The truth is, don't be impulsive.

"Hey, hey, hey, don't be impulsive. I'm not lying. It was on that night that Uchiha Itachi said that while looking at your body. I was there. You can ask him if he said that. Besides, Afei was there too!"

Black and White Zetsu raised his hands, looking frightened.

It's just the information in this sentence, so it should be said.

"Afei? Who?"

A Luo didn't look at Uchiha Itachi. His focus was on another one.

Afei, Uchiha Obito!

It feels like this timeline is not the time for Afei to appear.

[Originally he was just inactive. He couldn't control and exposed some information on the night of the genocide. After that, Afei was often allowed to come out and move around]

The system gave an explanation.

Maybe because Uchiha Itachi found out that he was not Uchiha Madara, Obito let himself go in advance.

'I won't take the blame for this.'

A Luo said that he would never admit that he could lead someone astray in the state of 'corpse'.

But no matter what, A Fei came out and Black Zetsu seemed to have set his sights on him. The direction of this world has been twisted and twisted, and there is no need to worry about the original plot.

"A Fei, he is just a reserve member and also from your Uchiha family. He helped kill many Uchiha that day. Anyone who was favored by him was killed and his eyes dug out..."

Black and white Zetsu still used his 'scared' state of panic to give A Luo as detailed information as possible.

"Oh, there are other Uchiha who are not dead. Brother, why didn't you tell me that there is such a collaborator? If I had known earlier, I would have paid more attention."

A Luo put away the bone sword, let go of his hand and retreated to Uchiha Itachi's side.

He already knew about those things, and he didn't plan to settle accounts with anyone.

He just needed to wait for Sasuke to take revenge, and then accompany Sasuke to get rid of those enemies.

"Uchiha Luo, you can still be so calm..."

Hei Bai Zetsu raised his arm, pointed at Luo, and then pointed at Uchiha Itachi, and couldn't understand what the kid was thinking.

"What's there to be surprised about? You are here to gather intelligence, right? You don't even know about this kind of thing?"

A Luo smiled and looked at Hei Bai Zetsu, stabbed the bone sword in his hand, and took it back when he saw the other party dodge.

"You... Aren't you afraid that he will kill you again one day?"

Hei Zetsu was angry at Luo's natural attitude, but he still wanted to hear why this kid didn't care.

At that time, it would cost him his life!

Konoha's saying is that Uchiha Fugaku exchanged his life for the child's fake death or something...

That's all the imagination of those idiots in Konoha. Although he doesn't know how Uchiha Luo survived, it's definitely not from his father's protection. This family really wants this child to die!

"Even if he wants me to die, it doesn't affect him being my eldest brother. Can the blood relationship be eliminated because of his behavior?"

A Luo's tone was very calm, with a bit of incomprehensible doubt.

As long as he doesn't face a moment of choice, he is indeed a very good eldest brother.

[Host, you did it on purpose]

The system popped up to complain.

Deliberate, it's intentional. Its host is thinking about the achievement again, but it's not clear yet who its host's target is...

"That's right..."

Hei Bai Jue muttered softly, then sank to the ground and slipped away.

He had to go back and think about it. This kid's personality was too strange. He didn't seem to have no resentment or hatred, but he couldn't tell how much he hated Uchiha Itachi...

The Uchiha family was very direct in their emotions. How could such an emotional person appear?

Could it be because of Hashirama Senju's Wood Release Cells?

Orochimaru's previous cell transplantation and culture experiment seemed to have only succeeded in producing a defective product.

Now, after the successful transplantation, the child's originally incomplete personality was distorted and mutated directly?

Black Zetsu, who didn't understand, ran away directly, but the others were still there. Looking at this pair of brothers, they all felt very awkward.

Although what he said was true, blood ties could definitely not be changed. Even if you fight to the death, you are still brothers.

But it feels so awkward to say this bluntly, especially from a child who has been killed!

"A Luo, go to me

Rest there. We can talk about cooperation after we have rested well. "

Itachi Uchiha's heart was in a mess, but his expression was still very calm.

He stretched out his hand and placed it on Luo's shoulder. After making sure that he did not avoid him, he led people to his residence.

At least, he was willing to call him brother and recognized their brotherly relationship.

Some things, once they happen, cannot be made up.

The last time he went to see Luo, Orochimaru was right.

'Don't dream of picking up something intact that you have discarded. No matter how many reasons and compensations you have, it can't change the fact that he was once abandoned by you...'

No matter how many reasons you have, it can't change his previous choice...

"Brother, what are we going to eat tomorrow? Sasuke told me that you can cook. Can I try your cooking? "

When Luo was walking on the road, it was as if nothing had happened just now, and he was still chatting normally.

But his state was so "normal", the more people worried.

Especially Uchiha Itachi, his heart was already in chaos, and now he would think a lot about every word Luo said.

"Well, tomorrow, I'll make you something delicious."

Uchiha Itachi felt his palms were a little hot, but he still kept his hands on Luo's shoulders and continued to walk forward calmly.

Sasuke told Luo that he could cook...

This sentence revealed too much information.

Sasuke would mention him again, and would tell Luo about things when he was very young. Luo had never eaten the food he cooked, so he would be curious, or there would be some expectations...

"Uchiha Itachi... is hopeless!"

Konan stood at the window, watching the two brothers walking together, until they could no longer see each other, and then slowly expressed her opinion.

"Why do you think so? "

The voice appeared nearby, it was Zetsu who had just escaped.

He and Tendo Pain appeared beside Konan.

"Woman's intuition, that child is very dangerous."

Just when everyone thought she had made some new discoveries, Konan gave a speechless reason.

Intuition, from a woman's intuition...

With this reason, even Tendo Pain controlled by Nagato did not want to talk to Konan for the time being.

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