After leaving Naruto's house, Luo went home to see Sasuke, who was able to practice, before returning to his body. As a result, he felt something restraining his body as soon as he came back. After kicking the man out, he realized who this person was. "Brother, are you okay?" Luo looked at Uchiha Itachi, who hit the wall and opened his eyes in surprise after landing. Suddenly, he was a little unsure about how much force he had used just now. It should be, no injury, right? "It's okay..." Uchiha Itachi finally understood why Orochimaru laughed so strangely before. His little brother's strength and speed, if we only judge the moment of the explosion just now, may not be lower than that of a Chunin.

However, it was just a sudden explosion, and under normal circumstances, it would not even reach the level of Genin.

"Didn't Orochimaru tell you that it is not appropriate to get too close to me when I am sleeping..."

A Luo thought about the relationship between the two and basically guessed that Orochimaru should want to see Uchiha Itachi get beaten.

So, even if he gave a hint, it would be very vague.

"How did he know what he did to your body when your soul went back to find Sasuke?"

Uchiha Itachi's eyes suddenly became dangerous.

You need to get very close to A Luo when he is sleeping to find this.

So, that bastard Orochimaru, he really did something!

"Check frequently. After my body recovers, I need to have a detailed check every morning, noon and night, before and after going to bed for the first few days, and record it for various adjustments during training..."

A Luo began to count what Orochimaru had done before.

The state after eating and drinking three meals a day, the various values ​​before eating, and the regular physical examination reports, two thick record books were accumulated in those few days.

In order to check him, Orochimaru's rest time every day was much less, or he felt that Orochimaru was not in good condition and asked Kimimaro to know.

Then, the interval between these examinations was extended.

At present, there is no special situation, and a full set of examinations are done every five days.


Uchiha Itachi became more and more sad as he listened. Orochimaru was too thoughtful!

With these specially made hard care, care and closeness, Luo gradually developed trust in him.

But it was this way of getting close that was most touching, especially for Luo who lacked the care of elders since childhood...

"Brother, do you want to sleep a little longer? It's still several hours before dawn..."

A Luo looked at Uchiha Itachi who suddenly became resentful, and guessed that he was angry because he said that Orochimaru was hard-working.

Pulling the quilt to the other side of the big bed, A Luo pointed to the empty space and asked Uchiha Itachi if he wanted to continue.

Anyway, his bed was quite big. Not only did he have one more Uchiha Itachi, but even if he brought Sasuke to lie together, he wouldn't feel crowded.

Sure enough, Orochimaru understood him the best. Just as he asked for a comfortable big bed, he got him a comfortable resting bed that he couldn't fall off even if he rolled around on the bed...

"Go to sleep..."

Uchiha Itachi came over, lay down beside the bed, and pulled up a corner of the quilt to cover himself.

Looking at the silly A Luo, he looked at the small toys beside the bed, grabbed a small ball and threw it out, hitting the switch of the lamp.

"Well, good night, big brother."

A Luo lay in the quilt, hugged a corner of the quilt, closed his eyes and fell asleep.

At first, it was very calm, but after sleeping for two or three hours, A Luo's active nature in his sleep broke out again. He rolled around on the bed with the quilt in his arms, and soon he held the whole big quilt in his arms.


Uchiha Itachi, who was lying on the bed, opened his eyes. In the dark room, he felt complicated for a while.

He really didn't know why he prepared such a big bed for A Luo before.

Now, he understood.

If the bed was a little smaller, A Luo might have rolled under the bed a few times.

Although his younger brother also had the habit of sleeping with the quilt when he was a child, but...

This is a bed for sleeping, not a training ground...

"Your Highness A Luo, it's time to get up now. Do you want to get up by yourself, or should I do it?"

In the morning, Kimimaro came to A Luo's door on time, knocked twice but there was no response, and then he knocked skillfully.

He opened the door, turned on the light and stood by the door to talk to Luo.

At this time, Uchiha Itachi, who had heard the noise and stood by the bed, was ignored by Kimimaro temporarily.


A Luo pulled the quilt to cover his face, not wanting to get up at all.

It's time to practice and be diligent, but in the few minutes after waking up every morning, I really don't want to be separated from the big bed.

"Then there's nothing I can do."

Kimimaro counted the time silently, and when it was over, he rolled up his sleeves and walked forward, stretched out his hands and picked up Luo.

Then, he skillfully opened the bathroom door and threw him into the bathtub that had been filled with water last night.

In addition to Luo's occasional bathing, this bathtub is mostly prepared to refresh him when he wakes up early.

"Move aside. Although you are Luo's brother, it's time for him to get up."

Kimimaro hates Uchiha Itachi, not only because he himself has been suppressed by illusions, but also because he has long known that it was Uchiha Itachi who caused Lord Orochimaru's death.

Although Lord Orochimaru can survive, it is a fact that he was killed.

If it weren't for Orochimaru's repeated emphasis and orders, Kimimaro would definitely want to kill Uchiha Itachi all the time.

But it was an order not to kill, but Orochimaru didn't say to be polite to this person.

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