raised palm.


A golden lightning bolt fell from the sky and struck Veleslana.

Veleslana did not dodge, and a golden shield appeared around his body. This was the protection of the gods.


The golden lightning struck the shield, and the shield trembled slightly, but did not break.

"Interesting! Can you use the power of lightning? You know a lot of magic! But as a mere human, I can't destroy the protection of God."

"I know a lot of magic, but not as much as you do."

Lu Li flapped his wings and rushed towards Veleslagna.

Veleslagna did not dodge, but just stood there with his shield turned on. Although Lu Li was quite powerful, he did not think that a mere human could destroy his shield.

At this moment, Lu Li punched the shield.




Veleslana's shield shattered.


He was so shocked that he didn't even react for a moment.

Lu Li punched Velesragna in the face.

Velesragna's body fell from the sky to the island like a cannonball.


A huge hole was blasted out on the island.

【Erica:"What?! Veles Ragnar was……"】

Erica couldn't believe it. The opponent was the God of War of the East. Not only was the God's protection broken, but he was also punched into the ground. If she hadn't seen it with her own eyes, she wouldn't have believed it.

【Toosaka Rin:"Lu Shen is invincible!!(/≧▽≦)/!!"】

【Kanae:"Lu Shen is invincible!!(/≧▽≦)/!!"】

【Whitebeard:"Lu Shen is invincible!!(/≧▽≦)/!!"】

Lu Li had already closed the chat group at this moment. He couldn't be distracted by the battle with the gods.

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