The two of them were very happy.

"I know..."

Gaara nodded obediently, and then he released his sand clone in front of Luo.

The purpose of his pursuit was just to find out who this person was and whether he would see him again in the future. After confirming this information, he naturally returned to his original body.

"Kimimaro, let's go!"

After Gaara went back, Luo turned around and continued on his way.

"Yes, Your Highness Luo!"

Kimimaro's expression suddenly became serious, and he bowed his head to Luo.

Then, he quickened his pace, picked him up when he got close to Luo, and ran away in a flash.

After they left, about ten minutes later, two human figures condensed from the sand.

It was the Kazekage Rasa, and Granny Chiyo who looked very old but still had strong fighting power.

"Rasa, Orochimaru is a traitor to Konoha. It's too dangerous to cooperate with him!"

Granny Chiyo sighed, and looking at Rasa's eager eyes, she became even more worried.

"There is no conflict between what Orochimaru needs and what we want. You have also seen that the boy with the Corpse Vein is a natural warrior. In addition to his hidden identity, the young master also has a special physique that can calm Shukaku when he approaches. It can also be effective against the tailed beasts of other villages..."

Rosa looked coldly at the direction where the two left.

It is natural to conspire with a snake, but as long as the benefits are big enough, you can cooperate.

The two boys may really think that they are just here to investigate opening a store to make money, but in fact...

This is Orochimaru showing him his sincerity in cooperation.

"He will affect Gaara."

Granny Chiyo still feels dangerous.

Although the specific effect was not seen, the fact that Gaara took the initiative to chase him out and showed unprecedented obedience and quietness showed that this boy was too threatening to the Sand Village.

Perhaps, this threat was not only aimed at the Sand Village, but also at all the Jinchūriki.

"The tailed beasts and the Jinchūriki are the symbols of the village's external strength, but we all know that if Gaara really doesn't obey, killing him and replacing him with a Jinchūriki will only be a little troublesome, and will not affect the fact that the Sand Village still has the tailed beasts."

When Luosha talked about Gaara, he didn't have the concept of being a father, but only made a value judgment on the Jinchūriki.

"After all, that is also your child with Karura..."

Grandma Chiyo sighed, turned around and walked towards the direction of the Sand Village.

She did a lot of things, and she didn't regret it now, but when people get older, they always have uncontrollable thoughts.

In the original Jinchūriki experiment, so many children died at birth, and it was only successful after Karura gave up his life.

And that night, they all saw the protection that Karura left for Gaara...

"I am the Kazekage, and the only thing I care about is the village..."

Rosa stood there for a long time, then sighed and returned to the village.

The wind blew, and the sand layer floated.

More than an hour later, a large gravel in the sand layer rolled twice under the wind and was exposed above the sand layer.

With the sound of imperceptible breaking, several cracks appeared on the surface of the gravel, gradually breaking into tiny fragments.

At the border of the Land of Fire, Kimimaro was staring at the barbecue grill in a daze.

It's noon, and it's time to eat, which is normal.

But, Lord Orochimaru, why did you come to this place in this way...

Where was your body thrown again!

"Kimimaro, this is ready. Teacher, don't tease him. Kimimaro has had a hard time on the way."

A Luo took the grilled meat, cut it and put it on a plate, and handed it to Kimimaro opposite with one hand.

Next to him, the half-man, half-snake who tried to touch Kimimaro's head through the grill was being pulled back by the other hand of A Luo's soul body.

"This silly child is still too naive."

Orochimaru sighed faintly.

After training, his soul gradually became a bit human, although only the upper body was close to that of a human, and there was still a long snake tail below the waist.

Now, Orochimaru lazily half-lying on the coiled snake tail, staring at Kimimaro again and again.

"Kimimaro is simple-minded, and his heart is full of his Lord Orochimaru. So, may I ask, Teacher Orochimaru, where did you throw your body? If you leave it for too long, that body will die!"

A Luo is eating barbecue

, seeing that Orochimaru was not going to go back, the hand that had left his soul grabbed the snake's tail and wanted to throw him out.

"I'll take it with me. I'll take it out when I go back. The body of White Zetsu is very useful. It won't die even if it's left for a few hours."

Orochimaru saw that things were not going well and hurried to explain.

Usually, he was a teacher, and Luo was always very obedient as a student.

But when he was in the soul form, he had no dignity in front of Luo, as if he had exchanged identities with Luo, and even his personality had changed...

"Let's eat first, and go home early after eating..."

Kimimaro ate barbecue and sighed, telling himself in his heart that few people could see the soul form anyway, so he would just treat it as a relaxing game that Lord Orochimaru needed.

He also figured out this trip to Sand Village.

Lord Orochimaru was right. He really couldn't act. If he told him many things in advance, he might not act so naturally.

But he still didn't understand what their purpose was for going to the Sand Village this time.

Was it the cooperation between Orochimaru and the Kazekage, or to observe the puppetry and medical ninjutsu of the Sand Village, or to open a shop to sell things and make money...

Oh, and there was also the Jinchūriki of the Sand Village.

The kid looked at A Luo with such a strange look that he was a little worried at that time. If A Luo asked the Jinchūriki to go with them, would the kid run away directly from the Sand Village...

"In a month, I will take two people and go with the ninjas from the Sand Village. After I get there, I will stay in the Sand Village for a month. Learning takes time..."

After using the Flying Thunder God to bring one person and one soul back to the Land of Fields, A Luo looked at Orochimaru and Kimimaro who had returned to normal, and told them about his next plan.

He had also observed in the Sand Village before that some things could indeed be learned, such as some of the things about the poison making and detoxification of Grandma Chiyo.

"Don't worry, you've learned a lot."

Orochimaru returned to his body and resumed his teacher status.

Orochimaru has always been very satisfied with Luo's eagerness to learn and his fast learning progress.

Such a child can perfectly fulfill his dream and learn all the ninjutsu and knowledge in the world...

"Just keep the same status as before, teacher, I'll go home to see Sasuke, don't run around, have a good rest..."

A Luo stretched, looked at the time, remembered that he hadn't been home for several days, and decided to go back to see Sasuke first.

His arrogant brother...

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