“Golden ratio siomai!”

“Please enjoy your meal.”

Xia Tian picked up a siomai and put it into a small paper box. The takeaway box provided by the system was just the right size.

The freshly baked siomai had four kinds of fillings in a golden ratio, and they were clearly separated.

The rich aroma hit her face, and Shizuka Hiratsuka seemed to be in a paradise of food for a moment. Pork, shrimp, egg yolk, green vegetables, each flavor competed with each other and melted into each other.

Shizuka Hiratsuka took the siomai, immediately broke open a bamboo chopstick, picked up the siomai and stuffed it into her mouth.

“Whoosh whoosh…it’s so hot……”

She ate the first bite too hastily and cried out in pain because of the burn, but she just couldn’t bear to spit it out.

The funny look made Xiao Binchotan stunned. This girl ate too hastily.

After her mouth adjusted to the temperature, she took the first bite of the siu mai. Shizuka Hiratsuka squinted her eyes because she was so hungry. But she didn’t remember the punishment after eating so she took the second bite.

“”Hoohoo… hot, hot, hot… delicious, delicious~”

There was another flurry of activity, with food in his mouth.

Xia Tian was in a state of confusion, he was so old, but he was still like a child.

He didn’t even think about the first time he used Xiao Dajia’s cooking skills to cook, he also ate voraciously.


As she ate, Shizuka Hiratsuka cried because it was so delicious. The filling of the siu mai miraculously preserved the tough shrimp paste, the fresh and delicious vegetables, the soft sweetness of the egg yolk, and the smoothness of the ham oil without being greasy.

With one bite, four perfectly balanced delicious flavors spread in her mouth.

It was so delicious that Shizuka Hiratsuka couldn’t stop eating. She excitedly opened her wallet and took out a dozen yen before she could swallow it. She stuffed it into Kobinchotan’s hand.

“Boss, give me ten more siomai”

“I want two too.”

The uncle next door couldn’t resist the aroma, so he quickly took out 1,000 yen and bought two.

Soon, they each got the shaomai, and after taking a bite, the uncle regretted it. How could two of such delicious food be enough?

“Boss, I want ten more too.”

The two people’s exaggerated appearance made the onlookers feel like they were just agents, but the aroma they smelled was not deceptive, it must be delicious!

Everyone had simple thoughts and honest bodies lined up.

People have a herd mentality, especially when they saw so many people queuing here, the people who were originally hesitant all gathered around.

“Boss, I’ll take 3”

“Boss, I’ll take 2”

“”Boss, I’ll take 4.”

Soon, Xiao Binchotan started to get busy, with a lot of Japanese yen in her hands, and she spent a long time calculating. With so much small money, she couldn’t finish buying rice in her lifetime. This made the little girl anxious, and she didn’t dare to greet the customers for a while, and she looked at everyone with vigilance.

Xia Tian packed very quickly, and after taking the small money, Xiao Binchotan breathed a sigh of relief, and a smile appeared on her face again.

“The golden ratio siomai has been sold out. You have to wait 15 minutes for the second basket of three-flavor egg siomai. If you are in a hurry, you don’t have to queue up.”

After hearing this, a few office workers in suits left disappointed, but more insisted on queuing up.

And the many people who got siomai at the scene, how could they resist the delicious food in their hands? They all ate it on the spot, and they didn’t say a word. The two people with exaggerated expressions just now were not agents, but guiding lights and food experts.

It smells good! It smells so good!

If it weren’t for those two people, everyone would have missed this delicious food.


“Delicious to tears”

“I have never eaten such delicious siomai!”

“This is Shaomai Immortal, right?”

Xia Tian’s mouth twitched at the exaggerated praise. Immortals in this small place like Ning are too worthless.

Thanks to him, the uncle selling milk next door finished his milk faster than him.

“Boss, would you like a bottle of ice milk? I’ll save some for you.”

“No, no. I’m Chinese, I can’t stand your way of drinking.”Xia Tian’s mouth twitched, Shaomai with milk is OK, but why is it ice milk, you really won’t have diarrhea if you eat like this. The idle uncle was not in a hurry to close the stall, watching Xiaobinchotan entertaining customers and watching the fire, with envy on his face.

“You are such a sensible sister.”

“Yes, it’s just that she’s too sensible, which makes people feel distressed.”

Even if she’s alone, little Binchotan loves life and tries to live every day well.

But she’s obviously still a child, not even as tall as a three-year-old.

After losing her mother-in-law, Xia Tian didn’t dare to think about how she lived these days alone.

The uncle patted Xia Tian’s shoulder.

In his opinion, the two siblings were very good people. The elder brother was responsible for raising the younger sister, and the younger sister was well-behaved and sensible and helped her brother. Judging from their clothes, the brother and sister were not rich, and they were even a little tight on money.

However, with his unique skill of making steamed buns, he believed that the brother and sister would live a good life.

In fact, Xia Tian was not pretending to be poor, he was really poor. It would be strange for him to be rich if he traveled through time and space. The initial fund for the ingredients of the stall cart was earned by moving goods at the station. Fortunately, the system arranged an identity for him, otherwise he would have become an illegal worker.

With his skills, he should have been a chef, but no one wanted to hire him after he only worked for one or two days a day.

“Brother, the siu mai is ready.”

“Boss, I want two or three three-flavor fried eggs”

“I want 4

“Boss, I have 3”????


It’s busy again. Xiao Binchotan happily and distressedly took the small money.

“Don’t crowd, come one by one.

Xia Tian opened the steamer, and the black and white three-flavor siu mai appeared in front of everyone. The eagerly awaited guests took it and started eating immediately.


The beige siu mai skin with eggs, the black glowing preserved egg in the siu mai mouth, and the crab egg in the siu mai belly, even if you are not hungry, you will want to eat it to satisfy your craving.

Tuanzi, who was almost late for school, smelled the fragrance and saw a siu mai shop surrounded by a group of people on the roadside. His stomach started to growl.

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