【Lu Li:"And then? Will your father allow you to become my apprentice? Even if you become my apprentice, how can you change your father's mind?"

Lu Li asked with some curiosity. He still had some impression of Rin's father, Toshiomi. He had the impression that he was a very rigid man, who was perfect and meticulous in his words and deeds, and had the elegant temperament of an aristocrat.

Of course, the main reason for leaving an impression on him was that he was Gilgamesh's master.

Excluding various side quests, Gilgamesh was undoubtedly at the combat ceiling of the Holy Grail world.

According to the timeline, the Fourth Holy Grail War should be about to begin.

【Rin Toosaka:"Of course, as long as Brother Lu Li shows his magic circuit, father will definitely not refuse."

Maybe others don't understand the value of the magic circuit uploaded by Lu Li, they only know that the price of the magic on the shelf is terrifyingly high.

Rin Toosaka knows very well that it is simply an unprecedented magic circuit.

As long as her father sees it, he will definitely go crazy for it.

How can he refuse it?

【Toosaka Rin:"Then brother Lu Li, you said you would pass the magic seal to me. In this case, I can't inherit the magic seal of the Toosaka family. For the sake of family inheritance, father can only choose Sakura. In this way, Sakura doesn't have to be sent to the Matou family."】

Lu Li was a little surprised. Although he had felt it when they chatted before, except for being a little naughty, Rin Tousaka was quite smart. She couldn't be regarded as a child at all. Now it seemed that this was indeed the case. This little girl's analysis was well-reasoned, like a little adult. Is this a genius?

【Lu Li:"Okay, I can still help with this."】

【Toosaka Rin:"Thank you, Brother Lu Li! Brother Lu Li, you are the best! But it's a pity that the points I have accumulated with great difficulty are going to be consumed again.(﹏)3"】

She was trying to accumulate points to buy the circuit development method and magic equipment construction method that Lu Li had put on the shelf.

For this reason, she had been fooling Chanahui and Whitebeard with the good sister and good father these days, and her little mouth was as sweet as honey.

If Lu Li was summoned, she might return to the pre-liberation era.

【Lu Li:"Don't worry about that. You can try to call my name in a place where the wind can reach you, and tag me in the chat group. I'll see if I can come over directly."】

【Toosaka Rin:"?(???"】

【Lu Li:"Didn't I kill a disobedient god a month ago? The first incarnation of the power of the disobedient god was a strong wind. When a familiar person calls the user's name, as long as the user senses that the other party is calling, he can instantly move to the other party's location through the wind. No matter how far away, he can reach it instantly, even in other worlds."】

【Lu Li:"Actually, I'm not sure if I can get through. I'm just calling out, so I definitely can't sense the different worlds. But the chat group just makes up for this."】

【Toosaka Rin:"Σ(o?д?o?)!! God Lu is invincible!!"】

【Lu Li:"It's no big deal, you can only use it once a day, it might be more convenient to cross the world, but it won't help your strength."】

There are all kinds of powerful space magic in the world of Fairy Tail, such as teleportation and absolute territory. These magics are all required for him to learn in the future.

Not only space magic, but also time magic, time suspension, time reversal, and even powerful ones can cross the long river of time to the future. There are so many powerful magics waiting for him to learn. How attractive can the power of the gods of disobedience be to Lu Li?

【Toosaka Rin:"Woo woo! The things that Brother Lu Li doesn't want are treasures that are out of our reach!"】

【Lu Li:"Okay, if you need me anytime, just tag me."】

【Toosaka Rin:"I understand, thank you brother Lu Li"】

Lu Li closed the chat group panel.

Turning around, he saw Erica looking at him intently.

"What...what happened?"

This eager look startled Lu Li.

"Honey, can you cross the world?"

"It should be similar, but I still need the help of the chat group, otherwise I can't sense it at all"

"That is to say, if I want something dear in the future, I can just call you and come over directly, right?"

"Well, that's true."

"Great! I can be with my husband more often in the future." (To read exciting novels, go to Faloo Novel Network!)

Erica threw herself on Lu Li and said happily.

The main reason why she hadn't contacted Lu Li during this period was not because of a girl's modesty, but simply because she didn't have enough points.

She was trying to accumulate points so that Lu Li could stay longer next time, just like today.

Now she could get Lu Li to come without points, which was the best news for her.

This power was nothing to Lu Li, but it was the most useful power to her.

Erica's call of"husband" made Lu Li's bones a little soft. This was the first time he heard a woman call him that.

Then the war started again.

The battle lasted all night before it gradually subsided.

Looking at the sleeping Erica, Lu Li opened the chat group panel and clicked return.


Lu Li returned to the world of Fairy Tail.


Lu Li breathed a sigh of relief.

Fortunately, he practiced the Dragon God Transformation , otherwise, how could his fourteen-year-old body bear it.

He (Liao Liao) even killed the God of Disobedience, but he couldn't beat a woman in bed, so where would his face be.

Lu Li took a shower, tidied himself up, and found that there were no marks left, so he walked towards the guild. It has become a habit for Lu Li to come to the guild every day.

Just like he needs to punch in at work, even if he just wants to go fishing, he likes to stay in the guild.

Although he can actually stay in the world of God Slayer, he always feels out of tune with other worlds.

And the existence of those gods makes Lu Li feel a little insecure. Although he despises those powers, he does not despise those gods.

One Veleslana is very strong. If there are more gods of disobedience, can he still be the opponent of the other party?

He must become stronger.

After all, he still belongs to the world of Fairy Tail..

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