In fact, it is rare for the Magicians Guild to issue missions in the name of the kingdom.

Every kingdom has its own army.

Issuing a commission to the Magicians Guild is already a great loss of face.

However, most of the elite magic troops were wiped out, which really scared them. If the enemy attacks the palace, it will be bad.

So they hurriedly asked for help from the Magicians Guild, but they saw that the reinforcements were actually two children, Lu Li and Erza, so they were so anxious.

At this time

""Your Majesty! No... It's not good!"

A soldier ran in in a panic.

The king and many ministers couldn't help but tremble when they heard this. They had heard such voices several times in these days.

"What happened again?!"

"The town of Baloen was breached by the Black Magic Cult, and all the people in the town were kidnapped by the Black Magic Cult."

Hearing this, everyone in the hall changed their expressions.

"Damn it! What on earth does this Black Magic Cult want to do by arresting so many people?"

The king was even more panicked, and shouted in a trembling voice:"Ask for help! Ask for help from the Magic Council immediately! Tell them that our kingdom is willing to pay protection fees."

Lu Li said lightly:"Why are you panicking? Even if you ask for help now, even if the Magic Council will send troops, it will take at least a month. You might as well let us try. As long as we kill them, you will save a lot of money."

Lu Li's calm look calmed the king and the ministers.

The legion commander frowned and said:"That's the Black Magic Cult. Our kingdom's elite magician army has no way to defeat them. How can you two be the opponent of the Black Magic Cult?"


Lu Li exuded a terrifying magical power.

Everyone felt a terrifying pressure emanating from Lu Li. Their legs couldn't help but tremble. They sat on the ground and looked at Lu Li with fear on their faces.

"We are the wizards of Fairy Tail. Don't compare us with the wizards in your army. We are different."

After saying this, Lu Li put away his magic power.

Now everyone in the hall didn't dare to underestimate Lu Li and Erza. Almost everyone present had magic power and could sense how terrifying Lu Li's magic power was.

Lu Li looked at the soldier who reported:"Tell us the location of the town that was attacked."

"Yes... Yes! The town that was attacked is in the southeast, 200 kilometers away from the capital."

200 kilometers? No wonder the country's top leaders are all panicking. At this distance, the enemy could attack here at any time.


It will be easier if we know the other party's position.————

Three pairs of white wings opened behind Lu Li, startling the people around him. Lu

Li stretched out his hand to Erza and said,"Let's go."

Erza immediately understood what Lu Li meant. Lu Li hugged Erza's waist and flew quickly in the direction known by the soldiers.

In less than five minutes, Lu Li arrived at the attacked town.

The town was empty at this time, with ruins everywhere and all the homes destroyed.

Erza looked very ugly when she saw this scene, and tried to suppress her anger.

"These damn bastards!"


Erza smashed a wall with one punch.

The scene in front of her reminded her of her childhood. At that time, she was captured by the Black Magic Cult and sent to the island as a slave to build the R system.

Lu Li took a closer look at the surroundings:"There are traces of new destruction here. It is a huge project to transfer so many people. I believe they should not have gone far."

Erza reacted immediately. Now is not the time to be angry. The first priority is to rescue people.

"Let's chase them!"

There were footprints all over the ground, so it was easy to track them.

Not long after, Lu Li and Erza came to a city.

Lu Li and Erza quietly came to the top of the city wall. The two looked down and saw a large number of people gathered in the center of the city. Almost everyone had a look of fear on their faces, and some even cried bitterly. All around were members of the Black Magic Cult wearing black robes. There were also a lot of them. Looking around, it was estimated that there were at least 500 people.

"There are so many people! What on earth are these guys trying to do by arresting these people?"

Erza clenched her fists when she saw this. She initially thought that these black magic cults were the same as the original black magic cults, capturing people as slaves to build the R system, but now it seems that is not the case.

At this time, a man with a steel mask on his face appeared on the high platform.

"Everyone! We are now going to start the purification ceremony!"

"These people are innocent!"

"Thirty thousand lives unaware of their impending fate"

"These holy beings will create the key to awaken that great being and revive him on this land."

"In order to walk with Him in this world, we must offer these 30,000 pure souls as a sacrifice!"

"Everything is for the great black wizard Zeref!!"

"For Jeff!!"

"For Jeff!!"……

The many people from the Black Magic Church below all shouted excitedly.

Erza also understood what the other party said at this time. Her face turned pale, her eyes widened in disbelief, and her body trembled.

"These guys...actually want a blood sacrifice!!!"

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