The couple's appearance clearly showed who the brothers looked like.

"That's it. You think there might be offspring. Besides, Sasuke and I inherited the maternal part in appearance. My mother looks like this, and my father looks like this..."

A Luo pinched the aura into a line, sketched the appearance of Uchiha Mikoto, then blurred it and drew the appearance of Uchiha Fugaku.

The appearance of this couple can clearly tell who the brothers look like.

"A Luo, do you hate them?"

Quan Na saw the appearance of the two people, but his focus was not on their appearance.

Putting his hand on A Luo's head, he couldn't help asking the question that he had been struggling with since yesterday.

He was imprisoned in the courtyard since he was a child and had never been out. The first time he left the courtyard was when his parents asked him to die without resistance...

Under such circumstances, it was very difficult for the child not to have a mental breakdown.

"No hatred, hatred consumes one's own energy and thoughts, I don't need to waste it for them."

A Luo shook his head. He really had no emotions such as resentment.

He was very selfish. For those who did not protect him and take care of him, he felt that any emotional fluctuations were a waste.

"Don't you even hate..."

Quan Na looked at the child's expression and listened to his words, but didn't think it was really like this.

To say that even hatred is a waste, this is the result of accumulating too much disappointment.

Or, because the child was too eager to see what the outside world was like, some mutations in ability appeared. The spirit could run around, and the body was naturally unhealthy...

The more he thought about it, the more he felt that the child was weak for these reasons. Quan Na picked up the child and wanted to put him back into the sleeping body.

If you have to consume your health to chat with him, then this kind of relationship is really unnecessary.

"I don't want to go back now. I said I would take you out to play before. Let me take you to see the school today. When the Uchiha family was still there, I often went out like this to watch Sasuke's class. He was very cute before. Occasionally, when my elder brother went to pick him up, he had to carry him on his back before he was willing to go home..."

A Luo refused to go back now, and even dragged Izuna to take him out to play. He didn't even need to draft a lie when he was talking.

But he suddenly fell silent while talking.

Big brother, this was the first name he said when he was a toddler in the years before he came here and the system was deployed on his behalf.

Although his body was managed by the system at that time, his memory was still passed on to him.

Thinking of Uchiha Itachi, who was still a child at that time, but stood in front of his parents and asked that someone must be arranged to take care of his younger brother, A Luo was a little entangled.

Uchiha Itachi...

Even after Uchiha Shisui's death, he could blame Uchiha Itachi's actions on Kotoamatsukami's influence, but...

He was worried that he would be left behind to hinder Sasuke, which was also a certain fact.

Forget it, don't dwell on these, having Sasuke is good enough!

He doesn't ask for much, he is very happy to have a family in this world.

"Let's go, let's take you to see the ninja school in Konoha!"

A Luo reviewed himself and confirmed that the goal was still clear, then he grabbed Izuna's hand and took him directly to the outermost wall of the Uchiha family.

He skillfully packed up the soul and floated out of the Uchiha family, all the way through the streets of Konoha, and floated to the Konoha Ninja School.

Sasuke was quiet in class today, but he was a little too quiet, and he was obviously sleepy.

Next to Sasuke, Uzumaki Naruto, who was sitting in an empty seat, was lying on the table listlessly. He was still mumbling something delicious when he fell asleep...

"The kids here are really comfortable..."

Izuna looked at these young boys who were sleeping, daydreaming, and fighting in private, and felt a little complicated when he thought of their childhood.

Is this the future that his brother is looking forward to?

"Yes, it's very comfortable. I heard that in the past, six-year-olds went to the battlefield and learned some physical and ninjutsu. In today's schools, you can only learn three body techniques until graduation, and you can't touch other techniques at all..."

A Luo floated outside the window and looked at Sasuke. He stretched out his hand and patted his head in the air, and then laughed.

He shook his head at Izuna's sigh and dragged Izuna to the graduating class of this year to let him see

The strength of these students.

At the age of 12, in Izuna's era, he should have been a qualified warrior by this time, but the students here can't even use the three-body technique very smoothly.

Although it's not as messy as Naruto in the original plot, it doesn't seem to have much practical effect. With the speed of these hand seals, he might have been kicked away by the enemy before the hand seal was completed.

"What do they learn?"

Izuna stared at the students in the graduating class for a while, and was sure that there were really few who were worthy of attention.

As an Uchiha who has learned ninjutsu, physical skills and killing skills since childhood, he couldn't imagine that in six years of education in school with a teacher's close attention, he only taught such a group of ninjas in the end...

The meaning of going to school is to send them to play games?

"There are a lot of things to learn, including the teaching of written knowledge, combat courses, and the students on the playground practicing throwing. The most important thing is... it just so happens that the freshmen who enrolled this year are still learning these things, let's go and listen..."

A Luo dragged Izunai and ran, passing by the playground where one or two of the hundred shots might be hit, and came to the window of the first-grade classroom.

Looking at the teacher who was talking about the third generation Hokage being the strongest Hokage, A Luo asked Izunai to listen carefully, and he would probably understand.

"The strongest? That perverted old man?"

Izunai became more and more angry as he listened. Is this how these teachers teach students?

A person who has never been on the battlefield since he became a Hokage, what is his strength?

Is it true that in this era, strength is no longer the measure of strength?

"His strongest point is that he can continue to live..."

A Luo smiled innocently, but what he said was increasingly inconsistent with his current age.

Izunai didn't find it strange, because in their era, A Luo's behavior was the most normal.

"He should be most afraid of a genius being born!"

Izuna no longer wanted to watch the classroom that was still vividly describing the strongest Hokage.

With such a Hokage, it was no wonder that the Fourth Hokage died so quickly. A Nine-Tails could kill the strongest fighter at the time, and there was also a Uzumaki family...

"It should be. Namikaze Minato and his wife died in the Nine-Tails Rebellion, the former Konoha White Fang died because of rumors, and the three ninjas of Konoha... one defected and suspected to have joined some organization, another left and mingled in casinos, and another learned some of the essence, hanging out in the women's bathhouse all day long, using the women he saw naked as the subject of his creations, and it is said that he is also looking for the child of prophecy."

A Luo doesn't like Konoha, hates the Third Hokage Sarutobi Hiruzen, and naturally doesn't like Sarutobi Hiruzen's disciples.

Orochimaru is okay. This scientist had a clear purpose from the beginning, wanting to take over the body of the Uchiha family, but he did make Sasuke grow up.

Moreover, because of A Luo's personal hobby, he prefers scientists.

Tsunade, from the Senju clan, has a very unfriendly relationship with the Uchiha clan.

And that lustful sage Jiraiya...

The Toad Cave in Myoboku Mountain, the big toad sage who can trick a pair of brothers into killing their mother, even if it's not the beginning of the story yet, he hates that place.

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