Outside the gate of Somu Gao.

Looking at the heavy rain that seemed to be pouring in front of him, Mu Yusheng, who had those wooden knives in his hand, couldn’t help but frown.

This rain is really evil!

It also fell too much, much heavier than the rain brought by the typhoon, and definitely reached the level of a heavy rainstorm.

But I haven’t heard of a typhoon landing in this neon place recently, how can there be such heavy rain?

Fortunately, I got an umbrella from Jing Cute side, otherwise it is estimated that I can wring out half a bucket of water on my clothes when I go home.

However, in such a heavy rain, even if you have an umbrella, you may not be able to completely protect yourself, you still have to act quickly.

Thinking about this, according to the description given to him by the morning dome, Makuha Sheng walked directly towards a road that he did not often walk.

In this way, holding an umbrella in one hand and a wooden knife in the other, the boy marched quickly in the rain.


It took about half an hour for him to walk to the door of the dessert shop called ‘Butt Daifuku’.

The reason why it took so long was because I had never been to this place, and all the location information was spoken from the dome.


In the process of traveling, he even got lost halfway through, and finally managed to reach this place after asking passers-by.

At this moment, he just wanted to say one thing-

What is this special meow called nearby?

It’s almost out of the school district, okay?

But the next moment, seeing the dessert shop with its door still open not far away, Mu Yusheng secretly breathed a sigh of relief in his heart.

Fortunately, the door is not closed yet, otherwise I really don’t know how to tell Qiong about this.

It can’t be said that it is to remove the spirit of ‘other beautiful girls’, so it is delayed, right?

If you say that, the state of the dome will definitely explode.


Of course, now that you’re catching up, you don’t have to worry about these things.

However, although the rain is much lighter now, with the fact that there are few people on the street, I am afraid that this dessert shop is about to close, right?

It has to be done as soon as possible.

Thinking like this, Mu Yusheng hurriedly stepped forward and walked to the door of the dessert shop.

The next moment, looking at the five or six desserts marked with soft terms in the store, his face couldn’t help but show a hint of entanglement.

In other words, Dome didn’t say which dessert he wanted, so many desserts should he buy that?

Never mind.

Just ask her.

Thinking about this, Maki Yusheng took out his mobile phone and sent a line message to Dome.

Then he stood where he was, quietly waiting for the firmament to give him a reply.

Only in the next moment, as if he had thought of something, Mu Yusheng’s eyes couldn’t help but look around the dessert shop.

If memory serves, in the second episode of the original book, next to this dessert shop called ‘Butt Daifuku’, there is a super large evil spirit eating the evil spirit in line.

It just surprised him that—

Although he looked around here very seriously, he did not see any evil spirits, not even the black mist.

Obviously, there are no evil spirits around.

Did he come so early that the evil spirits that existed here later did not appear?

Still is?

For a while, Mu Yusheng was puzzled.

But it doesn’t matter, his most important task this time is to buy dessert for the dome.

Thinking about this, he withdrew his troubled thoughts and continued to wait.

However, after waiting like this for about ten minutes, Mu Yusheng did not see the silver-haired girl’s reply.

Really…… Is it important work?

Otherwise, with the character of the firmament, it would not be possible to ignore his own news for so long.

With this thought flashing in his mind, Mu Yusheng couldn’t help but frown.

If this continues, the dessert shop will close its doors.

You know, the time when he herded someone just came over was close to the closing time of the dessert shop.

Now, it is estimated that the staff inside are ready to close, right?

So what should I do?

You can’t buy all these desserts with soft terms, can you?

Just as he was thinking, a slightly sweet voice came from his ears——


“Haven’t you chosen the dessert you need?”

“If your favorite dessert is not available now, you can come back tomorrow and buy it.”

Looking at the staff of the dessert shop in front of him wearing overalls, Mu Yusheng was stunned.

Is it closing?


After all, it is about five o’clock in the afternoon, and it is still raining heavily outside, it is estimated that there will not be many customers, and it is understandable that it is closed.

To some extent, being able to delay the proofing until this time is probably also a reason why I have been at the door.

If you read it correctly, in the past ten minutes, the staff member in front of him has looked towards his side more than once.

Thinking about this, Mu Yusheng’s heart couldn’t help but sigh slightly.

Then, without too much hesitation, he pointed to five or six desserts with soft nouns, and he said aloud——

“So be it.”

“Let’s make a copy of all of them.”

Anyway, I just made a million neon coins, so I don’t have to save money, and it doesn’t hurt to buy these desserts with soft terms.

PS: New books are not easy, ask for collections, ask for flowers, ask for tips….

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