The two of them were very close.

"Nara Shikaku, the head of the Nara family, it's really unexpected that you came to see me!"

A Luo was sitting on the sofa, and next to him sat Sasuke who was silently peeling fruit. Behind them stood Kimimaro and Karin, as well as Guren and Haku.

The second round of the Chunin Exam had just ended today, and Nara Shikaku came when the door was about to close in the evening.

"Master A Luo, I came to ask...a question, can Shikamaru be saved?"

Nara Shikaku's mood now was no longer just acting.

His son, the heir to the clan leader of their family, actually...

He can't die, but Shikamaru's condition...

Not only can he no longer become a ninja, but even being a normal person with all limbs is almost impossible.

When he saw Shikamaru's condition, he went to the Third Hokage to ask if there was any news about Princess Tsunade.

But the Third Hokage was busy looking for his grandson and ignored him, and he didn't even see him.

It was Danzo who met him and told him to have another child...

It was acting, but he was really in pain.

Even if there was a sacrifice, they, as parents, could make it, but why did it have to be Shikamaru...

"Chief Nara, you have to know that I am a businessman, and what businessmen want is profit. As long as the money is in place, let alone Nara Shikamaru's half-dead state now, even if he really died, he could be bought back with enough money!"

A Luo reached out to take the peeled fruit from Sasuke, leaned on the sofa, and looked at Nara Shikaku with a smile.

Shikamaru's injury is really terrible!

But, is that Shikamaru?

Anyway, everyone thinks it is, so let's just say it is...

Now he wants the money of the three families of Ino, Shika and Chou!

"How much money does Master Luo need?"

When Shikamaru Nara heard that he wanted money, he knew that Shikamaru could still recover.

However, he might have to be offended for a while.

"Kimimaro, calculate for our Nara clan leader how much damage they caused when they went to our Sound Village. In addition to the consumption of chakra, the hard work of using ninjutsu, and the time and nutrition required for the growth of flowers, plants and trees, all of these should be calculated clearly. After calculating these, add the money for the medicine to the Nara clan leader. Remember, it is the attackers of the three families of Ino, Shika and Chou, all of them should be calculated together!"

A Luo looked at Nara Shikaku's increasingly dark face, and laughed and fell directly on Sasuke's shoulder.

Oh, how scary!

He is really too mean. The three families of Ino, Shikamaru and Chou are combined, and now Shikamaru is the only one who is injured. If the compensation is not enough, the heirs of the other two families may...

He is threatening to let these three families use money to settle the attack on Otogakure!

"Nara Shikamaru should not die. I will visit the Nara family after calculating it tomorrow morning. I think the head of the Nara family should have a good rest tonight. Only after a good rest can we think about how to raise money."

Kimimaro calculated for a while very conscientiously, and found that there were too many things to calculate in a short time. Looking at the time, it was time for Luo to prepare for bed...

Quickly asked the guests to leave, and then prepared a bunch of things. Several people escorted Luo and Sasuke back to the Uchiha clan. After confirming that there was no danger, he continued to settle the accounts.

"Kimimaro is really settling the accounts..."

Izuna floated out to take a look, and then came back and asked Luo helplessly how he trained Kimimaro to be like this.

He is really working very seriously, but this matter is not necessary at all!

Those trees, those flowers and grasses...

How did you manage to record each one individually? Is it really okay to show this kind of thing to others?

"Every flower and grass in our Sound Village has its own value. If they are destroyed, compensation must be paid, no one can afford it. If you can't afford it, just bury it in the ground and use it as fertilizer!"

A Luo lay in the quilt, looking at Izuna sitting on the floor, and was very satisfied with Kimimaro's serious attitude.

As for why the value of even a blade of grass can be calculated...

Because he planted a lot of flowers and grasses at his home in Sound Village, and Karin and Tayuya liked to pick two as spares, and once they joked about the value of this flower.

Then, everyone at the training ground that day, whether they understood it or not, gave their quotes one by one.

At that time, Shuiyue happened to pass by and was dragged to give a price. He also talked about seeds, land, water, sunlight...

In short, this very serious way of quoting was all Shuiyue's bored thoughts

When he was teasing people, he used a ‘scientific’ method to figure it out.

“It’s not an ordinary person who can calculate all these things…”

Izuna still felt that it was far from the mark.

But he just complained, then looked at Sasuke lying in the quilt on the left, and then looked at A Luo in the quilt on the right, pulled the quilt to cover them, and then went out for a stroll again.

This time, he didn’t go to the village, but floated directly to an underground secret room in the Uchiha clan’s territory.

The secret room was pitch black, but they didn’t need light to see.

In the corner, Uchiha Itachi sat there, his whole breath was a little weak.

In the center of this long-emptied secret room, there was a sealed ice block.

Inside the ice block was Sarutobi Konohamaru, who was not dead yet, but could only live for another six or seven days at most.


Uchiha Itachi felt a shadow floating in front of him, he raised his head and opened his eyes, locking onto the seemingly real and unreal Izuna.

"It's really unlovable. As expected, only A Luo is the most obedient!"

Izuna's figure gradually became clear. She stood against the wall. When she looked at Uchiha Itachi, it seemed as if there was a flame burning in her eyes, but this flame had no heat, only cold...

In front of A Luo, he never showed his disgust for Uchiha Itachi, but this did not mean that he thought Uchiha Itachi was innocent.

"That rumor... A Luo will be fine, right?"

Uchiha Itachi was a little afraid to look. He thought at first that A Luo was acting for someone.

But Black Zetsu came to tell him in the afternoon that Luo really had no chakra, could not use ninjutsu, and could no longer open the Sharingan...

"That's not a rumor, that's a fact. Otsutsuki Hagoromo secretly did something bad and almost left Luo there. Even if some forbidden methods from thousands of years ago were used, you already know that there was no power like chakra thousands of years ago..."

Izuna sighed, turned his back to Uchiha Itachi, and told some of the reasons he and Luo had discussed with a sad breath.

He just said that there was no chakra thousands of years ago, but...

Thousands of years ago, there were actually other ways to show power.

So whether you can think that Luo will be stronger without chakra depends on whether Uchiha Itachi can turn his brain to that direction.

Probably, this kid's stubborn mind can't associate more information.

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