The old man was very happy.

"I just sent a poor guy to the hospital..."

Might Guy carried Kakashi to the hospital and then ran back quickly.

Although this mission was quite casual, it was also a mission assigned by the Hokage and he couldn't be absent too much.

"Is there anything wrong with that poor guy?"

A Luo asked casually, but he saw that Might Guy's eyes were a little wrong.

But Kakashi was in a state of injury and bleeding when he passed by just now, but he was not seriously injured.

"The injury is not serious, but he has been really unlucky in recent years. After the mission, he has been going home and going to the hospital about the same number of times..."

Might Guy lowered his head to eat his noodles, recalled carefully, and confirmed again that Kakashi was really unlucky.

Because he always had to go to the hospital, he hadn't competed with Kakashi for a long time...

"If he suddenly became particularly unlucky, it might be that he was contaminated with something... not so good."

A Luo said casually, but he suddenly remembered that Kakashi's bad luck seemed to be caused by himself.

So, don't put the Sharingan on yourself casually!

"Well, if you have time, go and persuade him, you can go to the temple to worship..."

Might Guy also thought it made sense, and planned to remind Kakashi when he returned.

"I heard that the Fire Temple in the Fire Country is quite famous..."

After eating, A Luo suddenly remembered that the Dilu of the Fire Temple seemed to be one of the twelve guardians of the Fire Country Daimyo.

After getting Asuma's head, Kakuzu wouldn't be so lucky to harvest another one by the way...

[Host, it's not just Kakuzu and Hidan who went to the Fire Temple, but also Uchiha Itachi and Kisame. The chance of Dilu surviving is... 0]

The system popped up and showed its presence, telling his host that there was no need to doubt it.

Kakuzu remembered Dilu's head because of Asuma's head.

The location of the underground money exchange just happened to allow them to pass by the Fire Temple, so with sufficient manpower, Kakuzu would not let go of the valuable and killable target.

'So, there is no achievement reward? '

A Luo had no idea whether Dilu would live or die.

Now he just wanted to ask the system, he let Asuma die early, what about the achievement?

He made the most of Asuma's value, so he should give him some achievements to show his appreciation!

[No new achievements]

The system gave A Luo a screen with all the achievements he had achieved before.

But these are all before, there are no new achievements.

‘Okay, it can be seen that Asuma is not worth much! ’

A Luo sighed helplessly in his heart. He thought that he could make more money after all this trouble.

Unfortunately, it turned out that he thought too much!

After eating and drinking, although A Luo was a little disappointed that he didn’t get the achievement, he would not keep entangled.

After dinner, he walked around Konoha twice. He was already familiar with the Kai team and occasionally talked to Hyuga Neji.

Feeling that it was almost time, A Luo returned to the hotel to rest.

After escorting him back to the hotel, Might Guy also received a notice to disband the students, and he rushed to the Hokage Building by himself.

After returning to the hotel, A Luo lay on the bed, and his soul left his body to watch the excitement.

At this moment, his system suddenly popped up and a new achievement appeared.

[Achieve a new achievement {End of the Twelve Guardians of the Fire Nation}, reward: 5000 points]

The sudden new achievement made Luo's soul, which had just left his body, stunned.

This achievement...

[The Twelve Guardians of the Fire Nation, only two or three of them died before, all the members of the Fire Temple have died, and the Twelve Guardians and their descendants are gone]

The explanation given by the system made Luo understand how this achievement came about.

In this way, some plots of the Fire Temple will never happen again.

Five thousand, very good, currently 30,000 points have been accumulated, and there are still 36,000 points away from the goal.

"I'll go too."

Orochimaru's soul came in from the window, looking at Luo who had not set out yet, and said awkwardly that he also wanted to go and take a look.

But he was not sure if he would be discovered if he ran out, so he asked Luo to take him with him...

"Let's go..."

Looking at Orochimaru, who had no teacher image at all when his soul left his body, Luo stretched out his hand to pull him, and reluctantly took him out.

"Kimimaro, what did you see?"

Tayuya couldn't see

To see the soul, she could only ask Kimimaro.

Although she couldn't see it, she could tell that the body that Orochimaru had used before no longer had a soul.

"Nothing, His Highness A Luo's heart is very strong!"

Kimimaro suddenly used a honorific in private.

Although he had seen it many times, every time he felt that it was really good for Orochimaru to relax and be taken care of and protected!

But he could never understand how A Luo could exchange positions with Orochimaru, and so easily and naturally...


Tayouya, who didn't understand, glared twice and went back to sleep in a bad mood.

It was another secret that she couldn't touch. Kimimaro was really an enviable existence!

Unfortunately, he couldn't beat him.

After finishing this matter, after returning home, he would find Jirobo and Kidomaru, as well as Sakon and Ukon, and beat them one by one!

Those guys shouldn't be lazy recently...

There are many ideas, but after waking up from this sleep, she will still be the obedient maid who sticks to the young the eldest lady.

The hotel became quiet in the night, but the atmosphere in the Hokage building of Konoha was rare and sad.

One of the two sons of the Hokage died two years ago, and now the remaining one is also dead.

Even Shimura Danzo is just sitting on a chair now, rarely showing any expression.

Several ninjas from the Anbu are reporting to the Hokage, reporting all the clues they got this time.

Beside the window behind the desk, a dead soul, a living soul, and a half-human, half-snake soul are looking at these high-level and senior ninjas of Konoha.

When they saw that all the information clearly pointed to the Hidden Cloud Village, but Sarutobi Hiruzen announced that the war could not be started, the expressions of the three souls were different.

There was disgust, ridicule, and calmness after disappointment.

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