The first reaction to seeing Wood Release is to think of the first Hokage, Hashirama Senju. The same is true for Uchiha Itachi, who can't help but think of some grievances between Hashirama Senju and Uchiha Madara.

At first, it was Ah Fei's abnormality, and then he knew the identities of Black Zetsu and White Zetsu, and then heard about the conspiracy that lasted for a thousand years, and he felt that he could be very calm.

But why is it Wood Style? Even if they want to trap the ninjas of Konoha, they can also use Earth Style or Water Style...

"This place already belongs to Konoha. It is most appropriate to use some Wood Style within the scope of Konoha. The trees around here can lend me energy. Brother, did you use Tsukuyomi again?"

A Luo looked at the body that had been hung on the branch next to him, and then looked at Uchiha Itachi's eyes. He was sure that he couldn't help it this time.

However, when it comes to quick victory and obtaining intelligence, Tsukuyomi is indeed the most suitable.

"Konoha has arranged a hidden mission for them. Once they find Orochimaru's base, they have to find a way to sneak in and steal the experimental data. If they can't take the data away, they have to destroy the laboratory. If these cannot be completed, a senior ninja can die in the Sound Village, leaving Konoha with an excuse to attack the Sound Village..."

Uchiha Itachi sat down, ate the melon handed to him by A Luo, and talked about the intelligence he had just obtained.

This time, Konoha made a rare offensive arrangement.

The one who was arranged to die was the one who was trapped in the water prison by Kisame and eaten by sharks.

The main task of the jonin who died at the hands of Uchiha Itachi just now was to cooperate with Asuma and leave the other one there when necessary.

The concept of teammates and companions is only for children who have graduated from school. Those who have been in the Anbu are based on the mission.

"Sarutobi Hiruzen made such an arrangement because he recognized that there are no more strong people in the ninja village created by teacher Orochimaru..."

A Luo guessed the reason, and the system also came out to help him confirm it again...

In Sarutobi Hiruzen's impression, Orochimaru was still the rebel ninja who escaped from Konoha and could only hide underground and cooperate with Shimura Danzo.

However, most of the information is indeed true.

In their Sound Village, there are only a dozen people who have the status of jonin, and they are basically the bodies that Orochimaru usually uses.

At present, their village is still under construction, and there is no stratification of ninjas, and the number of people is really small...

If the two villages really go to war, the Sound Village will really be unable to defend!

"It is a fact that the Sound Village lacks strong people. The Sand Village and the Rock Village are willing to cooperate peacefully because they feel it is unnecessary. After all, Orochimaru is hiding everywhere. It is better to use the transaction method to get what they need. But Konoha still wants to count Orochimaru as theirs. Their own rebel ninja got some good things, but they have to spend a lot of money to buy them. They feel uncomfortable..."

Izuna suddenly appeared beside Luo and directly interrupted the previous topic, talking about the current shortcomings of the Sound Village.

At this time, his soul appeared, allowing Uchiha Itachi to see his non-living state when he opened the Sharingan.

"Ancestor, you are not in Konoha, why are you running here?"

A Luo raised his head and looked at Izuna beside him, not sure why he suddenly appeared.

Judging from the tone and expression, it should not be a problem with Sasuke.

"I came to see if you are in trouble. I went to see my great-granddaughter before, but your clone could eat and drink, but couldn't see me..."

Izunai put his hand on Luo's head, rubbing his hair, which was almost the same size as his own, and his worried mood also relaxed.

However, when he saw the tree under his feet, and the trees and vines around him, he felt a toothache again.

This brat, he used Wood Release again, can he change to something else!

"Grandfather, please be gentle, my eldest brother is still watching..."

Luo shook his head, asking Izunai to restrain himself a little. In the state of a dead soul, the resentment would be very obvious...

"Don't remind me, otherwise, I will want to send your eldest brother to see my brother!"

Izunai snorted unhappily, and his fingers turned from virtual to real, and he touched Luo's hair.

It was a mess.

Izuna had mixed feelings about Uchiha Itachi.

"I don't even know where your brother is. You can't see him even if you send him there."

A Luo looked down at the battle below, and casually spoke about not being able to find the soul of Uchiha Madara.

The battle below was still going on. At present, the battle on Kisame's side was basically over, leaving only the Undead Duo and Sarutobi Asuma.

Sarutobi Asuma didn't want to fight in this environment from the beginning. He locked his target on A Luo and tried to find a gap to get to the tree several times, but was intercepted by Kakuzu every time.

"Is that Kakuzu? Is he worried that this person will run up and hurt you?"

Izuna saw that A Luo's attention was attracted by the bottom, and also looked at the side a few more times.

Then he found that Kakuzu was quite good to Luo. Almost all the combat operations were to protect Luo from being disturbed...

"Asuma's head is worth 35 million taels. I will only take 10 million taels for intelligence and siege. But if he runs up and dies in my hands, it means I killed him..."

A Luo slowly explained the reason. Seeing that Izuna still didn't understand, he explained it in more detail.

This is money. How could Kakuzu be willing to let the money run away!

Whoever kills, gets the biggest share. This is the model they had agreed on before.

Therefore, Kakuzu would rather choose to be heartbroken than let the money run away, not to mention that he is not yet heartbroken.

"The power of money..."

Izuna was silent for a long time. After seeing Kakuzu fighting with a broken heart, he finally let Feidan take Asuma Sarutobi's blood...

He finally sighed and understood how obsessed Kakuzu was with money.

A Luo had told him before about who each member of the Akatsuki organization was, what hobbies and abilities they had.

So when he saw Asuma's blood on Hidan's scythe, he knew it was time to end this battle.

"His broken heart can be replaced with Asuma's heart. It was supposed to be replaced, and Kaku didn't lose anything..."

A Luo looked at Hidan who had drawn the formation, nodded with a smile, handed the remaining piece of melon on the plate to Uchiha Itachi, stood up and waited for the end.

Kaku will use the heart, and the head is for money, so let Asuma's body return to Konoha to deliver a letter to Sarutobi Hiruzen!

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