Two years:

The man lives with his family in the mountains on the edge of the village.

Accident is a kind-hearted family, and you get along with them for the time being and are entertained.

During this time, you caught Shanzhen as a thank you gift.

During this period, well-wishers have a practice of helping you find your relatives, but you naturally don’t have half a relative to speak of.

As a modern person, although his brain has been broken, he has no past memory.

However, the foundation of modern education is still there, and you will soon learn the local language and speech with the help of the eldest daughter of this family.

This poor family is called the [Stove Family], and they have been selling charcoal for a living.

You get along well with the family’s eldest daughter and eldest son.

In the same year, you gave up your life of sleeping rough and chose to build your own small house near this family.

Three years:

Completely detach from the identity of the wild man and sort out the image.

The crowd was shocked to find that the wild man in the mountain was not low in appearance.

Savages are not common, and savages with such a handsome base are basically myths.

Speaking of fairy tales, there is Ashisayama Kintaro in ancient times, and he changed his name to Sakata Kintoki.

According to this allusion, you, the amnesiac, named Sakata Gin, until you accidentally thought that your name was Qiao Qiao…


The stove family has been selling charcoal for generations.

For the time being, you help start the charcoal selling business.

Handsome, temperament and natural conversation under modern education, the villagers who did not know what to do once thought that the poor charcoal seller had found a golden turtle son-in-law.

This makes you quickly become a big red man in the village and the dream lover of the village girl.

During this period, I even had the experience of being pulled into a straw pile by a hungry and thirsty village girl, but fortunately, I was discovered and stopped by the eldest daughter of the stove family in time.

In the eyes of others, you seem to have the attributes of a child son-in-law.


Four years:

The fierce man who can kill the mountain god with an axe Tanjuro dies and enjoys Chinese New Year’s Eve.


Five years:

With the loss of the pillars, the family had a harder time.

Amnesia makes you forget your knowledge without taking away your common sense and instincts.

In the steel jungle, the method that has become instinctive is very clumsy in modern times, but it is quite useful in this era.

You accidentally helped the Zaomen family open up new business routes.

The life of the charcoal seller family is getting better and better.

Five years of deep winter:

Although you have not recovered your memory, your life is ordinary, but you feel okay.

Carry out charcoal selling business.

You have a dog.

Occasionally help with children with stove doors.

Learn how to dance with the eldest son of the stove family.

Go to the mountains with the eldest daughter of the stove family.

No one picks mushrooms better than you.

Just when you thought life would go on like this.

Your mind suddenly sees strange things talking to other people.

They call themselves Joe Bridge.

However, you don’t have time to worry about the strange things that appear in your head.

Because, your dog is dead.

The charcoal selling family collapsed.

His own house collapsed.

The little ones you’ve been taking with you are also poured in pools of blood.

Except for Tanjiro, who sold charcoal, none of them were spared.

You find a man in a suit.

You instinctively know who the murderer is. The chest seemed to be pressed by something, and breathing became difficult.

You remember the days when you used to fight wild beasts in the mountains and pick up an axe.

Then, you are killed in seconds, and you lose a hand and a foot.

However, your wildness attracts the interest of the suit man, and you are infused with derived ghost blood.

You are forced to convert races.

[Human] transforms into [Devil].

The current bloodline is graded inferior ghosts, which are dominated by the ghost king…

If chat groups….

If there are no chat groups, perhaps your ego ends here.

You entered a chat sharing group….

You shared the Joe Bridge panel.

[Constant Thinking (Qiao Qiao)]: Unconditionally weakens the spiritual influence of the inferior ghost, eliminates the spiritual influence of inferior ghosts – eliminates the impulse to cannibalize.

Eliminating the influence of Misery on the spirit of ghosts – can make human beings lose their rational memory after transformation and be subject to their spiritual domination.


The existence of Qiao Qiao chat group allows a kind of person to share the information of Crazy Qiao Qiao, and also have a general understanding of why this Qiao Qiao is crazy.

“Good guy, this is a journey to the world of Ghost Slayer’s Blade. ”

The reason why everyone can determine that it is the Ghost Slayer Blade World is because Ghost Slayer Qiao Qiao has now been transformed into a cheap low-level demon.

The kind that is called by the boss of crumbs and hacked to death at will.

Ninja Joe Bridge”: Well, you are a child husband-in-law, seeing that your family has beans, you still don’t know what world you have entered? Don’t you hurry up and move with the stove family? ”

[Amnesiac] has been renamed [Ghost Destroying Qiao Bridge].

Ghost Qiao Qiao: “I TM has amnesia, and the devil knows this.” ”



Ghost Kill Qiao Qiao: “Okay, I’m a ghost.” ”

“However, thanks to the existence of the chat group Qiao Qiao panel, especially that skill, otherwise my next fate will probably be like the original gang of ghosts, which has been reduced to a tool ghost that the boss can discard at any time.”

“After all, according to the insulting character of the infected person, I can already think about how bleak my life will be when I become a devil.”

It was precisely because of the experience of the evil ghost Qiao Qiao that Qiao Qiao suddenly realized the power of [constant thinking].

“This thing, divine skill.”

Comprehensive Qiao Qiao: “Amnesia, loss of control, brainwashing, even if it becomes the cannibalistic impulse of the evil ghost, these factors are actually excluded.” ”

Marvel Joe Bridge: “How buggy this ability is!” The spirit cannot be affected by any situation, and the consciousness is still myself. ”

“This is a way to ensure that in the ten thousand worlds, Qiao Qiao determines that he is still Qiao Qiao!”

Ghost Destroyer Qiao Qiao: “However, speaking of which, you guys see, my evil bloodline seems to have been rejected outside the panel.” ”


[Demon (Subordinate) (Incomplete) (Big Defect)]: Defect ability, unless the defect is solved, it cannot be integrated into the panel.

Get rid of flaws achievements:

[Take Blue Flower]: Become a subordinate ghost that is not harmed by sunlight.

[Get rid of the demon control]: There is only one way to get rid of it completely, and that is to kill the infected person.

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