The old man was very happy.

"Master, you don't really want to sell these things to the Sand Village, do you?"

After Gaara left, Tayuya opened the door and walked in.

Looking at the empty box, she was a little depressed.

Their master A Luo, in addition to becoming more and more brutal in martial arts, was also getting more and more treacherous when selling things.

"The teacher didn't say that we can't sell them, and I won't lose your part just because I want to sell a part."

A Luo looked at Tayuya's eyes and knew that the girl was saying that he was a profiteer in her heart again.

But there was no way, these things that were researched had to be exchanged for money.

Only by being thrifty can Orochimaru continue to do scientific research without lacking money.

If Orochimaru is the one doing the research and making money depends on him, it would be too hard.


Tayouya lowered her head and said nothing more.

Some words cannot be said after leaving home.

But, Lord Orochimaru, do you really know that your disciples exchanged garbage for money?

Indeed, selling these stocks will not move the parts they usually use for training, because these are obsolete products they no longer use...

Tayouya, who felt full of complaints and had nowhere to tell, looked at a few boxes of medicines and exchanged them for a full box of money a few days later.

From that day on, when she looked at Master Luo again, her eyes were already full of glittering.

The way Master Luo bargained with others and worked hard to make money for Lord Orochimaru was so handsome!

This time, Luo stayed in the Sand Village for only more than ten days before leaving in a hurry.

Because the goods he brought were sold out!

Although he had been prepared for a long time, he still underestimated the spending power of women.

"Gaara, goodbye!"

A Luo and Gaara became friends. This was no secret in the Sand Village, and they didn't want to hide it.

So, on the day when Luo left the village, in addition to the Sand Village ninjas who escorted him back to the Land of Fields and then brought back the goods, there was also Gaara who came to the gate of the Sand Village to see him off.

"Well, goodbye!"

Gaara still didn't talk much, but his breath was much calmer.

At least, although the surrounding ninjas were scared, they could barely stand nearby.

Watching the people go away, Gaara turned around and returned to the village.

And Luo, after leaving the other shop assistants, took Tayuya and a team of ninjas from the Sand Village and headed towards the Land of Fields.

"Master Luo, you usually use..."

Temari was one of the members of the escort team this time. When she stopped to rest, she watched Luo's maid take out the space scroll and take out the pots and pans to make food, and her mood was a bit complicated.

This young master is really living a comfortable life!

The butler last time was an all-rounder.

The maid this time basically serves him well except when he is talking about business.

And this space scroll is actually used to seal these pots and pans...

"Yes, because the young master doesn't like to eat dry food, so we will make more preparations, and bring more food, drinks and daily necessities..."

Tayouya smiled gently. Their young master is very delicate, so he must be taken care of.

As for the space seal scroll, the price of this thing outside seems to be not low.

But they really don't lack this, who let young master Luo have complete attributes, just make some when bored, and no one who can follow Lord Orochimaru and young master Luo will lack this kind of thing.

"Really, young master..."

Temari looked at it again with a frustrated look, then jumped aside with her big fan on her back.

While checking the surroundings, he took out the dry food he brought with him and ate a few bites.

"The life of a ninja is not easy!"

While eating, Luo did not forget to look at Temari who was staring at him quietly, and complained to Tayuya about the sadness of some ninjas.

But it was only Temari who felt awkward. The other three ninjas were in normal conditions. As long as there was no danger, they would not care what Luo did.

All the way to the Land of Fields, when he arrived at Luo's house, Temari looked at all kinds of high-value decorations, and suddenly she didn't think there was anything wrong with the decoration of Luo's store in the Sand Village.

It turned out that it was not deliberately decorated to that luxurious level to attract people, but the place where this young master lived was piled up with money.

After being taken to a small courtyard by the servants to sleep for a night, he took over two space seals the next day.

Temari, who was holding the scroll, was still a little dumbfounded.

Are all the escorted items sealed in the space scroll?

"They are all fragile, so they need to be treated with care. Pretty Miss Temari, I'm sorry to bother you this time!"

A Luo looked at Temari with a dazed expression, greeted her politely, and then asked the butler who had just arrived to send the ninjas out.

He learned a lot when he went to Sand Village this time, and he needed time to sort them out, and then study them with Teacher Orochimaru.

Puppetry is really good, very good!

It was just that Chiyo's healing technique did not meet his expectations, or it might be that his initial expectations were too high.

"Master Luo, you have worked hard during this period. Lord Orochimaru... He hasn't slept for three days. Do you want to go and see him first?"

Kimimaro's identity here is Luo's butler.

After sending the ninjas of Sand Village out, he returned to the yard and looked at Luo who was planting trees again. He couldn't help but urged him to go and see Lord Orochimaru.

"Hasn't slept for three days? What is he researching..."

A Luo was stunned.

Orochimaru actually hasn't slept for three days. Has Kimimaro lost control of Orochimaru?

His soul was running around before, but now it's not running around anymore, and he's not sleeping anymore...

Kimimaro, this silly kid, usually worries even if his Lord Orochimaru doesn't eat enough...

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