The three families of Pig, Deer and Butterfly are going to be finished~"

When Shikamaru was about to go to bed, Luo floated to his side and said the summary of the day with a smile.

If they didn't find a way, all the people sent out by the three families would die.

Moreover, the number of tribesmen going into battle this time would cause heavy losses to the core tribesmen of their family.


Shikamaru stood there stiffly, and the pajamas in his hand fell to the floor.

He turned his neck stiffly, trying to see if it was a person next to him, or a person...

Anyway, he absolutely didn't believe in ghosts, absolutely not...

"Shikamaru, you are scared, why are you scared, is it because I don't look like a living person now?"

In order to tease Shikamaru, Luo once again changed into women's clothes, and her feet were floating off the ground, half-real and half-real female ghost form...

"I, I, I, I... I don't seem to have hurt you, what do you want to do with me?"

Shikamaru was indeed scared.

Even though he knew that some ninjutsu might be strange, he could really see that Luo was not a living person!

"No way, I remember that you have a forbidden technique in Konoha, called the Spiritualization Technique, and someone used it before, but you haven't heard of it?"

Luo got an achievement reward, even if it was only 2,000 points, he was satisfied and stopped teasing Shikamaru.

"Huh... I'm scared to death, Luo, you use this technique to come to Konoha, are you looking for Sasuke? He's not at home now, he's on a mission in the Land of Waves..."

Shikamaru looked at the beautiful girl who looked like a ghost, and turned into a look similar to Sasuke, and finally breathed a sigh of relief.

Women are troublesome, and female ghosts are even more troublesome.

So Luo lifted the transformation technique, and he really wasn't scared.

"I know, I went to see my brother before, they were both seriously injured, that C-level mission, they were surrounded by two junior ninjas in one day, and they almost died, and now they are half dead and recovering from their injuries..."

Luo was very rude, and sat down on the chair next to the desk, telling Shikamaru how brutal this mission in the Land of Waves was.

However, the two who were half dead, one was his real body, and the other was his wooden clone, and they were being carefully taken care of by Sakura, who thought she was her big sister.

"The lowest is a jonin? Can he reach the level of Kage?"

Shikamaru felt that his brain was not enough.

He actually wanted to ask what Luo meant by the three families of Ino, Shika and Chou were going to be ruined, but he felt that if he asked directly, he would fall into the trap dug by this guy.

But if he didn't ask that question and talked about something else, he still felt that this world was a bit strange.

"There is no Kage level now, but those two guys ran away, and the next one who comes next may really be a Kage level. Are you sure you only care about my brother and Naruto, and don't care about your family's troubles?"

Seeing that Shikamaru was reluctant to ask, Luo took the initiative to bring it up again.

Anyway, he didn't lie. The three families of Ino, Shika and Chou were going to fall into the pit of burial prepared by Konoha.

"I'm worried that you're lying to me..."

Shikamaru was helpless, so he planned to take the sincere route.

Just say what you want to say directly, without any adulteration, and see what this person wants to do.

"You know, I can represent the Sound Village. We may not have many ninjas in the Sound Village, but we have the kind of fighting power that can fight one against ten thousand, or even hundreds of thousands. Konoha asked you, the Ino, Shika, and Chou families to take the lead. Isn't that going to ruin you?"

A Luo tilted his head, looking at Shikamaru's shocked face, and asked him to think about it again.

Anyway, he has set his sights on the Ino, Shika, and Chou families.

In the Sound Village, the previous families were all die-hard fans of Orochimaru, but they were also a little bit stupid and couldn't keep up with the pace at times.

So, Konoha was going to be destroyed, but some of Konoha's families could be taken in.

"How about you accompany me to meet my father?"

Shikamaru scratched his hair. He hadn't fully come into contact with the family's affairs yet, so whether this matter was true or false, and how to deal with it, let his father decide.

He was a Genin who had just graduated, and it was a bit too much to ask him to consider these things.

"Aren't you afraid of hurting him?"

A Luo had just come from Nara Shikaku and was now floating slowly beside Shikamaru.

"If you want to hurt him, it won't be

You came to see me. I don't know what you said, but you know these things, which means you have been watching before. You must have seen my father's attitude, so you came to see me, right? "

Shikamaru picked up a coat and put it on quickly, then opened the door and walked towards the location where his father might be.

The location was not far away, and he had already arrived after chatting for a few words on the way.

First, he pressed the outermost doorbell to make sure that the message was received inside, and then opened the heavy doors and secret doors, and then he took A Luo in.

After walking a few steps inside the door, A Luo saw the adult generation of Zhu Ludie who had hardly changed.

"Father, Master A Luo is here, he has something to talk to us about!"

Shikamaru saw that everyone's eyes were focused on him, and he knew that he didn't see A Luo, so he could only raise his hand to signal beside him, and also urged A Luo to come out and talk to them.

"Spiritualization technique? "

Nara Shikaku looked at Shikamaru's action, and his first reaction was the special ninjutsu that was rumored to have been used by only one person.

However, they soon discovered that they were wrong.

The moment Luo landed, his figure had changed from virtual to real, and turned into a living person.

If a living person can be transformed, this is not a spiritual transformation technique, because the spiritual transformation technique needs to return to the body, not to play with virtual and real changes.

"Hello, let me introduce myself, a businessman from the Land of Fields, a student of Orochimaru, the young master of the Sound Village, Uchiha Luo!"

Luo smiled and looked at the three heads of the family, and gave a brief introduction of his identity.

"Hello, I heard that Master Luo is the next ruler of the Land of Fields? "

Lu Jiu looked at his son who looked confused, then shifted his gaze and smiled and greeted the young master A Luo who broke into their house.

However, among so many identities, it seems that a very important one is missing.

"That's right. If I can't find a suitable puppet, I can put a clone in that position for a few years, but this worldly affairs will delay my cultivation too much, so unless it is necessary, I prefer to let obedient people sit in some facade-type positions."

A Luo spoke of the position of the head of Tianzhiguo, with a little disdain in his tone.

The head of a country is troublesome and has no practical use.

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