About a month ago, Dome’s parents were killed in a car accident, leaving Dome at the age of sixteen.

It was also on that day that I crossed into this world.

Unlike other crossers who have crossed as if they have been reborn to enjoy happiness, in this hierarchical neon society, they can only foresee the streets without any identification materials.

At that time, a young girl named Dome held a photo and said that she was her long-lost brother.

Therefore, he has an upright identity in this neon society.

This avoided starving to death in the neon streets.

It is worth mentioning that even if she thinks she is her brother, Dome does not force herself to change her name to Kasugano, and can still use her original name.

In a way, the dome is indeed a lifesaver to itself.

It is precisely because of this, coupled with his love for Qiong in his previous life, that he decided to stay in Qiong’s family and take on the responsibility of an older brother.

Of course, this older brother is not a blood brother.

Shaking his head, without thinking about these things again, Makuyu’s eyes once again fell on the picture of his parents, or more accurately, on the slight black fog on the photo.

In other words, what exactly is this black fog?

If memory serves, the dome originally had this black fog, but it later disappeared.

Is the soul left behind after death?

Or something else?

However, the color black is not a better color.

While Mu Yusheng was thinking, a sudden change appeared—I saw that the originally calm black fog began to change, gradually solidifying into a monster.

Looking closely, this monster looks similar to a human, but its eyes are two large black holes, its mouth is full of blood-colored scarlet, and its body is full of black fog, which looks extremely ominous and disgusting.

At the same time, there was also a voice full of malice in his ears——

“Can you see it?”

“Can you see me?”


As if to make Mu Yusheng hear more clearly, the monster’s neck instantly lengthened and came closer.


Seeing the monster in front of him, Mu Yusheng’s heartbeat instantly accelerated, and he subconsciously wanted to retreat.

It’s just that the next moment, seeing the dome that is very close to him, he can’t help but resist this urge.

Because after the elongation of that monster’s neck, it is now very close to the dome, and it is relatively far away from itself.

If you retreat now, it will be difficult for the dome closer to the monster to dodge in time, and there is a high probability that it will be attacked.

Of course, the reason why Mu Yusheng was able to hold back and not move was even more because of the voice full of malice in his ears——

“Can you see?”

If memory serves, this familiar phrase full of malice … The appearance of this monster coincides with the supernatural monster in an October drama called “Visible Girl” that he watched before he crossed over.

This drama is probably about an ordinary neon high school student named Miko Yotsutani who suddenly sees the supernatural everywhere one day, and for various reasons has to choose to ignore the supernatural and start the exciting “visible” daily story.

Because in this drama’s worldview, only the ‘seeing’ with the supernatural will be harmed, and as long as you pretend to ignore it, you will not receive any harm.

Coupled with the weakness of the spirit removal forces in the world of “Visible Girl”, Shitsuya Miko could only choose to ignore this simplest and most difficult solution.

It’s just-

It is clear that the sister who picked herself up home is a dome, this world should be an everyday world like “The Sky of Fate”, how can there be such a supernatural drama setting?

Could it be that the world background of this world should be the background of the comic world that you have seen?

Or is it the kind that does not distinguish between the daily supernatural?

If you say so, will there be any terrifying monsters such as Tomoe Kawakami and Naiatoratip next?

If you simply join a worldview, if you have other worldviews, then your next life is estimated to be directly GG.

But before that, think that these are useless things, or find a way to get through the current dangerous situation.

Thinking about this, Mu Yusheng’s eyes slowly swept the supernatural monster in front of him.

At this time, this spirit did not do more, but was still saying that malicious word——

“Can you see me?”

In other words, is this the spirit that Yotsuya Miko chose to ignore in the original work?

I have to say that watching it up close is really disgusting and uncomfortable.

As a high school student, it is really not easy for Miko Yotsuya to be able to resist not barking.

Fortunately, he himself has experienced this kind of thing, coupled with the two lifetimes as a person, the ability to accept and calm is also extreme, and there is not much reaction.

If you see the child worldview, as long as you show that you don’t see this monster, you won’t be attacked and won’t be harmed in any way.

Only at this time, as his consciousness concentrated, a black and white panel from the system suddenly appeared in front of him, and the following words were written on the panel

Paranormal Codename: None

Mystery: 35

Unlike human attributes, this panel only has two attributes: ‘supernatural codename’ and ‘mystery’.

Seeing this scene, Mu Yusheng’s eyes moved slightly.

This is…… New usage of the system?

Can supernatural attributes be displayed?

But in the current situation, what is the use of this ability?

This waste system… At the beginning, there was no newbie explanation that it was all up to oneself to explore it, and now at this critical moment, can’t you give yourself some power to resist the supernatural?

It’s really … Half in the bag.

Since there is no way to kill this spirit, it is better to keep the dome away from this spirit first.

Judging from the situation seen in the original work, although the supernatural will not hurt people who cannot see it, staying together for a long time will also have certain negative effects, so it is better not to get too close.

Thinking about this, Mu Yusheng took a deep breath and suppressed many thoughts in his heart.

Immediately afterwards, he stretched out his hand and slowly placed it on Qiong’s shoulder.

PS: New books are not easy, ask for collections, ask for flowers, ask for tips….

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