"Human, you are able to force me to merge eight incarnations. This is truly commendable. I would like to call you the strongest human."

"But... the strongest human is only the strongest human after all, I am the strongest among all gods!"

"I am very satisfied, so... everything ends here."

Veleslana put his hands in front of him, and the divine power continued to gather in his hands.

Soon, a dazzling magic circle appeared, and then a group of fierce horses formed by a white flash like the sun rushed out of the magic circle and rushed towards Lu Li.

The white flames completely surrounded Lu Li's body, and it kept spraying and burning like a spray gun.


The top of the volcano not far away was cut off by this fireball.————The volcano, which had been dormant for who knows how many years, has become active again, with thick black smoke rising from the crater.

【Toosaka Rin:"Brother Lu Li!!"】

【Chanahui:"Brother Lu Li!"】

【Erica:"Lu Li!!"】

【Whitebeard:"Little brat!!"

The chat crowd all cried out in worry when they saw this scene.

After a while, the blazing solar flash completely surrounded Lu Li, forming a huge fireball, like a new sun in the sky. Veleslana turned around and said:"Human strong man! You can let me merge the eight incarnations and launch a solar flame attack. Your record is enough to make you proud. You can die without regrets."


A voice sounded in the white fireball.



When Veleslana heard the voice, he turned around in disbelief and stared at the fireball with wide eyes.

The people chatting also showed surprise on their faces.

That was Lu Li's voice. Lu Li was not dead.

Then he heard Lu Li's voice coming from the fireball.

"Delicious! Really delicious!!"

Then everyone saw that the white solar flare became much smaller.

Soon, everyone saw that Lu Li, who was at the center of the flame, was now opening his mouth wide to suck in the flame. In the blink of an eye, all the solar flare was swallowed into Lu Li's stomach.


Velslana's eyes widened in disbelief. This was the first time he lost his composure since the fight with Lu Li.

【Toosaka Rin:"Hey——?!!Σ(?д?lll)!!"】




Lu Li wiped his mouth and said with a smile:"Thank you for the hospitality!"

Veleslana pointed at Lu Li and said in disbelief:"You...you...you put my flame……"

"Eat it."

Lu Li said what Veleslana wanted to say.

"Eaten?! How is it possible?! That is the same as the flames of the sun"

【Toosaka Rin:"Monster!!?)?Д?(?!!!"】

She originally thought that Lu Li was not a human, but now she felt that he was no longer a human, he was simply a monster!

【Kanae:"Although I already knew that Brother Lu Li was not a mortal, it was really unexpected that he could swallow fire."】

【Erica:"This is already within the realm of God’s power."】

【Whitebeard:"Young people have such a good appetite!"】


When the chat group heard Whitebeard's words, they all fell silent.

"Eat it, and the power will surge up. It's rude not to return the favor, so you should also eat my fire."

""Okay! Then come on!"

Although Veleslana was shocked that Lu Li could actually devour his own flames, he was only slightly shocked. The gods of fire in various myths all possessed similar powers.

He was just shocked that Lu Li was just an ordinary human being but could do what only gods could do.

Since he had been invited to fight by Lu Li, as a god, and he believed that he was the strongest god, his self-esteem would not allow him to avoid the fight.

Lu Li took a deep breath, and the terrifying suction force even stirred up a gust of wind around him. The air was constantly sucked over by Lu Li, and Lu Li's chest swelled up as if it was about to explode.

"『The Dragon God's Roar』!!!"

A huge red-black flame magic circle appeared in front of Lu Li's mouth.————!!

A violent fire storm spewed out from Lu Li's mouth, directly hitting Veleslana's defenses.


Veleslana roared loudly, continuously outputting divine power to increase the protective wall, but the protective wall was still melted by the flames spewed out by Lu Li at a speed visible to the naked eye.

Veleslana's face suddenly changed.

Boom!————The flames finally broke through the protective wall and fell on Veleslana.


Veleslana’s body was constantly burned by the flames and he screamed in pain.

【Toosaka Rin:"Kill it!!"

No one else said anything, all staring at the screen nervously.

"I am the winner! The invincible god! How could I lose to a mere human!!!"


The pattern representing 'Aries' appeared on Veleslana's body, the flames on Veleslana's body went out, and he was restored to his original state.

【Kanae:"How could it be?!"】

【Erica:"One of the ten incarnations of Aries Veleslana, whose ability is to regenerate and revive after dying once."】

Erica's face was very heavy at this time. Veleslana had already merged nine incarnations at the same time, and his ability value had almost reached the peak. However, magicians need to consume magic power to cast magic.

After such a high-intensity battle just now, and casting such a powerful magic, how much magic power would Lu Li have left in his body? One-fifth or one-tenth, or has it already reached the bottom?

【Toosaka Rin:"This...this...isn't this cheating?!"】

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