The young master was so angry that he thought I would not go back to report.

"Why would Master Luo believe me and think I would not go back to report?"

Yamato sat on the roof, waiting for Luo to heal Sasuke and Naruto, and then came to him, and asked the young master helplessly what he was thinking.

He is an Anbu, an Anbu ninja of Konoha...

"I didn't believe you, I just know that you will stay here forever."

A Luo still smiled cutely and warmly.

He was not sure what Yamato would do, so he let the two ghosts watch before, and later he also left behind his spiritual clone...

However, Yamato himself was just like what Orochimaru said, and he didn't have any concept of absolute first place in Konoha.

Whether it was Kakashi's father-son reunion and the past of being hurt, or the recent annoying arrangements of the Konoha high-level officials, the unreliable information piled up one by one, making Yamato temporarily unwilling to get involved.

After all, these things were not within the scope of his mission.

"Can you be sure that I have been here all the time? Isn't it called belief... Master Luo, can people be found again after they die?"

Yamato felt that he was bewitched by the smile of the boy next to him. Although he knew how dangerous this child was, he still relaxed and asked this question that made him entangled.

Can people come back to life again after death?

Moreover, how to drag the dead back to the world of the living?

"After death, most people in this world will go to the Pure Land, and a small number will have some unexpected temporary places. If you want to find the dead souls back... Only those souls that have not entered reincarnation can be found, and some media are needed..."

A Luo lay on the roof, looking at the sky that was gradually darkening, and whispered some information about the dead souls.

The dead souls in this world are actually quite free. Although they will stay in the Pure Land or in some cracks, as long as their own soul power is strong enough, they can exist for a long time.

"Master A Luo seems to know everything..."

Yamato also imitated A Luo's state, with his hands behind his head, lying down and looking at the gray sky.

He didn't know what he wanted to ask, nor did he want to think about the meaning of life. He couldn't even think of what his goal was now...

Probably, it was a kind of confusion that couldn't find a goal...

[Host, are you bullying an honest person? ]

The system popped up and refreshed its presence.

'Among ninjas, are there honest people? Who is an honest person? From the beginning to the end of the plot, is Naruto, who has never killed an enemy with his own hands, an honest person? '

A Luo rarely rejected some statements.

Ninjas are mainly based on tasks.

What is the Anbu? In layman's terms, it is often arranged by the Hokage to do things that cannot be seen in the light!

In such a place, and especially a master among them, how could he be an honest person in the general sense?

At most, he is a young man who still has some emotions, does not know his expectations and desires for the future, and has lost himself!

Now, he wants to use a gentle breath to let this person reinterpret himself, and when he finds himself, he will slightly deviate from his own plan...

[Host, you can be more straightforward in front of the system]

The system is very disgusted with A Luo's beating around the bush and finding a bunch of modifiers, but in the end it is just because he needs more people to work for him.

The host's heart has never been in vain in front of the system.

'No, no, no, I have always been absolutely honest with the system, but the system insists on using some inappropriate words, so I just want to use this way to emphasize it now, don't be too biased in the use of words...'

A Luo looked at the gradually clear starlight, and he was getting more and more used to the system suddenly ignoring him.

The chat mode of his system is still too monotonous, and he will have to teach it slowly in the future!

However, he seems to be really overdoing it. For example, now, he asked two souls who couldn't eat to go fishing to give them a snack...

Or, let Yamato go next time.

The wooden clone can also be used, so that this guy with a big appetite can eat more with peace of mind.

"What are you doing, basking in the moonlight?"

It was dark, and the two fishermen came back.

Yahiko jumped onto the roof, squatted next to Luo, and poked his finger at the face of this child who didn't look like a child.

If they hadn't met when they first met, they would have met

The soul of a child, he actually wanted to suspect that this little guy was an old man of Uchiha Madara's generation in disguise.

"Well, I usually bask in the moonlight, Yahiko, what kind of future do you want?"

A Luo tilted his head and looked at Yahiko and asked.

He would not forget that this was also a senior of the Dream Stream.

"My future? Or, the future I want to see?"

Yahiko was stunned for a moment, then sat down, looking at A Luo curiously, not sure which aspect of the question was.

"It's all right, you caught a lot of fish, and they will have to clean it up for a long time before they can eat it, so let's chat first."

From lying to sitting, A Luo looked at the father and son of the Hatake family who were cleaning the fish just in front of the house, and his smile was a little cute.

Moreover, he said directly that he didn't need to help if he found a topic.

"My personal future is to return to them, and the future I want to see is... peace, a space for everyone to live, and no more plunder and harm to life..."

Yahiko is now very clear that his dream is difficult to achieve, but he still thinks that it would be great if it could really be like this.

These days, he stayed in the Land of Waves. Although he had to keep an eye on people not to pass on messages to Konoha, he would also walk around the villages of the Land of Waves.

He claimed to be a traveler, but this time he did not watch the fights between ninjas, but saw a lot of calculations and mutual harm among civilians.

If you dig a pit, I will set a trap, and even trick the other party to die in front of a rich businessman or ninja, and then go home and laugh triumphantly when the other party dies...

Ninjas, civilians, and samurai who have not been seen in the Land of Waves these days, no matter what their identities, there is no shortage of bad people...

But he still hopes that there will be more peace and warmth within the scope of what he can see.

"I won't send you to Nagato, but I will tell him that you are here. Whether to pick you up and when to pick you up will depend on their decision."

A Luo stared at Yahiko for a few more times, then he directly split a shadow clone and waved his hand to let the shadow clone go to the Hidden Rain Village to find Nagato and Konan.

As for whether they will come or not, and whether they want to find Yahiko again, that is not something A Luo needs to worry about.

Moreover, he felt that he was helping Black Zetsu, because as long as Yahiko was found, the plan of the Akatsuki organization would have to be shelved.

If Yahiko could still make Nagato and Konan obey, the plan to collect the tailed beasts would be almost gone.

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