The rice was quickly steamed and cooked.

Xia Tian served five servings and let them cool. The ingredients were ready. A wonderful day started with golden egg fried rice.

The process of making egg fried rice is just to fry the eggs first, then stir and add the ingredients.

However, the simplest method is also the most difficult. The rice grains must be separated and dipped in eggs. A good egg fried rice should be golden in color, distinct in grains, and fragrant. It should have all the color, aroma and flavor.

Xia Tian believes that the fusion step is critical. The eggs and rice are fully integrated so that each grain of rice is evenly wrapped in the egg liquid. In this way, when stir-frying, the rice grains can be kept distinct and the egg fragrance can penetrate into each grain of rice, presenting an attractive golden color and rich egg fragrance.

Before a portion of egg fried rice is ready, the kitchen door is already full of hungry girls of all ages.

“Brother, can we have breakfast now?” Little Binchotan held his small bowl and looked at

“It’s almost done. Did you ask your sister Dong Xiang to get up?” Xia Tian asked without raising her head.

Little Binchotan nodded obediently:”She got up. I even got a spare new toothbrush to brush her teeth.””

“Go back and prepare it. Xiao You and Xiao Qian come over to help serve the dishes.” Xia Tian came out of the kitchen with a pot of egg fried rice and served it to everyone.”If it’s not enough, come and serve it yourself later.””

“Enough is enough.”Xiao You nodded.

“Brother, I’ve had enough too.” Xiao Binchotan looked at the protruding rice bowl with a smile. The golden fried rice continued to emit an enticing aroma. She used to be able to last a whole day without feeling hungry.

“”You can eat first if you are hungry. I will cook some soup.” Xia Tian said and went back into the kitchen.

When he returned to the table, no one touched their chopsticks and looked at him expectantly. Five people sat neatly at the table. Dong Xiang was stunned for a moment. She looked at the food on the table with complicated eyes. Fried rice with egg, chicken soup, stir-fried vegetables and a fried saury. It was a simple meal for ordinary people, but she had no such scene in her memory. As a ghoul, it seemed impossible for her to have a warm meal with her family.

“Stop looking, let’s eat.”

“I’m going to eat.”

The three of them were not polite and picked up the egg fried rice and started eating.

“Xia Jun I…..”Dong Xiang looked at the breakfast, feeling a little overwhelmed

“Eat, I got the best ingredients just for you.” Xia Tian poured a bowl of chicken soup and handed it to Dong Xiang,”Take whatever you want to eat, don’t be restrained, we are all family.”

“”Hmm.” Dong Xiang blushed and her eyes were also red.

“Sister Dongxiang, come eat quickly, the food my brother cooked is so delicious.” Xiao Binchotan echoed between his big mouthfuls of food,”Only when you are full can you have the energy to work.””

“knew……”After hearing what they said, Dong Xiang silently picked up the rice bowl.

She gently scooped a small spoonful and took a few bites nervously. She wanted to swallow it quickly because she was afraid of vomiting.

But the moment the rice entered her mouth, her big eyes suddenly lit up!

What was this feeling? It was not stinky tofu, nor coffee.

With this bite, she seemed to be in the clouds. All the cells in her body were trembling, even more intensely than when she ate stinky tofu. What was even more terrible was the taste of fried egg rice, which was so delicious.

She closed her eyes and let the rich taste spread in her mouth. The rice grains were oily, chewy and chewy, and the eggs were smooth, fragrant and tender.

The taste of rice and eggs was simple and pure, but it was a taste that was once out of her reach.

She once thought that she was satisfied with eating that special stinky tofu, but now she”greedily” wanted more.

The chopsticks danced quickly, a bite of fried rice, a bite of green vegetables, and a bite of saury. Dong Xiang was like a famine crowd that had been hungry for more than ten years. She picked up everything she saw, and even didn’t let go of a garlic clove.

“Slow down, no one is competing with you…..Xiao You, you should eat slowly too.” Xia Tian looked at the two helplessly. These two really had only had a few full meals in their lives.

With a sigh, Xia Tian turned around and asked,”Xiao Qian, is your tracked vehicle still there? Can it run normally?”

“Yes, boss, do you need a car?” Xiao Qian answered without even raising her head. She was one of those people who had only had a few full meals in her life.

“Well, after you’re full, you can go back and drive over here. We may need to cross mountains and hills to set up our stall today.” Xia Tian also silently quickened his eating speed, fearing that he would not be able to compete with these three starving ghosts.


“Dong Xiang, we are going on a long trip this afternoon. Is it okay for you to take care of the dog at home for a few days?”

“”Hmm!” Dong Xiang didn’t have time to pay attention to what everyone was saying. She picked up a chicken leg and put it in her mouth. She swallowed it down with a few crisp sounds, not wanting to spit out the bones.

Then she took a big bite of rice.

“The feeling of being alive, this is the real flavor of life! This is the most delicious thing I have ever eaten in my life.……”Dong Xiang couldn’t help but burst into tears,”Before this, I had only eaten stinky tofu… Woo~ If I had three meals of white rice a day, I could work 20 hours a day without complaining!”

“???”Xiao You was stunned and couldn’t help but slow down his eating. He finally found this job, why is it so competitive?

Xia Tian smiled and said that he would talk after eating.

“I’m full!”The bowl of rice was quickly finished. A certain newly promoted woman, with a big belly, drank a bowl of chicken soup at the end, leaned back in the chair contentedly, showing a comfortable expression.

“Wait, what did you just say? Wherever you guys are going, I want to go too.”She suddenly shouted after realizing it, and she finally had a good meal. She couldn’t run away with her long-term meal ticket.

“You are not strong enough, it will be dangerous to follow.” Xia Tian put down the bowl and chopsticks, and then waved his hands,”Come, eat this devil fruit first.”

Seeing the familiar cloud pattern fruit, Xiao Qian and Xiao You paused and took a step back in unison, and ran away with the bowls in hand.

“We’re going to wash the dishes.”

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