Before dinner, the big and small came back excitedly.

Xiatian didn’t know what to buy, but the butterfly backpack of the small Binchotan was full.

Xiatian was worried that the little guy would fall over because he was wobbling with every step.

“Brother, this is your gift.”

As soon as she got home, Xiao Binchotan took out an eye mask. She knew that her brother was actually very lazy and wanted to sleep until the afternoon on weekends. This eye mask was just right for him.

Xia Tian was stunned, and her heart was warm. It was not in vain that she loved the little guy.

“Thank you Tantan, just tell me what you want to eat for lunch”

“”Brother, I’m going back to town later, can you come with me?” Xiaobinchotan looked expectant.

Xiatian couldn’t say no, so he nodded.

Stepping out of the cabin, Xiatian looked at the green forest around him. He was actually quite curious about this place.

“Brother, hurry up.”

The little guy led the way with his schoolbag on his back, and the two of them were carrying a dog’s rice bowl.

Passing by a stream, the little guy couldn’t help but stretch out his little hand to scoop up a sip of stream water, and smiled contentedly.

He stood up and walked out along the stream.

From time to time, animals appeared in front of Xiao Binchotan.

“Brother, this is a chipmunk, this is a little gray rabbit, and this is a civet cat……”

Little Binchotan knows all the animals. Although every rabbit and squirrel looks the same in summer, the little guy can tell them apart. Even the trees have their names.

At the end of the stream is a river. Little Binchotan sits on a tree trunk that spans the stream.

She used to like sitting there and swinging her little feet, but she can’t do that today. She is wearing bunny shoes that her brother just bought for her, and she is afraid of falling into the river.

But what remains unchanged is the comfort. The breeze blows gently, and little Binchotan even hums a song.

After a while, there was a quacking sound from the river.

Little Binchotan raised his head happily. The familiar mother duck swam over leisurely with a group of ducklings, followed by a turtle.

“”Mother Duck, Grandpa Turtle~” Little Binchotan waved his hands excitedly.

The two animals surrounded the little guy. He hadn’t seen them for several days and missed the little two-legged beast.

Little Binchotan carefully took out a handful of rice ears from his backpack,”Mother Duck, Grandpa Turtle~”…Thank you for your long-term care. This is my brother. Now I am living in the city with my brother. I can’t come back to see you every day. You should take care of yourself. Baby duck, grow up quickly.”

“Grandpa Turtle, these are the dried fish for you.”

The mother duck took the rice ears, quacked a few times, and swam away with the duckling. The turtle stretched out its head to touch the small Binchotan charcoal, and started eating it right there.

Not long after, the turtle left after eating the dried fish, and the small Binchotan charcoal waved behind.

The cabin was far away from the town of Mistanil. After climbing over the hill, the two people and the dog arrived at the bus stop. After waiting for a few minutes, crisp bird calls were heard in the air.

The small Binchotan charcoal happily held up a bag of acorns and waved at the sky.

In the blink of an eye, an eagle fell from the sky, and the small Binchotan charcoal handed the acorns to the eagle,”Thank you for the past~ This is my brother, I will live with my brother in the future…..I’ll come back to see you later~”

The eagle picked up the acorn, flapped its wings and flew away.

Xia Tian couldn’t understand all the way, how did the little one communicate with these animals, could she also listen to the voices of all things?

The next Pirate King Binchotan?

Did he feed the child the wrong fruit? The little one should have eaten the Nika fruit.

After saying goodbye to the eagle, little Binchotan looked at the dog and became troubled:”Brother, it’s a long way to go to the town. Can you fly with your bowl of rice?”

“Today we will go there by rice bowl.”

After saying that, Xia Tian took out the bird fruit in the form of a vulture and threw it to rice bowl.

As for food, rice bowl never refused it. After sniffing it, it swallowed it in one gulp.

Then a huge vulture appeared in front of them.

“Wow, the rice bowl has become so big~”

Little Binchotan surrounded the rice bowl and looked around excitedly.

“”Let’s go~”

The feeling of sitting on the back is completely different from being caught and flying. Little Binchotan looked at the people on the ground with joy.

They were all familiar uncles and aunts. She had been with her brother for less than a month, but it felt like she hadn’t seen them for a long time.

When flying over an exquisite manor, Little Binchotan was delighted to see a familiar carriage coming out.

“The rice bowl landed in front of that carriage”

“”Woof woof woof~” Fanwan responded obediently. Even though he had turned into a bird, his cry remained the same.

When they arrived in front of the carriage, a well-dressed rich lady got out. She should be Binchotan’s friend – Litan.

Seeing Binchotan, Litan happily took her hand and said,”Binchotan, where have you been these days? I haven’t seen you taking the Skybus?”

“Well, I went to the city, this is my brother……”

Xia Tian understood that he was just a tool today. Xiao Binchotan introduced him to everyone he met, as if he had something good to share with his friends.

“”Yue Tan, this book of Around the World is for you. Thank you for the past. I will come back to see you when I have time.”

Not long after, after saying goodbye to Ye Tan, I met Zhu Tan. This time, the little guy gave her a copy of Compendium of Materia Medica and a small Pukaxiu doll for her sister Xiao Xiao Zhu Lin.

Zhu Tan was so happy that she jumped three feet high.

“Thank you, Binchotan. I will work hard and go to a big city to find you.”

“I also want to thank you for your care. Goodbye. To read the novels of Bao Shuang, go to Feilu Novel Network! )

The gift to Lian Tan was a small wooden fish, so she didn’t have to take the one from her grandfather all the time.

Xia Tian didn’t know where the little guy bought this thing.

The last stop, Xiao Chang took Xia Tian to the valley where she often picked wild vegetables.

“Brother, let’s pick some wild vegetables and take them back to eat for ourselves and to send to Sister Jing and Sister Tuanzi….”The little girl counted on her fingers, she remembered all the people who were good to her.

Xia Tian nodded, got off the rice bowl and couldn’t help looking at the valley. It was really beautiful here.

“Tantan, to deliver so many people, you need to pick at least several baskets of 407. Thank you for your hard work.”

“Brother~ Little tan is not afraid of hard work~”

The two entered the valley, and birds flew over to greet little Binchotan.

The little guy smiled and waved to them, and introduced Xia Tian again.

Xia Tian smiled and began to pick wild vegetables.

The most abundant thing in the valley is ferns, each one is fresh and juicy. From Xia Tian’s chef’s perspective, they are all top-quality ingredients.

Little Binchotan picked a big mushroom and ran to Xia Tian to take credit,”Brother, look, is this edible?”

The moment Xia Tian saw the mushroom, the narration he had heard before rang in his mind,”Amanita phalloides, scientific name Amanita phalloides….”

“You can eat it, but you have to fry it before eating, otherwise you will be poisoned and see the elves.”

The little guy happily put the mushrooms in the basket,”Then give this to Sister Xiaoyou, she likes to see the elves the most”

“Haha, sure, sure.”

Xia Tian laughed when he heard the little guy’s words.

The two of them quickly picked several baskets of mushrooms and ferns.

It was enough for them to eat and give to others.[]

Xia Tian shouted,”Tan Tan, go home!”

“”Okay, brother.”

The little girl was very happy. She had come here alone for a long time before. She didn’t dare to pick the delicious mushrooms because her mother-in-law told her they were poisonous.

Today was different. She had a brother who knew these mushrooms.

With her brother, she was no longer alone.

They would go back together.

It was great to have a brother!

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