The exam was over, but the teacher said that he was not going to give him a chance.

"The exam is over, Naruto. You missed one exam, so we can't give you a ninja forehead protection. You should go back and wait until next year..."

Umino Iruka looked at the aggrieved boy who was still not well and standing in front of him with his hands on his stomach, and rejected Naruto's request helplessly.

Absent from the exam, missed the exam time, it is not allowed to make up the exam.

Although he had thought of many reasons before, the Hokage personally explained, and he could only watch Naruto turn around and leave in disappointment and grievance.

Perhaps, the Hokage felt that Naruto was not mature enough and wanted him to repeat a year in school...

"Naruto, what's wrong?"

Mizuki met Naruto with tears in his eyes in the corridor outside the classroom.

He and Iruka had heard that the Hokage had come and said that Naruto would not be allowed to graduate, even if he had to take a make-up exam.

Although he was only a Chunin and a teacher now, he had secretly heard some of the arrangements made by the Third Hokage afterwards.

Naruto, the Nine-Tails, could transform into a tailed beast if he encountered danger, bringing danger to the village...

Combining some of the information he had heard before, he quickly completed a plan in his mind.

Such a dangerous existence, let him steal the Sealed Book, if attacked, it would explode with power and cause damage to Konoha, then he could steal it in the chaos...

If the guarding ninjas didn't dare to do it, then Naruto could leave the village with the Sealed Book, and then he could trick it back.

This was a perfect plan. As long as he could take the Sealed Book to find Lord Orochimaru, he believed that he would be taken seriously!

"Teacher Mizuki, I didn't mean to miss the exam. I suddenly had a stomachache last night. I... I could have passed the exam. I also met the standards in the previous tests. Why didn't Teacher Iruka let me become a ninja? I... woo..."

Naruto covered his still aching stomach with one hand and held Mizuki's arm with the other. He felt more and more wronged as he spoke. He leaned against the wall and cried miserably.

He could have graduated. Now, he suddenly had a stomachache for no reason, which ruined all his efforts...

"Teacher, take you out to relax. You are sick now. You can recover faster if you relax..."

Mizuki tried to be more gentle. He helped Naruto out and walked slowly to the school gate, letting Naruto sit on the swing at the school gate to rest.

"Rest here for a while. Teacher will get you some hot milk. Don't run around."

Mizuki also took great pains to coax the child.

Naruto is hungry and has a stomachache now. Bringing him something to eat will definitely increase the sense of closeness.

But when he just returned to the teacher's office and was about to heat up the milk, he was stopped by a teacher from another class and asked a lot of questions.

That is, when he was stopped, the graduating class of Konoha Ninja School was out of school.

Those who got the forehead protectors all wore them on their bodies, mostly on their foreheads, and some on their arms, necks, waists...

There are always some differences in the crowd, but the common point is that they all got the forehead protectors and became Konoha Genin.

The children graduated, and those with families and status have quickly returned home.

And the excited parents of civilian families were chatting at the school gate, waiting to pick up their children home.

So even though there have been many changes before, and Naruto has changed from a noisy child to a otaku, the plot of that scene still appeared at this moment.

"That kid is the demon fox!"

"The demon fox can actually go to school. Lord Hokage is too kind!"

"If you ask me, it would be terrible if he became a ninja. Lord Hokage was so wise not to let him become a ninja!"

"That's right. Lord Hokage is too kind. He shouldn't have let the demon fox live in the first place..."

"There's no way. Lord Hokage is too soft-hearted..."

"It's good now. Lord Hokage is kind enough to let him live and go to school. I've been worried all these years. Now that he can't become a ninja, it seems that Lord Hokage can still consider our safety..."

"If you ask me, the demon fox kid deserves to die!"

"Don't say it so loudly. Although I also think that the demon fox is irresponsible to us if it lives, that's Lord Hokage's decision..."

Naruto heard all the messy words.

It was clear.

In addition to these parents, there were occasionally some graduating students who would join in and curse along with the adults.

Naruto had heard this countless times, and at this moment, he just sat on the swing with a numb expression.

"Sasuke is home, are you really okay?"

Izuna floated beside Naruto, looking at Naruto, who was already boiling with anger in a state of half-out-of-body soul, and reached out to hold him down to prevent him from losing control.

"I can handle this little thing myself, Grandpa Izuna, you heard what they said, Sarutobi Hiruzen's brainwashing education was still very successful. In their opinion, I, the demon fox, am alive only because of the benevolent protection of Sarutobi Hiruzen, the hypocritical old thief..."

Naruto adjusted his emotions, and his not-so-strong soul power gradually stabilized. When he looked at those parents and students, he no longer had too strong mood swings.

But it must be admitted that Sarutobi Hiruzen's decades of daily brainwashing education was really too successful!

In any case, the villagers would think that the Third Hokage was merciful, the Third Hokage was hurt, the Third Hokage was deceived...

All the faults were caused by other people.

Elder Danzo was too strong, Elder Utatane Koharu and Elder Mitomon En were too incompetent, the Hidden Cloud Village forced our Konoha too much, and which family did nothing, or which family made trouble again...

"Why did I become a grandfather?"

Izuna was stunned for a moment, and then asked Naruto speechlessly what was going on with this sudden title.

He is only in his early twenties now, so the title of grandfather is a bit too much, right?

"But Luo always says that he is the ancestor, and you are his ancestor. Should I call you Uncle Izuna? Otherwise, Brother Izuna?"

Naruto saw that Izuna actually cared about this title, and suddenly smiled evilly, indicating that he didn't mind it.

After all, it is not excessive to call such a young ghost a big brother or uncle.

"Then... um... old man..."

Izuna thought about it, and when these little ones get together, the two call him ancestor, and Naruto comes to call him big brother, he instantly feels a chill on his back.

Although he thinks he is still young, he is already the soul of the ancestor, so he must accept the identity of the old man...

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