An afternoon passed quietly. Erza cooked dinner for Lu Li like a little wife. After eating and drinking, Lu Li faced another embarrassing problem.


When he built this house, he had just started working and didn't have much money. He only bought a bed just for the convenience of his own practice.

So he planned to spend the night in the living room.

Before he could say this, he saw Erza, who had taken a shower and changed into pajamas, lying on her bed and patted her side and said,"What are you doing? Come to sleep, you still have to continue practicing tomorrow."

He didn't expect Erza to not care about the difference between men and women at all. Maybe she didn't have any understanding of this now.

But Erza didn't care, so why should he, a man, be so shy, and he had long determined that Erza was his woman.

Lu Li lay beside Erza.

It seemed that because of the excessive fatigue of practicing during the day, Erza fell asleep quickly, and Lu Li also began to use meditation to meditate.

Now his magic power is full, and the magic power absorbed by meditation is not much, but more is to subtly expand the capacity of his own magic source.

As the night quietly fell, Lu Li heard a sound.

He opened his eyes and saw Erza sweating profusely. Her face was filled with fear, and she was obviously having a nightmare.

""Eluza! Erza!"

Lu Li pushed Erza.

Erza suddenly opened her eyes, still a little frightened. After seeing that this was not a slave prison, she suddenly realized where she was.

"No... sorry, I just……"

Lu Li reached out and hugged Erza tightly, whispering,"Don't be afraid, I'm here."

Hearing Lu Li's words, Erza's tense nerves also relaxed. Lu Li's embrace was warm and safe.

The painful memories of her childhood always tortured her. If she didn't wear armor on weekdays, she would not feel safe at all.

Unknowingly, Erza fell asleep in Lu Li's arms.

Lu Li's eyes changed. Of course, he knew why Erza had nightmares. Erza was abandoned by her mother Irene since she was born. When she was young, she was captured by the Black Magic Cult and used as a slave to build the R system.

After that, she was betrayed by Jellal, whom she trusted the most. One blow after another came one after another, all falling on this poor girl.

Even so, Erza was not defeated and still worked hard to live. How could such a girl not be pitied?

Jellal, although he was also a pitiful guy who was deceived by someone, many things cannot be forgiven by saying"I was deceived".

The original author likes to whitewash people, but he doesn't like it. Some things are done and should be paid for.

The next morning, Erza slowly opened her eyes. She didn't know how long she hadn't slept so peacefully. The first thing she saw was Lu Li's face close to her.

She saw herself lying on Lu Li's arms, her whole body was hugged in Lu Li's arms, and she could even feel Lu Li's breath.

Erza's face turned red immediately.

She was about to turn 14, and this was the time when she first fell in love.

Although she had a carefree personality, she was not completely ignorant. It was obviously wrong for a boy and a girl to hug each other so closely.

But she really liked the feeling of being protected.


Lu Li moved, and Erza was so scared that she quickly closed her eyes.

Lu Li opened his eyes and saw Erza pretending to sleep. He couldn't help but feel very funny. Where was the girl who invited him to bed last night?

Since you are pretending to sleep, don't blame me.

Lu Li's lips touched Erza's lips lightly, and Erza froze and stopped breathing.

She, she was actually kissed by the other party.

Fortunately, Lu Li only touched her lightly, and gently put Erza's head on the pillow, then opened the bedroom door and walked out.

It was not until Lu Li walked out that Erza dared to open her eyes, panting heavily, her face flushed, and her heart pounding like a deer. This was her first kiss.

After a while, Erza calmed down again, changed into her usual clothes, opened the bedroom door and walked out.

As soon as she came out, Erza smelled the fragrance of food.

"What a nice smell!"

This scent even made her forget the embarrassment just now.

"Wake up?"

Lu Li asked Erza knowingly when he saw her asking.

Erza then recalled what happened before and nodded with a blush.

Lu Li called Erza and said,"The food is ready, let's eat."

Erza sat down on the chair, picked up the chopsticks and tasted the dish made by Lu Li.

Her eyes lit up immediately:"It's so delicious! Lu Li, is your cooking so delicious?!"

"It's OK, I can only say I can cook a little, not proficient."

As Chinese men, almost all of them have been taught how to cook since childhood, and Lu Li is no exception.

However, the main reason why Lu Li cooks for himself is that he can't afford takeout, so he can only cook at home and save some money for rent.

"This is not mastery. Your cooking skills are better than many restaurants. I never thought that you have a very high talent for magic and cooking."

"Uh...there seems to be no comparison between the two!"

"Delicious! Really delicious!"

Erusa seemed to be eating such delicious food for the first time, and she just wolfed it down.

After eating and drinking, the two began another day of practice.

Lu Li was shocked by the crazy look of Erza in practice. It was as if it was not him who took the S-level assessment, but her.

In the evening, Erza fell asleep, and the next morning she ran into Lu Li's arms for some reason.

Lu Li gave Erza a kiss every morning, which made Erza shy and expectant. She dared to open her eyes only after Lu Li got up.

Unknowingly, a week passed, and the day of the S-level wizard promotion assessment officially arrived.

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