Chapter 0076 Ninja Qiao Qiao: Sealing is also a lock, look at me to open the lock spell!

“Shui Dun!”

“Lei Dun!”


“It’s so hard, it’s worthy of Mu Duan… However, it will definitely take a lot of Chakra to drive this level of Mu Duan, and as long as he exhausts his Chakra, it will be our victory. ”

In the root ninja does not know the truth about Mu Duan, in order to prevent Mu Dun from absorbing Chakra closely, it is a big mistake to use ninjutsu in long-range attacks.

“Hold on, hold on, they actually want to use ninjutsu to consume the chakra of the jutsu user.”

Qiao Qiao wanted to laugh as he listened to their tactics.

But suddenly a ninja crossed the obstacles and threw a scroll towards Qiao Qiao.

“Sealing, four-lock seal.”

The scroll contains four chains, including a lock, and Pu completely wraps Qiao Qiao when he touches it.

“As long as you hit this sealing technique, your Chakra can’t run, obediently tie your hands, huh???”

However, the ninja saw a wooden staff that Qiao Qiao didn’t know where to pull out.

“Lockpicking Charm.”

Towards the sealing mechanism a little.

The lock chain that should have sealed the user Chakra was untied by itself immediately.

“It seems that the idealistic spell I exercised at Hogwarts is still useful, as long as the spiritual power is enough, the sealing technique is also a lock, and the lock picking spell can also be opened.”

Qiao Qiao, who had completed an experiment, chuckled.

“However, you can’t tell them that the timeline is extended, as long as a person who understands escapes, spreading the news will bring me a lot of trouble.”

“So, settle it here.”

Joe Bridge took out another Hogwarts wand from the chat group.

Eleven inches of wand, made of yew wood with phoenix feathers.

The purple shirt symbolizes death and resurrection, and the owner of the yew wand is often believed to have been given the power of life and death.

Qiao Qiao had something he wanted to try, so he took out the purple shirt wood wand 513 and double-palmed one.

The wand is also a wooden wand and operates with the art of wooden escape.

Even the dead wood was quickly given life and grew wildly.

In the end, it turned into a purple-shirted wooden statue more than four meters tall.

“Mu Dun. The Art of the Wooden Man! ”

The original user was Zhujian, with a huge wooden chakra to create a huge wooden arhat, powerful, both offensive and defensive, is one of the strongest ninjutsu of Mudu, according to the “Book of Formation” data, Yamato controlled by the whirlpool absolute A Fei used similar to the real thousands of hands of ninjutsu is actually the art of the wooden man, can launch the five basic attributes of ninjutsu, can also launch an attack similar to the top Buddha.

And now Qiao Qiao uses the art of the wooden man is not as good as the two.

Moreover, because of the different users, the image of the wooden god statue is different from the two, it is the image of the demon Buddha with three sides and six arms, just like the meaning of life and death represented by the purple shirt wood.

The root ninjas were stunned when they saw Qiao Qiao create a wooden statue.

Among them, there is even more trepidation, fear, shock.

After all, although the original True Thousand Hands is a secret in Konoha, everyone who knows the secret knows how terrifying the original Buddha statue is, even if the statue of this god used by this Mudu is a little smaller.

“Spread out! Look what power that idol has. ”


However, this conversation is already their last conversation.

“No chance, world, stop time!”

The white-gold giant [World Transcendence] appeared, temporarily time.

“Avadaso Curse.”

The magician can only aim his wand at one person when using the Death Charm.

However, now the huge statue of the same material as the wand behind Qiao Qiao has three sides and six arms, and each finger on the palm of the six sides can be a wand.

Dispersed, burst.

The statue resembles Godzilla, who uses a laser from his back in Tokyo, and emits countless green lights.

Using the Death Spell under such an increase is as if it is not Qiao Qiao alone, but an entire team using this unforgivable spell at the same time.

Throughout the environment, the six root ninjas are shrouded in an unforgivable death curse.

As Qiao Qiao chanted ‘Time begins to flow’, the Death Seeker Spell hit the enemy one after another, and the plural life slowly dissipated from the human shell.

Silence, tranquility, one by one the root ninja fell asleep as if falling to the ground.

“Time stops adding the Avadaso Curse, as long as I don’t have enough shame, this is an invincible cooperation.”

Time stops, invincible limiting skills.

Avadaso Curse, both Death Spell.

With the cooperation of the two, the hit rate of the original hit rate of the Avadaso Fate Curse is infinitely close to 100%, as long as the existence of creatures that are not immune to the Death Curse is unable to resist this set of combos.

It can be said that with this cooperation skill, Qiao Qiao is already able to kill small bosses in some worlds.


Qiao Qiao finally saw the sun that had not been seen for a long time.

Qiao Qiao, who took his clothes from one of the roots and disguised himself as a root, walked all the way towards the unknown town.

Along the way, you can hear a lot of wind noise.

Among them, what shocked Qiao Qiao the most was, of course… The war is over.

“It’s over, how long the hell have I been sleeping!”

Qiao Qiao sighed.

The war left an indelible mark on him in the ninja world.

Now that he wakes up, if the war is not over, he may have to return to the war.

In addition, another news that Qiao Qiao got was that Bofeng Shuimen had ascended the throne and Orochimaru’s defection had made a lot of noise in the Land of Fire.

Orochimaru defected, and in the eyes of the people of the Fire Nation, it was probably a general who had achieved considerable military achievements and suddenly rebelled.

Why did you suddenly give up your glory to be a traitor, I don’t understand.

Puyi people don’t know much about things, but Qiao Qiao clearly understands that this is the inertia of the plot.

While he, the crosser, was still struggling on the front line because of his inability, something happened as always.

And Qiao Qiao finally understood why he encountered the root ninja who came up to destroy the experimental body at the experimental site.

At this time, the situation should be that the matter of the big snake pill was exposed, and the ape flying faction began to investigate thoroughly, and Tuan Zang was anxious to shake off the black pot on his body, so he quickly arranged the destruction team.

And now the destruction team suddenly lost its movement, which was enough for Tuan Zang to sleep not very peacefully these days.

“Speaking of which, I really thank those two for being able to leave the village so easily.”

And the reason why Qiao Qiao left the border of Ninja Village so easily is probably thanks to the big snake pill and Tuanzo.

The rumor said that in order to prevent the big snake pill from escaping, he increased the strict defense, and Qiao Qiao found that he actually ran away, and this tight defense was not tight at all, and it was even full of loopholes.

In the chat group, Qiao Qiao, the thief’s daddy who had considerable experience in this area, immediately said with malice: I am afraid that this is a tacit agreement and transaction between the big snake pill and Tuan Zang.

Even if Orochimaru chooses to defect, the fame and popularity accumulated by the previous election of the fourth generation of Hokage can be lost, and Orochimaru does not care.

However, the pill of the big snake defected, and the group hiding in it must be implicated.

After all, what is hidden in this two cauldrons of Konoha, the reader knows well.

Perhaps, now Tuanzang is actually more nervous than defecting to the Great Snake Pill, because if the Great Snake Pill is really caught…

The first accomplice to kick the explosion when Orochimaru came back must be Tuanzo, so, is it still inappropriate for him to hide this Konoha Root boss?

It is impossible to be a rebel forbearance for Danzo to run away, if he is kicked out of Konoha’s power circle, he will still be a Hokage for seven days in the future!

Therefore, Tuan Zang held up the gambling big snake pill at this time and was not caught.

In order to ensure that the big snake pill is not caught, there must be a bunch of loopholes for this layer of strict protection.


Let the subordinates give false information to Zilai who is chasing all the way, and report to the big snake pill here, or what small actions must not stop.

Therefore, Qiao Qiao felt that he had also caught the right time, so that it was impossible to easily enter and exit the border of Konoha Village through normal times.

After all, the Ninja Village is a Spartan involution management, and if the ninja is a single missile that dares to run because it is not happy with the Ninja Village, then how can the Ninja Village live.

Therefore, it is really normal for there to be so many traitors in just a few villages.

Or something.

“If you think Yunying Village is not good, then you will go and build Yunyin Village.”

“If you think that ninjas are poor, then go and become a sand shadow to change the sand ninja village.”

“If you are light, Konoha will not be dark.”

Several villages are full of a crazy PUA subordinate ninja.

Qiao Qiao sneered, when he arrived at the border of the Fire Nation.

In fact, the current Qiao Qiao has two options.

The first choice, fart back to Konoha, it is impossible to follow with the fourth generation, after all, the plot kills the character and the short-lived person.

As for letting the three generations be the backstage, and then, as a tool like Tenzo Yamato, the dark part, wait for the Nine Tails Rebellion, and after the death of the fourth generation, the third generation will return to the throne.

Then, Qiao Qiao’s wooden body will become a political tool between the third generation of Mu Yuan Fei and Tuan Zang, but no matter what kind of struggle this old man pulls each other, anyway, in the end, it will not hurt his muscles and make sense, no matter how they do, they also have a bottom line, they will not eliminate each other, this is the benefit of ‘same class and squad’.

“Fetters? Bah, same flow of dirt. ”

Qiao Qiao understood that a big man always said that another big man was valuable and could not die, and then let the little people below fight and die.


As for the second option

“The sky is high and the birds fly!”

Ninja Joe Bridge looked at the blue sky and made a decision.

“A sentence for the sake of Konoha, for the rise of Konoha, don’t let them endure dignity, directly arrange for them to enter the research society, inject cancer cells, really have you!”

“So, what should I do next, now at the point in time, by the way, is it possible for me to go to the Land of Water to pick up leaks?”

Ninja Qiao Qiao clasped his hands together and decided his current general direction…

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