Chapter 0061 That prophetic ability, is it your stand-in ability! Joe Bridge!!

“The answer, of course, is, resurrection!”

“Is this something that can be done?”

Joseph was surprised, and Bobo was about to move

“No, I’m the only one who can do it.”

Qiao Qiao did not hide it, but it was too troublesome to explain, so he said: “This is all the power of the stand-in. ”

“Stand-in… It’s possible.”

“Speaking of which, in the end, although I sank into the sea with other arrows, there was an arrow that I left in a certain safe, did I get it?”

“I received it, however, you don’t have an instruction manual on it. It took me fifty years later when I was accidentally cut to discover the secret of the arrow. ”

When he said this, Joseph sighed: “It turns out that the stand-in came like this.” In this way, I have the strength to fight Dior. ”

Different from the original, because Dior’s awakening led to the awakening of the Qiao family.

Joseph was accidentally cut by the arrow sent by Joe Bridge before he awakened the stand-in.

However, it wasn’t until fifty years later, and it wasn’t until Dio was resurrected = mastering this power as if it were a coincidence, which also indirectly explained the power of fate in the JOJO world, Joseph, of course, suspected that this person was fake

“With all the information I provided, how did it go, Cesar?”

“That guy, of course, survived, but broke your prophecy, didn’t you keep saying that the Zibelin family is a short-lived guy!”

Speaking of which, Joseph is a little up.

“Haha, I should stay in Italy to play grandson now, I heard that he is a good boy on horseback.”

In this emergency, Joseph could naturally call on this best friend for help.

But Joseph didn’t want to spoil his best friend’s happy old age.


Hearing the news that Cesar had violated his prophecy and was alive, Qiao Qiao was not disappointed, but laughed happily.

Because Cesar is alive, it means that he has finally rewritten a tragedy in this world full of fatalism.

“You m… No, how is Lisa Lisa. ”

“Oh, it’s over.”

Speaking of Cesa’s happiness, and then to Lisa Lisa, Joseph, who instantly looked strange, looked at Qiao Qiao in horror: “You guy, should you do that?!” ”

A “come, call daddy” is enough for Joseph to break his defenses today. ”

Fortunately, it was enough for Qiao Qiao to see this reaction.

“Speaking of which, can you explain your current ripple breathing, is your current ripple breathing too strong…”

Joseph was most skeptical of this ripple breathing.

Because in memory, that person is a hard-mouthed man full of theoretical practice on ripple breathing.

But now…

Even Joseph, who had not breathed with ripples for many years, could feel the terrifying intensity of Joe Bridge’s ripples now.

“Are you thinking that although it is comparable to the hundredfold ripple of the perfect creature Kaz, the strength of this ripple is still not at the level of a human.”

Qiao Qiao said

“You guy! Wouldn’t have died then! Hide in the corner and peek! ”

Joseph exclaimed directly.

I can’t help but doubt it.

Because, the hundredfold ripple of the perfect creature Kaz melted Joseph’s knee, which has been hidden in his heart for fifty years.

The reason, perhaps, is simply that he doesn’t want others to know that Kaz can learn more about ripples.

“At that time, people were dead.”

“Then how do you… Or is it to be classified as a stand-in ability again? ”

Take a sip of ice and Joseph, who is in a particularly complicated mood.

Originally, it was suspected that this person was fake, but now the real fake can no longer be managed.

Because looking at this face, Joseph missed the old days.

“You’re still exactly the same as you were fifty years ago.”

“Of course, you have gone through fifty years, but I still have the years at that time.”

“So, resurrection, I say, if joining you is really a resurrection, what are you going to do next? What’s the plan? ”

“First of all, I want to help you defeat Dior and transcend your destiny.”

Qiao Qiao looked at the others.

“I hate the so-called fatalism, so I want to help you break it.”


As soon as Jotaro Kujo took his hat, he had to lie down directly.

Seventeen-year-olds do not yet recognize fate.

However, Joseph jumped straight out

“Jotaro, he is very serious about this. This guy has the ability to prophesy, even stronger than Abdel. ”

Abdleton was stunned, he was indeed able to make prophecies, and he also used this to name the platinum star.

“So can you predict what we’ll eat tonight?”

Berunarev asked curiously.

“You can’t do that kind of thing!”

Joseph shouted.

“When I was young, I always thought it was a lie, until I reminisced in middle age, and I found that Qiao Qiao’s prophecy had never been wrong, the battle with Kaz, the evolution of the world situation, the result of the war, the process, and the retrospection, and found that they were all said by this person.”

“It is also by relying on this person’s explanation of the world situation that the Spivarden consortium can develop into the world’s largest enterprise.”

“Now that I think about it, that prophetic ability, is it your stand-in ability! Joe Bridge! ”

Nowadays, Joseph only needs to talk about the miracle at that time to push the power of the stand-in, as if he has a clear explanation of some impossible.

After all, Joseph’s own purple hermit is the ability to read, that is, to read and write things that he does not know.

If Qiao Qiao has a stand-in who can predict the future, it seems to be possible!

“I don’t have a stand-in.”

“The price of resurrection is the sacrifice of a stand-in?”

Joseph asked.

“I want to be a stand-in messenger, I need arrows. But, until then, I want to leave that to you. ”

After Qiao Qiao finished speaking, he placed a stack of documents in front of Jotaro, Abdel, and Berunarev.

“Comic books?”

“The style of this painting is very peculiar, and the people in it always think that the features are very similar”

It can only be said that it is familiar, and Berunarev took a few sheets of paper and wondered: “There is no story, only about the death of the character?” ”

“The image of a man in a wheelchair dying and his hairstyle as good as mine always annoys me.”

“This person over here is directly left with only his hands, what’s going on.”

Abdel looked at the picture and said curiously.

Jotaro Kujo held a picture showing many people sleeping together on the sea, without saying a word…

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