On the other side, Laxus and Filid were also in trouble.

At first, the two came here by boat. Laxus was full of confidence and felt that he could easily deal with the sea monster.

The sea monster really launched an attack, but he didn't expect that the sea monster was very resistant to magic. After being injured, it immediately fled to the sea.

Later, even if Laxus recruited many merchant ships as bait, the sea monster did not appear.

The mission target has been hiding in the deep sea and not coming out, which made Laxus's mission progress suddenly stagnant.

In this case, it is impossible to give up. He is Laxus, and his proud self-esteem does not allow him to fail in any mission.

What's more, this time is the promotion assessment of S-class wizards, and he can't fail.

This failure was due to his previous carelessness. This time he must be fully prepared.

In the next period of time, Laxus and Filid will dive into the sea every day to find the traces of the sea monster. As long as they find the traces of the other party, Filid will set up the spell and will never let the sea monster escape again.

Lu Li and Erza had returned to the guild at this time. When Makarov announced that Lu Li and Erza had completed the S-class mission and Lu Li had successfully advanced to the S-class wizard, the guild was in an uproar. The

Fairy Tail Guild had not produced a new S-class wizard for more than 20 years.

This shows how difficult it is to become an S-class wizard.

Now that Lu Li has been promoted to a new S-class wizard, they are naturally very excited.

A guild with only one S-class wizard is completely different from a guild with two S-class wizards.

The S-class wizard is the ace wizard of the guild and represents the facade of the guild. Every S-class wizard is a monster-level strongman.

This is a symbol of hard power.

This is like the difference between a guild in a game with two super bosses and one boss.

The stronger the strength of the guild, the more famous it will be, and the more proud it will be in such a guild.

At the same time, the more famous the guild is, the more resources the guild will obtain, which is related to the interests of each wizard.

As the saying goes, competitors are enemies. There is a lot of competition between wizard guilds. When going out, who doesn't want to be looked up to by others as soon as they hear that they are from the Fairy Tail Guild? So everyone wants to work hard to expand the guild.

Then, Makarov announced a banquet to celebrate the birth of a new S-class wizard.

Hearing about the banquet, everyone in the guild became even more excited.

In the blink of an eye, a month is about to pass, and there is less than a day left before the end of the S-class promotion assessment.

The guild members are also discussing

"Looks like Laxus failed his promotion mission"

"Yes! S-class missions are not that easy to do."

S-class missions are mission commissions that can only be accepted by S-class mages in the guild, but it does not mean that S-class mages will be able to complete them.

Even for S-class mages, most of the S-class missions are life-threatening missions, and S-class mages are generally unwilling to accept them.

In the guild, the only one who does S-class missions like a game is Gildarts, but Gildarts has a free and easy personality and likes to wander around. When he goes out to do missions, no one knows when he will be back.

Seeing that the sun was about to set, Makarov took a deep breath of smoke and exhaled slowly.

To be honest, he actually didn't want to give Laxus the qualification to participate in the promotion to S-class wizard this time, because Laxus's personality was too rebellious.

In the end, it was Gildarts who persuaded him, saying that Laxus would grow up in the future, and blindly suppressing him would cause a greater rebellious psychology, so he allowed Laxus to participate. Add qualifications.

Lu Li's conduct and personality are good, his magic power is also very strong, and his talent for learning magic is unmatched.

That's why he set such a difficult promotion test. The purpose itself is to rub the two people's spirits and let them understand that there are always people better than you.

Unexpectedly, Lu Li, this little monster, not only completed the commission, but also completed it very beautifully. Only then did he know how strong Lu Li was.

If he hadn't seen it with his own eyes, he would never have believed that someone could reach this level of strength in just half a year.

Seeing that the sun was about to set, as long as the sun set, it meant that the assessment time was officially over.

"Failed? That's fine."

Although Laxus is his grandson, he still hopes that Laxus can grow through this assessment.

At the last moment when the sun was about to set, two figures appeared at the entrance of the Fairy Tail Guild.

"It's Laxus and Felide!!"

At this time, the two people were covered with scars, but their eyes were full of energy. Everyone in the guild was looking at them.

Laxus raised his fist and shouted excitedly:"I... I completed the S-level mission! I became an S-level wizard!!"


Everyone in the guild cheered when they heard this.

Although Laxus was a little arrogant in the guild, he didn't call the Fairy Tail members trash like Future did.

On the contrary, Laxus was the grandson of President Makarov, and grew up in Fairy Tail since he was a child. He was a real red seedling.

Many people thought that when the future president retired, Laxus would definitely inherit the position of president.

On the other hand, Laxus was also successful. The Fairy Tail guild gave birth to two S-class wizards at once.

It was not an ordinary assessment, but a wizard who had truly completed the S-class mission assessment. Such results were not fake at all.

There were two more wizards in the guild all of a sudden, which was extremely exciting news.

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