Seeing this, Mu Yusheng couldn’t help but secretly say something bad.

If this continues, he is really afraid that he will not be able to hold back and stage a ‘large-scale closed-door educational film’ here.


With his own personality, he should be able to close the door, and it is impossible to do something that will GHS without closing the door.



What are you thinking?

Obviously, before the dome came out completely, he couldn’t do anything to her!

Sure enough, in the face of a beautiful girl like Dome, it is still difficult to hold it.

Thinking about this, Mu Yusheng shook his head violently and said with great perseverance: “You are not old enough. ”

Hearing this, Qiong’s eyes widened instantly, and he asked with an incredulous look——

“Not old enough?”

“I’m old enough, okay?”

“It’s okay to do whatever you want to me with.”

Ignoring the silver-haired girl’s words, Makuyu quickly picked up the wooden knife on the table and walked forward.

At the same time, his voice came——

“Dome-chan, if we don’t go to school again, we’ll be late!”

“Also, remember to close the door.”




Looking at Mu Yusheng’s back, a silver-haired girl couldn’t help but frown.


“Brother, cowardly!”

Muttering like this, he picked up his packed bag, walked out of the door and closed the door, and then quickened his pace to keep up with Makisha who was walking in front.

Wait until the two are level.

As if thinking of something, the silver-haired girl suddenly pulled the corner of Mu Yusheng’s clothes, and then stopped.

Feeling the pull on his body, Mu Yusheng was slightly stunned, and also stopped.

He turned around, looked at the dome in front of him, and asked with a puzzled expression: “Dome-chan, what’s wrong!” ”


Without answering directly, the silver-haired girl just tilted her head slightly and said, “Take this with you.” ”

While speaking, she took the bag behind her back to the front and stretched out her hand to look inside.

Immediately afterwards, he took out something and handed it to the teenager in front of him.

“This is?”

Asking in his mouth, Mu Yusheng subconsciously took the thing handed to him by the dome.

After looking carefully, his eyes lit up slightly, and he asked, “Rosary?” ”


Hearing Mu Yusheng’s words, Dome nodded lightly and said, “This is what I found from home, you have to carry it as much as possible.” ”

Saying that, the silver-haired girl’s eyes revealed a trace of worry, and she said her thoughts——

“My brother is holding a wooden knife, he is going to go to school to remove spirits, right?”

“Although I don’t know if it’s useful, after thinking about it, it’s safer to take this with you.”

Hearing this, Mu Yusheng was slightly stunned.

But after thinking about it, Qiong’s guess is really at least half right.

In fact, in addition to other factors, the reason why I must bring a wooden knife to school is also considered in this regard.

After all, judging from the neon so many campus strange legends, there is a high probability that there are evil spirits in the school.

In this case, you can take a wooden knife to remove spirits in the campus, obtain the corresponding materials and mystery points, and then enhance your mysteriousness.

As a native neon, Dome is even more familiar with these campus strange stories.


‘Understood’ his intentions, so Dome was so worried about himself that he wanted to give this rosary to himself.

Thinking about this, even if he understood that he was in an invincible state of ‘the visible will kill, the invisible will not be harmed’, Mu Yusheng’s heart could not help but cross a warm current.

Still shook his head and said, “I have this in hand, and the rosary is still what you need more.” ”


Hearing this, Qiong shook his head sharply and said, “Brother, you have to face evil spirits, so you need this even more.” ”

Listening to the words of the firmament, Makyu’s eyes looked at the rosary in his hand.

With the movement of his thoughts, the panel of this rosary appeared in front of his eyes——

Name: Rosary (can be renamed).

Mystery: 15

Effect: It has a slight impact on the supernatural, can resist the supernatural below 15 mysterious level, and has a certain attraction ability to the supernatural with 16 mystical level and above

Number of blessings: 0/2

Withstands extreme mystery: 120

Seeing the attributes of this rosary, especially in terms of its specific effects, Mu Yusheng couldn’t help but fall into thought.

Originally, he checked the attributes of the rosary just to see if he could bless this rosary, so that it has the power to resist evil spirits, and when the time comes, let the dome carry it as a talisman.

But I didn’t expect to see something extra.

Do you have a certain ability to attract evil spirits?

In this way, the evil spirit in the family is not necessarily the parents of the firmament, or it may just be attracted by the rosary, right?

But now there is little point in talking about these Buddhas, that evil spirit has been killed by himself.


To some extent, this rosary is the most suitable for self who is worried that there are no evil spirits to kill.

Anyway, she is ‘invincible’, and there is no need to be afraid of how many evil spirits she has attracted, on the other hand, with her weak body, this rosary is not suitable for her to carry.

After all, even if you can’t see it and can’t do direct damage, evil spirits can affect themselves in various ways, such as using various small movements to scare people, or clinging to absorbing Yang Qi to make people hungry.

It is said that it is impossible to directly harm, but it is only impossible to really hurt until they observe each other.

And Mu Yusheng suspected that when people were tortured to a certain extent, evil spirits could let people see it, thus directly causing real damage.

All things considered, the dome is very unsuitable for contact with evil spirits.

Thinking about this, Maki Yusheng did not hesitate any longer and put the rosary in his hand into his pocket.

Seeing this scene, a smile appeared on Qiong’s face.

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