In the luxury car,

Mrs. Yukinoshita was speechless as she watched Xia Tian’s tricycle pass by. She would not even look at such a stall at other times.

“This is the big shot you were talking about, could you be mistaken?”

“Xiao Jing was a guest at his house yesterday and warned me not to mess around. Yang Nai said seriously, she must be a close friend if she knows him well.

“So that’s it….”Mrs. Yukinoshita nodded noncommittally,”So, all these people lining up are here for this?”

“No, they were simply captivated by the delicious food. It must be said that excellent people are excellent at everything, even if it is setting up a stall to sell steamed buns.” Yang No took his eyes off Xia Tian and turned to ask Mrs. Yukinoshita,”Mom, do you want Uncle Kazami to go down and line up?”

Mrs. Yukinoshita shook her head:”Let’s go, we’ll go and have a look too.”

The two families met at the back of the line, and

Tuanzi waved and greeted enthusiastically,

“Sister Yang Nai, you are here too”

“Um, Yuigahama-san, have you seen Yukino?”

“No, Yukino didn’t seem to come so early today……”

After chatting for a while, they smelled the familiar aroma of Shaomai.

“Yeah, we also have Golden Ratio Shaomai today…….There is another one that smells just as good, is it a new variety?!!” Tuanzi sniffed and drooled.


“Mom, we can buy 8 shaomai today, we must try every flavor.”

Tuanzi’s mother nodded and swallowed her saliva desperately. She didn’t want to talk anymore. How could this smell be so overbearing? She couldn’t walk after smelling it. How could she eat it?

Five minutes later,

“Brother Xia Tian, please give us two golden ratios, two three-dimensional egg dumplings, one each of glutinous rice and bamboo shoot jelly, and a new flavor. What is Brother Xia Tian’s new flavor of dumplings?”

“That’s amazing, you can even smell it. Today’s new flavor is Jade Shaomai. Would you like two?”

“OK, there are eight of us, mom will give you the money.”……”

She knew that this little girl thought she was an ATM, but Tuanzi’s mother still quickly took out the money. She believed that the shaomai would definitely not be bad.

While waiting to get the shaomai, Tuanzi soon discovered the lottery machine at the stall.

“Hmm, what is this, Xia Tiange? A figurine ball lottery machine?”

“Yes, every customer can draw once, and there is a surprise inside the ball.”

Before he finished speaking, Tuanzi had already started the machine and opened the blue ball that fell. It was a food voucher! The time of use is 4 o’clock on Friday, and the location is the entrance of General Affairs High School.

“Brother Xia Tian, what is this?”

“I told you it’s a surprise. You’ll know when you come over after school tomorrow.” Xia Tian smiled. He didn’t expect Tuanzi to be so lucky. He wanted to give her a ticket, but it seems that’s not necessary.

“Do you want to eat the steamed buns now or take them away?”

“Eat it now.”

Tuanzi’s mother was impatient. The closer she got to the stall, the stronger the smell of the shaomai became. She didn’t want to waste even a second and wanted to eat the shaomai right away.

“”Mom, please try it, it’s delicious.”

Tuanzi couldn’t wait to pick up the shaomai and take a bite.

“”Hmm, it’s stuffed with green vegetables and glutinous rice, it’s amazing!”

Tuanzi first tried the new flavor of Emerald Shaomai, the green skin was as thin as paper, the filling was green, the color was like jade, the sugar and oil filled the mouth, sweet and fragrant.

If you don’t pay attention, you can finish a Shaomai in two bites.

Next to her, Tuanzi’s mother ate the Golden Ratio Shaomai, which was a perfect fusion of four fillings. After taking a bite, several flavors hit the taste buds like a combination of permutations, and the chewing was accompanied by a rich fat aroma. The magical taste hit the soul.

Tuanzi’s mother opened her eyes wide in shock and looked at her daughter in disbelief.

The question of”Why is it so delicious” was clearly expressed in her eyes.

“” It’s delicious, isn’t it?”

Tuanzi raised her eyebrows proudly. She was the one who found such delicious food.

Tuanzi’s mother swallowed the shaomai in her mouth reluctantly and nodded vigorously.

This is not only delicious,…..It is absolutely delicious.

Forgive her for being at a loss for words, she really doesn’t know which word to use to perfectly describe this siu mai.

This thing is only available in heaven, and it is rare to taste it on earth.

“Yui, from now on, mom will send you to school in the morning!”

Tuanzi looked at her mother with complicated eyes. Her mother’s intention was too obvious. She only sent her to school once in more than ten years. There was motherly love, but not much.

“Mom, Xia Tian won’t be setting up a stall in front of Sobu High School next week. Are you sure you will still take me to school?”

“What? Then I can only eat it for one more day.”

Tuanzi’s mother was stunned. This news was like a bolt from the blue.

Tuanzi was speechless. As expected, her mother only cared about the shaomai. She said sadly:”No, today may be the last day. Brother Xia Tian will probably not come tomorrow morning.”

Tuanzi’s mother looked at the shaomai in her hand stupidly, and suddenly felt that it was not fragrant……It couldn’t be bad.

Four shaomai per person, maybe the last four shaomai in this life, not enough.

Tuanzi’s mother knew that the remaining three would not be enough, she licked her lips and looked at her beloved daughter.

Her undisguised eyes scared Tuanzi.

“”Mom, what are you doing?”

Tuanzi stuttered. Seeing her mother’s eyes looking at Shaomai with an unfriendly look, Tuanzi was so scared that he quickly covered his mouth with his hands.

“It’s too greasy to eat steamed buns this early in the morning. Go buy some sandwiches. Buy the best Sanae sandwiches. Mom will give you money.”

Tuanzi’s mother raised a friendly smile, trying to make herself look kind and friendly, like a good mother.


The next moment, she reacted and ran away

“Security guard, help me, someone stole my shaomai”


Tuanzi’s mother’s face darkened.

She couldn’t keep this daughter anymore! Yang Nao, who knew about their relationship, was very upset.

The other students were all shocked. Tuanzi scored twice. She was indeed the legendary girl whose shaomai was stolen!!!

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