Tohsaka Tokiomi turned his staff, and a burning flame was born on the ruby on the staff, and then it was launched towards Lu Li.———The blazing flames surrounded Lu Li's body


" Aa...


"Actually swallowed the flame?!"

"How is this possible?!"

Tohsaka Tokiomi, Matou Zouken and Sakura were all shocked by the scene before their eyes.

Lu Li was actually able to swallow the flames. This scene would scare any wizard in the world of Fairy Tail where magic is prevalent.

Not to mention the Holy Grail world, where magicians are very fragile.

Toosaka Rin was not surprised at all. She had seen this trick before. The sun fire emitted by the god of disobedience named Veleslana was eaten by brother Lu Li.

When she saw Lu Li being engulfed by the flames, she was so scared that her heart jumped into her throat.

Later, when she saw Lu Li was safe and sound, and even swallowed the flame, she was even more stunned.

Even the sun fire of the god of disobedience was swallowed, let alone the flame of her father.

This is not to belittle her father, but the gap is indeed too big.

"Well, the flame tastes pretty good, but there's too little of it, a little bit not enough to eat"

"you you……"

Toosaka Tokiomi was speechless. Swallowing flames, was this guy really a human?

"How about this? Is this enough to be Xiaolin's teacher? If you think it's not enough, how about this?"


Flames ignited on Lu Li's palm, forming a huge fireball with a diameter of one meter.

Lu Li casually launched the fireball towards the rockery not far away.

Boom!!! The rockery exploded.

"How about this? If you still feel it's not working."

Crackle, crackle!

Lu Li gathered golden lightning in his palm and swung it casually.

The golden lightning formed a beam of light and shot towards the fountain not far away.


The fountain was also smashed to pieces by the lightning.

"If that's not enough, then what about this?"

Lu Li's body began to grow rapidly, and in the blink of an eye he became a giant more than ten meters tall.

Lu Li stomped his feet casually.

Rumble!————!! (To read the most exciting novels, go to Faloo Novel Network!)

The ground beneath Lu Li's feet broke, and the entire Tohsaka family seemed to be shaking.

This scene frightened Tohsaka Tokiomi and Matou Zouken.


Sakura's eyes widened in disbelief.

""It's so big! Brother Lu Li is so handsome!"

Toosaka Rin shouted excitedly. She had seen it in the live broadcast of the chat group, but live broadcast is live broadcast. The shock of seeing it in person is incomparable to live broadcast.

Lu Li's body slowly shrank back to normal size. He smiled at the still shocked Toosaka Tokiomi and said,"How is it? Is this enough? Of course, if it's not enough, I can show you other magic.""

"Show! Show! Brother Lu Li, show the merciless sun!!"

Tohsaka Rin shouted excitedly.

Lu Li rolled his eyes when he heard what Tohsaka Rin said:"Do you want to blow up the whole city?"

When Tohsaka Rin heard this, he also thought of the power of Lu Li's magic. That was a magic that killed all the gods and wiped an island off the map. If it was really displayed here, the whole city would disappear. She stuck out her tongue at Lu Li mischievously.

Tohsaka Tokiomi also came back to his senses at this time. His strong mentality allowed him to quickly stabilize his mind.

"Enough... Enough! It's enough! It's really an honor for my daughter that Mr. Lu Li can accept her as a student."

Tohsaka Tokiomi is very smart. At the beginning, he looked down on Lu Li and thought that it was crazy for a seemingly ordinary boy to want to accept his daughter as a student.

You know, his daughter is a genius with 70 magic circuits.

Even he himself has the reputation of a genius in the association.

But both Rin and Sakura's magic qualifications are better than his.

How could he agree to a boy who suddenly appeared and said he was Rin's master.

But now the magic displayed by Lu Li is simply unheard of by him. Whether it is the swallowing flame at the beginning, or the flames and lightning displayed later, as well as the giant magic, they can almost be used as the secret inheritance of a magic family.[]

And the merciless sun that Xiao Lin mentioned, if I guessed correctly, it should also be the opponent's magic.

The opponent threatened that he could even destroy the entire Fuyuki City. He didn't believe it, but looking at Lin's reaction, it must be a more powerful magic.

"In this case, let's do as Xiaolin wants."

"This... I know."

Toosaka Tokiomi felt a little conflicted when he heard Lu Li's words. After all, he had already agreed to it, and it was not in line with his character to go back on his word now.

But thinking of the magic that Lu Li had just used, if the other party really passed those magics to Rin.

Then the future of the Toosaka family is simply limitless, and they will have a pivotal position even in the entire magic world.

In the face of such huge interests, going back on one's word is nothing.

Toosaka Tokiomi looked at Matou Zouken and said,"Master Matou, I'm really sorry. You have seen that something unexpected happened. Sakura can't be adopted by your Matou family."

Matou Zouken looked unhappy:"Toosaka Tokiomi, you have already agreed to it. It's not good to go back on your word now. Besides, he is only Rin's master, not Sakura's master. You can still decide whether Sakura stays or goes, right?"

"this……"In fact, in his opinion, it is indeed a huge benefit to adopt Sakura to the Matou family. If Sakura inherits the Matou family, then two of the three families will belong to Tohsaka in the future, which will be very beneficial for the future.

Seeing her father hesitate, Sakura's eyes dimmed, and her fate still seemed unchangeable. At this time, Lu Li's voice rang out:"Sakura, are you willing to be my student?".

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