The two of them were very happy.

"Good morning, Mr. Iruka and Mr. Mizuki!"

A Luo followed Sasuke to school and greeted Iruka and Mizuki with a smile.

Because he often waited for Sasuke to finish class in the teacher's office, A Luo was familiar with the two teachers in the office.

Iruka, who was always angry with students, and Mizuki, who always had a gentle smile.

There were only these two teachers in this office, probably because they taught the same class....

"Good morning..."

Mizuki waved and greeted A Luo with a smile.

Most people would not hate a beautiful child who was well-behaved and sensible and always stayed quiet.

"Good morning, Sasuke, go to the classroom directly. Mizuki has class in the morning. I'll take Luo to the classroom."

Iruka also smiled and greeted him, and then reached out to hold Luo's hand.

However, he thought this was normal, but Sasuke shook his head, holding his brother's hand and walked to the office.

He had to send him there himself before he could feel at ease.

"The relationship between Uchiha Sasuke and his brother is really good!"

Mizuki looked at the two children walking away, and his eyes narrowed with laughter.

This pair of brothers is really cute, but it's a pity...

The Uchiha clan, which used to be the largest clan, now only has these two children left. Listening to their brothers' chat a few days ago, it seems that they can't even eat enough.

As a teacher, he really doesn't believe in the fire will education of Konoha.

But there is no other way now. Being a teacher can also make a living. I don’t know when I will have the opportunity to leave this place...

"A Luo, have a good rest. Brother is going to class!"

Sasuke sent him to the office. Seeing A Luo climb onto the recliner skillfully, he smiled and touched his brother's head, then jumped out of the window.

After watching Sasuke go to the classroom, A Luo closed his eyes and continued to sleep.

After two or three minutes, when Iruka came to the office, he saw the child who was already asleep.

A peaceful day passed. Sasuke came to pick up A Luo at noon, had a meal and sent him back.

Until school was over in the afternoon, the two brothers left the school gate holding hands.

After this period of going out, although Sasuke basically carried A Luo everywhere, the child's physical fitness has improved. At present, he can go to school and go home holding hands.

Although he still walks a little slower, it is always moving in a good direction.

"Sasuke, has anyone been to our house?"

After returning home, Luo went back to the room where they lived to put down Sasuke's schoolbag, and then found something unusual.

His quilt was made and folded by Sasuke every day, but before leaving this morning, he took a look and clearly remembered that there were two folds that were different from now.

"Has anyone been here?"

Sasuke went into the room to check, and opened the quilt, blanket, and pillow.

Even the clothes in the closet were taken out and checked.

"Don't be afraid, Luo, it may be a routine check..."

After checking and finding nothing unusual, Sasuke walked in front of Luo and reached out to hug him.

He believed that Luo had a basis for saying this, but some things could not be said too much.


Luo nodded and didn't say anything else.

After the two brothers returned home, Sasuke still cooked, trained, and washed clothes, and Luo only needed to watch from the side.

‘System, system, what does Uchiha Itachi want to do? He came here in broad daylight just to check on me and Sasuke’s daily life? ’

A Luo called the system in his heart, sitting under the eaves calmly on the surface, holding his cheeks with both hands, tilting his head to watch Sasuke’s training.

I thought Uchiha Itachi left last night, but he came back in the daytime...

[Checking whether the quilt that the younger brother sleeps in is warm, whether the clothes are washed clean, these are all relatively normal things]

The system gave a reply.

Checking whether the living conditions of the two younger brothers are suitable, there is no problem.

But Uchiha Itachi came to do this, there is a problem!

‘It’s really troublesome. I’m really worried that one day I will sleep in the middle of the night and open my eyes to see a pair of magatama rotating Sharingan! ’

A Luo didn’t have much feeling for Uchiha Itachi. He once took care of him when he was young, but he also chose to abandon him at that time.

He didn’t waste his mind to resent him, but he would definitely be vigilant at all times.

Even if it was the transformation of Kotoamatsukami, he chose to keep Sasuke at that time.

This is the choice made by Uchiha Itachi.

[Host, is your heart too calm?]

The system felt that something was wrong, so it asked directly.

As a system, it can know everything the host does, but what is in the heart is not something that a system can detect.

‘Calmness can help you practice better. Sasuke is good to me, so he is my family. For those who are not good to me, is there any meaning to worry about whether they are blood relatives?’

A Luo was stunned for a moment, and then realized what the system was asking.

When he wants to act, he is just acting for others to see. He usually acts cute and plays in front of Sasuke because he regards Sasuke as a relative. As for other people...

Emotions are not good if they are too active, which will affect his practice.

[Uchiha Itachi may appear again one day and try to kill you]

The system felt that there was no problem after listening, but it felt that the logic was not right.

After careful analysis, it emphasized to A Luo again about Uchiha Itachi's intention to kill him.

A person who wants to kill you, you don't hate him?

Since when did the host of his family, who knew all the grudges, not even care about this...

'He won't kill me again. As long as Sasuke is working hard and getting stronger, he won't want to kill me. '

A Luo thought about it and told the system with certainty that he didn't want to bother with Uchiha Itachi.

Maybe there are some flaws in his character, but it is certain that Uchiha Itachi expects Sasuke to become stronger.

As long as their current goals are the same, which is to make Sasuke work hard to become stronger, there will be no conflict.

As the motivation for Sasuke to become stronger, as long as Uchiha Itachi is not brainwashed again, he will not let himself die.

At most, when Sasuke can't open the Mangekyō, he will pull himself out as the last strong medicine.

So, he has to become strong enough before that time comes, so that he won't be afraid.

Maybe, when someone really wants to grab him as a medicine, he can kill him back.

[It's OK as long as the host is clear]

The system confirmed that its host is still quite normal.

But this normality is just the same as before, and it is still too light in terms of emotions.

Except for Sasuke, the good and bad of others do not leave any traces in his heart.

If something goes wrong, then solve the problem.

What this person wants to do and what he thinks are none of his business...

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