It’s too late to chase them away.

Xia Tian went straight to the kitchen.

He rushed to see the little Binchotan after hearing a phone call, and then sent them back from a long distance.

He had to thank them anyway.

But today was not the right time, and he couldn’t cook big fish or meat. The little guy could only eat something light.

Xia Tian immediately thought of clear soup noodles.

With the blessing of Xiao Dajia’s cooking skills, he could make a bowl of clear soup noodles.


Xia Tian took out a ceramic bowl for kneading dough, poured in an appropriate amount of flour, added water, and kneaded the dough.

Kneading dough is the basic skill in making pasta. Xia Tian’s every twist and turn was smooth and flowing, just like practicing Tai Chi.

The dough quickly took shape in his hands and gradually became smooth and delicate.

The next step is to roll the dough.

First sprinkle dry powder on it, and then with a smooth and flowing movement, the dough is evenly spread on the table with a”crunching” sound.

At this time, if you use a ruler to measure it, the thickness error of the dough will not exceed 0.5 mm.

After the third step, cut the dough.

Push the dough into three layers and cut it quickly.

“Da da da~”

The noodles of the right length were put into the bamboo strips.

The last step is to cook the noodles.

The next step is to wait. Xia Tian also blanched some green vegetables.


In the living room,

Pukashu was awakened by the sound of cutting noodles and rushed to the kitchen.

“Tantan, what’s wrong? Your brother hasn’t finished cooking yet, please wait.”

“I’m going to help my brother wash rice.”

Hiratsuka Shizuka felt that Binchotan had an inexplicable obsession with washing rice, and guessed that this was her usual job.’

“Don’t worry, my brother should be cooking noodles tonight, so you don’t need to wash the rice today.”

“Oh, I see.”

Binchotan was a little overwhelmed. How could she help with cooking noodles? She had never bought flour and her grandmother had never taught her. She didn’t know how to do it.

“Tantan, you are sick. You should wait for your brother to cook dinner. Wait for me while I go to get something. Let’s break your Abebe, okay?”


Under the curious gaze of Binchotan, Shizuka Hiratsuka took a furoshiki with Pukashu printed on it from the car. She didn’t buy any dolls in a day, but only found a furoshiki. She originally wanted to use it to wrap the doll as a gift, but now it was just in use.

“It’s Pukashu!”

When he saw the furoshiki, Binchotan’s eyes lit up,”Sister, is this for me?”

Binchotan was overjoyed and reached out to touch it.

“Yes, let’s cut off the Kapuxiu and sew it on your Abebe, okay? Tantan, do you know where the scissors, needle and thread are kept at home?”

“I know, I know, my brother told me, I’ll get it right away.”

Little Binchotan slid down from the sofa and ran to the TV cabinet to find something.

Sitting on the sofa, Shizuka Hiratsuka picked up the needle and thread and started to mend.

The home economics class at school was not in vain. Although she was careless, she was very skilled.

Little Binchotan didn’t blink from the first stitch, for fear of missing any picture.

She watched the ugly hole turn into an exquisite Pukashu pattern with her big eyes full of surprise.

“Xiaobei, do you like this?” Hiratsuka Shizuka put down her needlework and spread out the quilt.

“like~~”Little Binchotan nodded quickly, stretched out his little hand and touched the Pukashu on the quilt, his big eyes narrowed into a line.

Looking at the little guy’s healing smile, Hiratsuka Shizuka was also full of joy.

This is too cute.

If I had a daughter, I would definitely do this.

“Tantan, Teacher Jing, please prepare, it’s time to eat.”

The shout from the kitchen woke the two of them up.

Little Binchotan picked up the quilt and held it high for Xia Tian to see.

“Brother, look, it’s Pukaxiu. Sister Jing put Pukaxiu on top. It looks so good. Hehe”

“Really? Did you say thank you to Sister Jing?”

“Thank you, Sister Jing”

“Put the quilt on the sofa first, take your sister Jing to the restaurant to wash her hands and prepare for dinner.”

Xia Tian turned back to the kitchen and began to put the final ingredients.

He only put a little salt in the little guy’s bowl, and added some seafood sauce to the bowls of Shizuka Hiratsuka, and then dripped a few drops of sesame oil. He scooped up the cooked noodles with a funnel, and then quickly rinsed them in cold water, and served them in a bowl.

The three of them sat down in the living room, not eating at their own small wooden table. The little girl was not used to it at first, but the steam from the bowl of noodles mixed with the aroma went straight into her nose, and she only had dry rice in her eyes.

“Brother, can I eat now?”

“Eat now”

“Well, I’m going to eat.”

Shizuka Hiratsuka looked at the clear soup noodles in front of her with surprise. The base ingredients were clearly visible. It was just an ordinary bowl of clear soup noodles, but the aroma was so appetizing.

“I started too!”

“”Slurp, slurp.”

Shizuka Hiratsuka usually loves to eat noodles. The moment the noodles entered her mouth, her eyes widened. The noodles were chewy and she could even smell the fragrance of wheat. Her whole body seemed to be lingering in a golden wheat field.

“This is too good to be true.”

Hiratsuka Shizuka mumbled incoherently. She would often eat another mouthful as soon as she swallowed it. She would suck it in like a ginseng fruit, and it felt like she hadn’t even chewed the noodles for a few times.


Finally, even the noodle soup was finished in one breath, and Shizuka Hiratsuka sat happily on the chair. She felt that her life was complete.

Sure enough, it was right to shamelessly stay for dinner tonight. Boss Xia was immediately a treasure boy. His cooking skills were not limited to siu mai. An ordinary clear soup noodle in one night could make his soul ascend to heaven.

I can’t imagine how happy it would be if I could eat the food cooked by Boss Xia every day.

At this moment, Shizuka Hiratsuka was really moved.

Such good cooking skills can’t be cheapened by other women. In the intervals between eating noodles, Xiao Binchotan also secretly looked at the two people at the table with his peripheral vision.

The three of them were eating at home together. Such a lively scene was something she had never experienced before.

Children are very sensitive. They know clearly who is good to them. Although there were kind bosses who treated her well in the past, that kind of goodness was different from that of her brother.

Her brother treated her as a relative and treated her as well as his mother-in-law.

Although this is not a cabin, Xiao Binchotan has already regarded this place as his home.

Xiao Binchotan hopes that such a lively scene can be maintained forever.

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