Then his face became hideous and distorted.————!!!

A terrifying magical power burst out from Laxus' body. Laxus took a deep breath and his chest swelled up.

"Uh... I really don't want to eat this!"

Seeing Laxus's posture, Lu Li knew that Laxus was going to use the roar.

To be honest, this is actually magic, but Lu Li doesn't want to eat magic that comes out of the other party's mouth.

Lu Li also took a deep breath and made a similar posture to Laxus.



"Dragon God……-Roar!!!"

The two roared together.

Laxus spewed out golden lightning.

Lu Li spewed out a huge thunder flame that combined the dual attributes of lightning and fire.


Two powerful magics collided with each other, and suddenly a terrifying impact burst out in the surroundings.

"" Ohh...


" Aaaaaaaaaahh...

"Not good!!"

Gildarts immediately raised his hand and cast a spell.


A flying grid passed by, breaking the lightning flames released by Lu Li into cubes.


The magic was broken down and dissipated. Gildarts's magic was to destroy magic from the atom, so when the destroyed magic dissipated, it didn't even cause any waves.


Laxus knelt on the ground and fell straight down.


The three Thunder Gods' faces changed drastically when they saw this, and they rushed up immediately.

Makarov was also very worried. No matter how rebellious Laxus was, Laxus was now his only relative and his grandson.

Gildarts checked and said,"Don't worry, it's just that his magic power was over-consumed and he fainted temporarily. He just needs to sleep and he will be fine the next day." Hearing Gildarts' words, everyone breathed a sigh of relief.

Gildarts said to Lu Li,"You little brat, you don't know how to control your strength and don't know how to show mercy."

Lu Li scratched his cheek embarrassedly,"I have tried my best to hold back!"


Almost everyone was stunned when they heard this. This was already showing mercy, so what would it be like if Lu Li used his full strength.

Makarov and Erza knew that Lu Li was telling the truth. If he had used the power he showed during the S-level mission, Laxus would have been defeated by Lu Li long ago.

But the two of them didn't know that Lu Li was letting more than that.

The second magic source, Dragon God Breathing Method, Dragon God Domineering Method, Dragon God Perception Method, Dragon God Giant Spirit God Form, Dragon God Six-Winged Seraph Form, Dragon God Demon Suit.

This is just magic, he also has the power of a demon king, but he always feels that this power comes a little inexplicably, so he tries not to use it if he can.

But Lu Li didn't intend to show all his strength.

As a traditional virtue of the Chinese nation, if there are ten points in everything, seven points must be hidden.

Only three points are shown to the outside world, so that others will never be able to figure out what you are capable of. What is his trump card.

Everyone quickly returned to the guild, and the guild was eagerly discussing the battle just now. Many of them had never seen such a wonderful battle.

In the evening, Lu Li returned to his home and began to practice with all his strength again. He did not feel proud because he defeated Laxus.

This is only 17 years old Laxus. There are countless strong people in this world, and there is also the black dragon to face. He must become stronger.

Half asleep and half awake, Lu Li heard someone calling his name.

Lu Li slowly opened his eyes and found himself in a pure white space.

Then, Lu Li saw a girl who was about ten years old, with a slender figure and a cute face. (To read the exciting novels, go to Feilu Novel Network!)

The other party had purple twin ponytails and wore a thin white dress. She was obviously just a little girl, but she gave people a very feminine feeling.

"You are finally here, my lovely son."

Lu Li's mouth twitched when he heard this. He didn't remember that he had such a young mother. If it wasn't for the fact that the other party was a little girl, he might have slapped her directly. You like to have a son when you have nothing to do. Do you think you are Whitebeard?[]

"Who are you? Where is this place?"

Lu Li looked around and asked

"I am your mother, Pandora!"


A terrifying flame ignited in Lu Li's palm, which immediately frightened Pandora.

"Wait! Wait! I am really your mother Pan Lola!"

Crackle, crackle!

The flame on Lu Li's palm was mixed with lightning.

"My name is Pandora! This is the underworld! I have no bad intentions towards you! Can you put out the flame in your hand?"

Pandora negotiated carefully. She saw with her own eyes how Lu Li beat up that Veleslana.

Although she managed the God Slayer Reincarnation Technique, she might not be Veleslana's opponent in a fight, let alone this fierce man who killed Veleslana without any injury.

"The underworld?"

"Yes, this place is also called the Star Realm. This is not the real world, nor is it heaven or hell. It is the realm of life and immortality."

"So who are you?"

���I am Pandora, the wife of the immortal Epimetheus, the deity who manages the reincarnation ritual of the Godslayers, and the mother of all Godslayers."

"God? Are you the God of Disobedience?"

Pandora waved her hands quickly:"No, no, no, I am not the God of Disobedience."

"Are you the mother of the God Slayer? Is it you who caused the power I possess?"

Pandora nodded:"Yes, normally, all those who fight against God and defeat God are actually dying."

"And I will use the reincarnation ritual to transfer the power of the defeated god and the body that can compete with the god as a reward to the person who defeated the god, turning him into a demon king, that is, a godslayer."

"So, I am like a reborn parent to the God Slayer. Do you think I am your mother Fan?".

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